At this time, the old engineer Lao Lu made a gesture, and the test specialist drove the Bobcat directly into the test site.

At this time, Xiao Zhou, the last disciple of the old engineer Lao Lu, also pressed the timer.

One of the most important indicators of this high-kinetic energy small all-terrain vehicle is speed.

The old engineer Lao Lu couldn't help but roll his eyes in his heart, and he didn't roll his eyes at his last disciple Xiao Zhou.

He couldn't help but look at Liu Qiguo, the fat man Liu, who was standing at three o'clock in his direction.


After the test specialist drove the Bobcat into the special test site, the fat man Liu also pressed the timer.

Moreover, judging from the appearance of the timer, it is still the most advanced.

"Ahem." Noticing the gaze of his old rival, Old Lu, Liu Qiguo couldn't help but coughed twice in embarrassment: "I'm just worried that your timer is not accurate. My timer can be accurate to milliseconds. Isn't one of our Jungong's ideas to race against time?"


Hearing this, the old engineer Old Lu was speechless.

This old guy said it nicely, but isn't he just being fussy? Or does he think they will cheat on the time?

Ignoring this unscrupulous little black fat guy Old Liu, his eyes turned back to the test site.

"This is the 3.5th generation of our Lynx series." He said.


What? 3.5th generation Lynx? There was a burst of laughter and discussion at the scene.

"Not the third generation, but the 3.5th generation?"

"Old Lu, are you planning something?"

"This old guy... I knew it."

"It's over. Even if this old guy's bidding strategy is wrong this time, and he doesn't work hard on the price, and loses the order from Jiumengzi, he will probably get orders from major cracked areas?"


Liu Qiguo and Fatty Liu were also confused.

Damn, this old guy, he is playing dirty.

After a brief moment of confusion, he reacted, and immediately such a thought popped up in his mind.

Before, he asked this old guy indirectly if there was any progress in their Lynx series, and the other party said no. As a result, this time the other party directly pulled a Lynx that was obviously the latest model.

He thought that this Lynx was at most the third generation Lynx, but now the other party told them that this Lynx was directly the 3.5th generation, and it was almost the fourth generation?


'3.5th generation? 'Mr. Kong Shiping also turned his eyes to Old Lu.

He didn't expect there would be an unexpected surprise today.

Then, his eyes stayed on Fatty Liu for a few seconds.

The two have always been at odds, he knows.

And the personalities of the two are also completely different, one is introverted, the other is extroverted.

In terms of personality, Fatty Liu is the kind of guy with a lot of bad intentions. For example, when the other party was testing Old Lu this time, he also pressed the timer.

But in fact, as the general assembly manager, he is very clear-sighted. On the surface, Old Lu looks very introverted and rigid, but sometimes, he is the one with a lot of bad intentions.

For example, this time, Old Lu quietly released a big move, skipping the third generation directly and pulling out the third and a half generation mountain cats.

You know, he knew that the mountain cats in the entire Jialing area had developed to the third generation, but he didn't know there was a third and a half generation.


Old engineer Lao Lu didn't care about what everyone thought:

"Our 3.5th generation Lynx has a load capacity of 2000kg, which is 2 tons."

"The curb weight is 1500kg, and the total weight is about 3500 kilograms."

What? This set of data surprised everyone present.

Load capacity refers to the maximum external weight that the Lynx ATV can carry while ensuring normal driving and operation. This weight includes the weight of the vehicle.All additional loads such as personnel, weapons and equipment, ammunition, supplies, etc.

Curb weight, also known as empty vehicle weight, refers to the empty vehicle weight of the Lynx ATV when it is fully equipped (including on-board tools, spare tires, etc.) but not carrying people or cargo.

And the total weight is easier to understand. This refers to the total weight of the Lynx ATV when it is fully equipped and fully loaded with passengers (including drivers and passengers) and cargo as required.


All the people from the major Jungong units present are familiar with the data of the second-generation Lynx.

The second-generation Lynx has a load capacity of 1100kg, a curb weight of 1700, and a total weight of 2800kg.

In other words, the load capacity of this 3.5-generation Lynx has almost doubled, while the empty vehicle weight has decreased again.

The second most important indicator of this small high-mobility ATV is the load capacity.

A larger load capacity means that this small high-mobility ATV can be equipped with more and richer weapon modules.


Liu Qiguo and Fatty Liu couldn't help but smack their lips.

Are these data for sure not the fourth-generation Lynx, but only the 3.5-generation Lynx?


"Our Lynx all-terrain vehicle uses 8x8 all-wheel drive, that is, each of the 8 wheels has an independent power unit, which can achieve all-wheel drive, greatly improving the vehicle's passability and off-road capabilities."

"The suspension system uses a hard suspension, which can effectively cope with complex terrain and ensure the vehicle's driving..."

"For power, we are still equipped with a classic small turbocharged diesel engine, but the power has been improved by a small stage, reaching 100 horsepower."

"...The maximum road speed is 90 kilometers per hour, and the maximum fuel cruising range can reach 300 kilometers, of course, this depends on the terrain."


Grass! Grass!

Every time, when the old engineer Lao Lu introduces a new performance data, everyone present has a toothache in the back.

Liu Qiguo, the old rival of Lao Lu, secretly groaned in his heart when the other party said one of the items.


As Mr. Kong Shiping listened to these data, his eyes became brighter and brighter.

Each data of this 3.5-generation Lynx is much better than that of the 2nd generation.

He couldn't help but have a thought in his mind.

Is this definitely not the fourth generation?

'A Lynx of this quality is a Jungong product. '

He had such a thought in his mind again.

Before, he had briefly had an idea to incorporate the Austed Machinery Factory...


(36th round of power generation 2306, 17:01)

(Striving to maintain updates...)

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