Countless Dragon Country netizens went wild.

"???? I just browsed the Internet and saw this news?"

"Is it true? We really intervened in the situation between the fighting nation, that is, the Russia country and that Okayi?"

"I saw the news about the wasteland battlefield in the early morning. Russia suddenly launched an attack on Okayi. I thought it was the same as before. The attack launched by Russia was very fierce in the early stage, and then it was deadlocked. As a result, Russia directly beat the opponent and screamed. I was wondering why Russia was so awesome."

"It's good to hear that Okayi was the biggest troublemaker in Europe and the world earlier. Zijia and Alimai fooled the referendum to leave Rusia, and eventually became the queen of Europe. Later, they forgot to remember the fight and were fooled into a war with Rusia. Rusia should have taught this Okayi a lesson long ago. "(Since the previous part is empty, here is a brief introduction to the background)

"Nonsense, it must be this Okayi's foreign minister who is throwing dirty water on us."


The first group of Longguo netizens who saw this news were those who climbed over the firewall to see the external network. When they first saw the news of the press conference, they were also confused and did not react in time.

But then, they directly aligned their caliber.

They resolutely cannot admit the condemnation of the other party.

Anyway, they will never admit it.

"Yes, yes, it's definitely not from our side. They are just throwing dirty water on us."

"Could it be that the characters of our Dragon Country are from our Dragon Country? Maybe they carved them there to frame us."

"That makes sense. Okayi follows the world's biggest troublemaker, Jia Ali Mai, and must have learned Jia Ali Mai's shamelessness."

"Yes, that must be the case. Moreover, the person in charge of the counterfeiting of Okayi knows only a little about our Dragon Country's characters. You should make it more realistic. The Osder Machinery Factory sounds like an agricultural machinery factory, but it is said to be a secret Jun Factory. It's ridiculous."


These Dragon Country netizens have such a style on the Internet, but when they return to the Dragon Country network, they have a different style.

At this time.

The Dragon Country's old Junshi Forum.

This Junshi Forum was also the first to move the video of Foreign Minister Okayi's press conference to China.

The earliest related posts on this forum are now full of small flames indicating popularity.

It should be noted that only more than ten minutes have passed since this post was posted.

In these ten minutes, this post has already had five thousand floors.

It is enough to show how explosive this news is.

Moreover, it has been so many floors when the short video era has arrived and the forum has further declined.


"Fuck, when I saw this news just now, I thought it was fake news."

"So we have a more advanced small all-terrain vehicle like Dongshanmao?"

"Awesome. I always thought that Shanmao was the most awesome brand among similar products. It turns out that this Shanmao is just a defective product."

"Haha, this is an old tradition here. When a seemingly advanced Jungong product is taken out, it means that we have already developed a more advanced one."

"Hehe, it is indeed an old tradition."

At this time, no one has linked this incident with Li Yaodong.


After all, although Li Yaodong is really popular recently, he is not the center of the world, and it is impossible for all Longguo netizens to know him.

Even compared with the huge number of netizens in Longguo, it is nothing at all.

Moreover, after the further development of the Internet, the phenomenon of information cocoon has become extremely serious.

You may like a star very much. You can see him when you watch videos and read news. You think everyone knows him and think that this star’s national popularity is directly maxed out, but the fact is that there are still more people who don’t know this star. There are even people in the comment area who ask what this person does?........................................

However, Li Yaodong's fans are not to be underestimated.

As time went by, some of his fans still noticed this news.

Zhang Sanqian is a die-hard fan of Li Yaodong.

He is a college student who surfs the Internet intensively. His favorite forum is the old Junshi Forum. He feels uncomfortable if he doesn't browse it every day.

That afternoon, he opened the old Junshi Forum as usual.

He opened the hottest post.

Then, he was dumbfounded.

"Osder Machinery Factory? Dongshan Cat?"

He also saw the live broadcast of the drunkard Florian going to Ta Village to apologize for his crime.

In that live broadcast, the Osder Machinery Factory and Dongshan Cat were also mentioned.

After being stunned for a long time.


He expressed his feelings with a word Cao.


You should know that he is an ordinary college student, but although he is ordinary, he longs for extraordinary.

He likes to watch Dongshu Li Yaodong's live broadcast because he thinks that there may be something deep hidden under the ordinary surface of this anchor Dongshu.

Of course, he also thinks that he is a little bit second-year. But... now this second-year seems to have come true?

"You still say that you are a Bodhisattva who is afraid of hurting the lives of ants?"

He couldn't help but think of what Li Yaodong said when he was self-promoting during the live broadcast.


And then, he posted on this old Junshi forum: "This Aosid Machinery Factory is not a secret Jun factory, but an agricultural machinery factory, and it is a village enterprise!!!!"

At the same time.

He also said that the Wuren machine mentioned briefly at this Ou Kaiyi's external press conference was also produced by this factory.

You know, at that press conference, Ou Kaiyi also mentioned the Wuren machine, but because there was no evidence on the Wuren machine that could prove that it was provided by Longguo, the focus was on Dongshan Cat.

In itself, related posts have dominated the entire old Junshi forum.

Basically, 99%... or even 100% of the posts before Zhang Sanqian posted were discussing that this Jun Factory called Aosde Machinery Factory was too hidden.

And among so many posts that tend to be the same, Zhang Sanqian's "different" post naturally stood out.

So, countless forum users poured into his post.

The whole post went viral at an explosive speed! ! ! !


(You may not believe me, but because I was blocked for half a month, I actually forgot some details about the plot of this book. So, I can only flip through the previous text while writing new ones. Next week should be the normal update speed.)

(Will you send me a message to comfort me?


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