"Go on." Kong Shiping said.

As I said, the transaction with Russia in handicrafts has great strategic significance.

"See if our Jungong unit can lower the price and win Russia's order." Kong Shiping said again.


Although this Osder Machinery Factory is also a civilian factory of their Dragon Country, a civilian factory supplying Russia products is not the same as their Dragon Country's official secret supply.

After all, the other party's civilian factory, if according to normal business rules, can also be moved abroad.

So, naturally, we have to take this order back - although it seems a bit strange to compete with a civilian factory for orders,


Of course, they actually have a second way to deal with it, which is to secretly incorporate this agricultural machinery factory.

However, the problem is that the so-called all-terrain old man music produced by this agricultural machinery factory, if it is just low-priced, then there is actually not much significance in incorporating it.

And Mr. Kong Shiping said: "In fact, the bidding can be regarded as a warning to these Jungong units."


Why do you say that?

The quality of their Longguo Jungong is beyond reproach, the quality is quack. This is an advantage, but from other aspects, it is also a disadvantage.

They pursue quality too much. Of course, it is not bad, but they pursue quality too much and ignore the cost. They often make a Jungong product according to the demand at any cost.

Of course, the Jungong field of each country is actually similar.


After all, there is a saying that a cannon shot is worth a thousand taels of gold.

However, if the cost can be taken into account, wouldn't it be better?

Back to the present.

After Si Guangyao finished his report, he said, I will go down to the leader first, and then left.


And the car that left the Aosde Machinery Factory, after arriving at the nearby airport, took the common channel and was shipped directly to the imperial capital.

After arriving at the imperial capital, it was transported by land and loaded onto a low-key truck.

The truck merged into the endless flow of cars and arrived at the suburbs of the imperial capital.


There is a pre-assembled test site in the suburbs, and then it was unloaded and placed in an inconspicuous position.

It was not until about 2:30 in the afternoon that large trucks entered the pre-assembled test site one after another.

One after another, small all-terrain vehicles were moved down. The appearance of these small all-terrain vehicles was similar, but the markings on them were not quite the same.

Obviously, these small all-terrain vehicles belonged to different Jungong units.


And these small high-mobility all-terrain vehicles were also placed in the specific areas assigned to each Jungong unit to prevent mistakes.

Among the staff who were carrying these small all-terrain vehicles.

An old engineer with gray hair from a Jungong unit who came with the car frowned and directed.

"Why are you so clumsy? Be careful. Even if our vehicles are durable, we can't do this?"

"Where are we moving them? Where are we moving them?"

"Xiao Zhou, how did I teach you to debug? You have learned it by heart?"

This old engineer is like a patriarch, meddling in everything and watching these young people moving ATVs, who are all wrong.


At this time, an engineer who is about the same age as this old engineer came over and said with a smile: "Old Lu, can't you give young people a chance to exercise? Why are you still the same, taking charge of everything?"

Before Old Lu Engineer could answer, another old engineer came over, who was only about 1.6 meters tall, short and fat, and looked quite kind.

However, when this old engineer opened his mouth, he was sarcastic:

"Isn't this what he said?"He was angry because he was in charge of everything. After all, I heard that the mountain cat handicrafts of Jialing Quanyu were all returned by Jiumengzi. "

"That's why the higher-ups called us here to hold a bidding meeting."


The three people who spoke were the chief engineers of Jialing Quanyu Mobility Co., Ltd., Yunjian Group Co., Ltd., and Lingchuan Special Industry Co., Ltd.

The engineer Lao Lu who started to scold people was from Jialing.

And the short and fat engineer with a gun and a stick was from Lingchuan Special.


The units where the two of them worked were the two major Jungong units in Sichuan and Chongqing, and the two sides were originally in a competitive relationship.

And the other engineers around were also engineers from various Jungong units.

The Jungong units where these engineers worked were all affiliated to Longguo Ordnance Industry Group Corporation, also known as Longguo Northern Industry Group Corporation, referred to as Ordnance Industry.

This Ordnance Industry may not have a good reputation among ordinary people. It is not obvious, but it is well-known in the field of Jungong.

Its products cover a variety of weapon systems such as rockets, tantalum, armored vehicles, etc. It is the Jungong unit that develops and develops Lu Gao weapons and equipment, and is also one of the two major weapons and equipment manufacturing enterprises in Longguo.


At this time.

The engineers of various Jungong units around saw that Lao Lu and the short and fat Lingchuan special Lao Liu started to argue again.

They were all watching happily on the side.

Of course, they were not watching a joke, but they were used to it.

Once the two sides met in the same occasion, they would argue and quarrel like today.

Maybe in the eyes of outsiders, their chief engineers should be the kind of tall and serious, but in fact, these are all stereotypes.

They are more likely to keep a pure heart when they are engaged in technology.

Sometimes they are even like children.

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