The two-story villa of the Ta Village Committee is Li Yaodong's exclusive office, so this villa is very luxurious and covers a larger area.

Each floor has an area of ​​more than 600 square meters.

And Li Yaodong's studio is also close to 90 square meters.

Originally, everyone in the studio subconsciously looked outside after hearing the buzzing sound coming from outside.

However, after hearing what Li Yaodong said, they subconsciously looked at Li Yaodong again.


The more interesting thing mentioned before?

Puzzles appeared in their eyes.

Originally, Li Yaodong said that he would continue to take them to the temple fair in the afternoon, and then the other party said that he would take them to see more interesting things.

As a result, when they came to the villa of the village committee, they actually saw an active phased array radar here.

Moreover, this radar is actually used to prevent and control wild boars.


At this point, they all thought that the more interesting thing that Li Yaodong mentioned before was the active phased array radar.

After all, this thing is really interesting, and they have never even seen it before. At that time, few of them recognized this active phased array radar.

But now, after listening to Uncle Dong Li Yaodong's words, they realized that the more interesting thing that Uncle Dong Li Yaodong mentioned before did not seem to refer to the active phased array radar.

So what is this more interesting thing?

Thinking of this, everyone's eyes showed doubts.


'More interesting? '

After hearing his uncle Dong Li Yaodong's words, Li Qisheng also subconsciously looked at his uncle Dong, but unlike the others present, he first noticed that his uncle Dong had a bad smile on his mouth.

Suddenly, his heart skipped a beat.

In his opinion, their uncle Dong took out this active phased array radar and scanned those people, which was already provoking the sensitive nerves of the officials.

And now, their uncle Dong Li Yaodong is going to take out something more interesting.

He even showed this kind of smile.


Li Yaodong also felt the gazes of the crowd, and he was speechless: "Why are you looking at me? Look out the window, the more interesting things are outside the window."

"Oh oh." At this moment, Brother Yao Haipeng heard Li Yaodong's words, came back to his senses, and looked out the window.

When his eyes really fell on the window, he was stunned.


When Li Qisheng turned his eyes to the window, he was also stunned.

'What is that? '

Then, his heart suddenly shook.


Through the glass on the second floor of Li Yaodong's studio, you can see a bunch of bird-like things in the sky.

No, it's not a bird.

This thing has a black shell and is square in shape. At the end of the square, four small "feet" are stretched out, and each of the four "feet" has a rotor.


Li Qisheng looked at the object with a tremor in his heart.

'Is this a Wuren machine? '

Then, he recognized the identity of this thing.


Yao Haipeng also recognized the black object in the sky.

Then, he hurriedly ran a few steps to the window sill, and seeing this, the others followed suit and ran to the window sill.

Just now, they were a distance away from the window sill, and because of the angle, their vision was partially blocked.

After arriving at the window sill, their vision became wider.

Looking out from the second-floor window sill of the villa, they could see Wuren machines in every corner of the entire Ta Village., and they didn't know where they came from. One after another, they began to rise from a place beyond their sight to a higher place within their sight.


There were more and more Wuren planes, and they gradually connected into a whole.

The rotors of these Wuren planes were very quiet, but when they were connected together, they formed a sound similar to that of a swarm of bees.


At this time, the temple fair was still in full swing in the entire Ta Village.

It was already afternoon, but the excitement of the temple fair did not decrease, but became even more lively.

There were even people from Dongshan City who came after hearing the news.

And they also felt that this temple fair was more interesting than the temple fairs held in the city.


Because the temple fairs in Ta Village, or the temple fairs held in rural areas and towns in general, are more authentic than those in big cities.

This originality is reflected in all aspects, the most intuitive of which is in a certain area of ​​a big city. Once a temple fair is held, the drama troupes, circuses, acrobatics and other groups invited are definitely medium and large.

However, due to limited funds, villages and towns invite small folk drama troupes, circuses, acrobatics and other groups.

Medium and large performance teams are more formal, so they are more procedural and formal.

However, small performance groups are more distinctive and wild.

When Li Yaodong was a child, he also saw that the temple fair invited strippers...

And this wildness is the so-called originality.

"What's the noise?"

At a certain moment, among the people participating in the temple fair, those with sharp ears also heard the noise coming from the sky.

Subconsciously, this person looked towards the sky.

"What is that?"


More and more people noticed the Wuren aircraft in the sky.

"Where did the Wurenji come from?"

"Daddy and Mommy, plane, plane."

"Is there any hidden program in this temple fair?"


Among the people at the temple fair, some were broadcasting live.

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