Five hundred yuan a set?

Five hundred yuan?

One? A set?


Hearing this, the expressions of the people present became even more sluggish.

At this moment, they only felt that the blood was rushing to their heads.

What the hell?

In fact, although some of these engineers cannot accept this price and think that five hundred yuan is too incredible.

But in fact, the cost of this active phased array radar is less than one hundred yuan, and if the production line is further expanded, the cost price of a single unit can be even lower, which can be reduced to dozens of yuan, or even more than ten yuan.

For this active phased array radar, Li Yaodong only felt that he was a little late, and this was simply a huge profit.

If they knew this, they would really doubt their lives.

No, now they have doubted it.


"Impossible, this is impossible!" After Liu Qiguo and Fatty Liu reacted, they ran directly to the Dongshan Cat and checked it, as if to verify the truth of what Xiao Xu said.

At this time, everyone reacted and rushed over.

After an inspection, all the engineers from the major construction units present were dumbfounded.



"How is it, is it a real active phased array radar?" Kong Shiping said anxiously.

Just now, he also asked Xiao Si to bring the operating manual of this Dongshan Cat. It was clearly written in the operating manual that the price of this active phased array radar is indeed 500 yuan.

The price has been determined, so what should be determined now is whether this active phased array radar is real or fake.

"Yes... It's real, it's a real active phased array radar." Liu Qiguo Liu Pangzi felt that his tongue was tied. It was really too shocking.


After hearing what Liu Qiguo Liu Pangzi said, Kong Shiping Kong was also stunned.

Seeing this scene, the test specialist Xiao Xu was a little scared.

You know, he is just a test specialist. He likes to study machinery by nature and doesn't think much about other things. Although he knows that this Dongshan cat with a radar system seems to be very powerful, he doesn't have as deep experience as these technical professionals and their big bosses in general assembly.

However, now seeing the reactions of these big guys, he also understands that this Dongshan cat seems to be more powerful than he imagined.

"Continue testing?" At this moment, he asked weakly.


"What do you mean?" Hearing this, everyone present subconsciously looked at him, and some didn't understand what he meant by this.

"This Dongshan cat also has a wading mode, and the venue needs to be adjusted before continuing the test." Xiao Xu replied weakly.

Hearing this, everyone was stunned again, and some didn't react.


"Wading mode, isn't there a simulated terrain of puddles in this test site?" Old engineer Lao Lu asked.

However, after asking this question, before Xiao Xu could answer, he realized what the other party meant.

"You mean the wading mode? Do you mean that it needs to be tested in deep water areas such as large lakes?" He said with a trembling voice.


You know, this venue now simulates various terrains such as Gobi, forests, plateaus, snow, grasslands, deserts, mud, and puddles, but it does not simulate venues such as large lakes.

Because these all-terrain vehicles they are using are actually the equipment used by Lu Jun, that is, a land vehicle. Although they are also studying this all-terrain vehicle in the direction of amphibious, they have not solved this problem yet.

And now, what Xiao Xu means is......


When the people present heard what the old engineer Lao Lu said, they all understood what Xiao Xu meant. They were immediately as if they were under a spell of immobilization, and they all stood there in a daze.

They were dumbfounded.

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