Temporary station.


The highest commander looked up at the swarm of inhumane machines, his palms full of sweat.

Originally, he planned to give the order to shoot directly when these inhumane machines arrived, so that they might have a chance of survival.

Even if the worst result is that they can bite off a piece of the opponent's flesh before they are defeated here.

However, plans cannot keep up with changes. These inhumane machines seem to have judged their intentions and made a series of tactical actions.


The mother inhumane machine responsible for filming also filmed this scene and synchronized it to the live broadcast room.

The people in the post-A plan action office looked at this scene and their faces changed again and again.

Before, the intelligence of these swarm inhumane machines that could accept Li Yaodong's verbal instructions had already impressed them,

and now, these swarm inhumane machines can actually judge the situation on the scene independently and make certain tactical actions, which is even more impressive.


In fact, this is also the result of the autonomous learning of these bee swarm Wuren aircraft.

Before, Li Yaodong had no shooting experience, so he let these bee swarm Wuren aircraft learn the shooting techniques of blockbusters to make up for this.

And the blockbuster that Li Yaodong found for the learning module of the Wuren aircraft radar linkage system is the station competition film.

After all, the station competition film tests the director's scheduling ability more, and there are more points to learn from its lens language and camera movement techniques.

While "watching" these station competition films, these bee swarm Wuren aircraft naturally learned certain tactical actions.

These tactical actions are very simple tactical actions.

But if these tactical actions are made uniformly by these more than 10,000 Wuren aircraft, then it would be terrifying.



In the temporary station.

The supreme commander's forehead was already sweating madly.

At this time, he also saw the green light flashing from those bee swarm Wuren aircraft.

It seems that these swarms of inhumane machines are judging something.

And he also felt that he seemed to be locked by one or even several inhumane machines.


Not only the supreme commander, but also a group of soldiers felt that they were locked by inhumane machines.

At the same time, the supreme commander did not issue the next order.

In this case, the entire temporary station fell into silence.


And the netizens in the live broadcast room also fell into silence.

They didn't understand what was going on in front of them. Didn't they agree on wild boars? What's the situation now? Why are there so many soldiers here.


And Yao Haipeng's scalp was numb at this time.

At a certain moment, he swallowed hard, and then asked Li Yaodong with some difficulty: "Li... Brother Li, what's the situation now?"

At this time, Li Qisheng's eyes also fell on his uncle Dong with Yao Haipeng's words.

Then, Liu Wenwu and other people from the A-plan office also subconsciously looked at Li Yaodong in the live broadcast.

At this moment, they were also scared. Because the words of this dangerous uncle Li Yaodong will definitely determine the direction of the following events.


Facing the eyes of the crowd, Li Yaodong also came back to his senses from his thoughts

Then, he took a breath and said, "Oh, I made a mistake, it's not a wild boar."

Just at that moment, the past scenes flashed before his eyes, and he naturally understood what was going on.

"During this period, haven't I been doing business with my fellow villagers in Middle East?" Li Yaodong explained.

Hearing this, Yao Haipeng was stunned for a moment: "You mean, because you andThe importance of the Middle East villagers in doing business has increased sharply, so the government sent these people to protect the safety of your Ta Village? "

"That's right." Li Yaodong nodded and said, "The one who knows me is Brother Yao."

What else could it be.

However, he made a mistake this time, and actually mistook these soldiers for wild boars.

"Of course, I don't think these soldiers are here to protect our Ta Village." Li Yaodong added two more sentences: "It should be that these soldiers are training here and protecting our Ta Village by the way. Just like the soldiers at the entrance of the village. "

He thought to himself that he was not that important. The only possibility that the government would send thousands of troops to protect him was that these soldiers were training here and protecting him.


After hearing this, Yao Haipeng was completely relieved.

"Hahaha, so that's the case. I was scared to death. I thought you were a dangerous person, and the government actually sent so many people to guard against you." Yao Haipeng said with some lingering fear.

Hearing this, Li Yaodong also laughed: "I am often misunderstood like this. "

When he said this, his tone was open-minded.

Before, he was misunderstood as a super dangerous person, and he felt helpless to the extreme.

But now everything has been settled, and even the misunderstanding with the authorities has been resolved. He has even made it to the point where the authorities sent so many people to protect his safety.

At this time, he looked back and found that the experience seemed quite interesting.

It also has a kind of open-mindedness of having experienced many things.


The netizens in the live broadcast room suddenly realized it after hearing Li Yaodong's explanation.

"So that's it?"

"The anchor I follow has actually made it to the point where the authorities secretly protect him. He has made it."

"Awesome, anchor. "


Then, in the A-plan office.

When Liu Wenwu, Mr. Liu and others heard what Li Yaodong said, they were stunned. They did not expect things to unfold like this.


At this time.

Above the temporary base.

The swarm of tens of thousands of Wuren aircraft flashed a light that determined something from time to time.

At a certain moment.

Ding! A prompt sounded from Li Yaodong's laptop.

"No wild boars were detected, please proceed to the next instruction."

Then, a mechanical synthesized sound sounded.

Just now, these Wuren aircraft locked and collected the physical characteristics of the soldiers below, just to determine whether they met the target of wild boars.

These thousands of people naturally could not meet the physical characteristics of wild boars.


"Return. "

After hearing this prompt, Li Yaodong said immediately.

He had made a mistake, and now the Junfang troops responsible for protecting him did not blame him, so they should not bother with him.

At this time, he naturally had to slip away quickly.


Above the temporary station.

Large swarms of bees, like dark clouds, blocked the sunlight from the sky, forming a huge shadow.

And this shadow also enveloped the thousands of troops below.

Under the shadow.

The soldiers were tense and cold, and their minds were highly concentrated.

At a certain moment, a few green lights flashed in the Wurenji bee swarm, and then, whoosh...

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