"......have we become closer than before?" said Mr. Zhao Xiangyang.

Everyone nodded when they heard this.

Of course they knew.

Even though they had a long-standing cooperative relationship with Florian, the situation in the wasteland battlefield had an impact on Florian, which made Florian eager to find allies, so naturally their relationship with them became closer.

Thinking like this, they suddenly realized something.

"I remember that the reason why we became closer to Florian was because Florian bought a batch of small high-mobility all-terrain vehicle crafts from us." Zhang Shuwen suddenly said with his eyes wide open.


Of course, please note that these are crafts. As for what the other party uses these crafts for, they don't care, and they will not admit that these crafts are exported by them.

According to the logic, Li Yaodong sold the Wurenji to Florian first, changing the battle pattern there. Then, Florian bought it from them because his industrial capacity was not enough to make such crafts.

This made the relationship between the two sides closer.

'This? '

Thinking about this, the faces of the senior executives in the southern exhibition area became strange.


Before, they thought that according to their closeness with Ruscia, as long as they made a phone call to this side, they could cancel Ruscia's cooperation with the dangerous uncle Dong Li Yaodong.

But now, thinking about it, their idea was simply whimsical and outrageous.

After all, the reason why Ruscia bought these crafts from them was because of Li Yaodong.


At this time, everyone present also understood why Mr. Liu Wenwu and Mr. Zhao Xiangyang smiled bitterly just now.

Subconsciously, they all set their sights on Li Yaodong's live broadcast room.

Looking at Li Yaodong in the live broadcast room, they were numb, and their mentality was completely numb!

However, the facts proved that they were numb too early.


At this time in the live broadcast room.

A group of netizens were still discussing the ungrateful behavior of Florian's side.

One netizen raised a question that countless netizens in the live broadcast room were interested in: "I don't think this drunkard is that kind of ungrateful person, and he still remembers the goodness of the anchor Dongshu, why did he let Dongshu down?"

Li Yaodong also noticed this problem in the live broadcast room.

Comrade Lao Yao Yao Haipeng also glanced at the barrage. He was also curious and asked Florian, saying, "Brother, I don't think you are an ungrateful person. Do you have any difficulties?"

Hearing this, Florian smiled bitterly: "Actually, this matter started with the All-Terrain Old Man's Music I bought from Mr. Dong Shu."


All-Terrain Old Man's Music?

In the office of the Post-A Plan, the senior executives of the southern exhibition area present were moved when they heard this name.

This name?

Could it be a high-mobility all-terrain vehicle?

But didn't Florian buy it from us?


Mr. Liu Wenwu also frowned.

If it is really as they think, the so-called All-Terrain Old Man's Music in the other party's mouth is also the same kind of crafts that he sold to Florian's party, then it is a bit unreasonable.

After all, the other party has obviously bought crafts from him, so how can it be related to the All-Terrain Old Man's Music of Li Yaodong, the dangerous Uncle Dong?

Thinking of this, the senior executives of the southern exhibition area also looked at the live broadcast screen.


At this time.

Ta Village, the second floor of the village committee.

Wang Mingjie, Yao Haipeng's former subordinate, heard Florian sayWhen he heard the name of the all-terrain old man music, his heart skipped a beat.

You know, he usually pays attention to international integrity.

He knew that on the desert battlefield of Russia and Okayi, a high-mobility all-terrain vehicle shined brightly.

Before, whether it was the intranet or the Internet, there were rumors that this high-mobility all-terrain vehicle was inseparable from their Dragon Country official.

If this all-terrain old man music is really what he thought, then it means...

'The high-mobility all-terrain vehicle that shines brightly on the desert battlefield is actually owned by this uncle Dong? '

Such a thought came up in his mind, and his face changed slightly.


"The all-terrain old man music produced by my factory?" Hearing this, Li Yaodong frowned: "What does this have to do with the Wu Renji order?"

And speaking of this, he also noticed that someone in the barrage asked what this all-terrain old man music is.

Immediately, Li Yaodong explained:

"My all-terrain Old Man Le is not just an Old Man Le, it can also be used as a farm truck and off-road kart."

"In essence, this is an 8×8 small all-terrain off-road vehicle."


When Li Yaodong designed it, he insisted on targeting this all-terrain vehicle at a wider audience.

In this way, there will be a broader market.

So, as he said, it is not just an Old Man Le.

Since it came to this, Li Yaodong said a few more words. After all, there are quite a few people in his live broadcast room, and maybe someone will place an order to buy it.

"The name of this all-terrain Old Man Le is Dongshan Cat, of course, it can also be called a desert crosser."

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