At this time.

In the Yangshi online live broadcast room, netizens were all excited after the host Bingbing said this news.

"Damn, I was just watching that [Villager] live broadcast room. After I learned that my wife Bingbing started live broadcasting, I came here. I didn't expect to hear such news just now."

"Brother, you also came from the [Villager] room of professional challenge? It's fate."

"Me too, me too."

"These two live broadcast rooms belong to dream linkage, right?"

"If you don't understand, just ask, what is the villager live broadcast room? Why haven't I heard of it."

"[Villager] live broadcast room, you haven't heard of it? This is understandable, after all, this live broadcast room has only become popular recently."


In the Yangshi live broadcast room, there are also many netizens who don't know Li Yaodong's [Villager] live broadcast room.

But there are also enthusiastic netizens who explained it to the other party.

"I just searched for news about this [Villager] live broadcast room. It's quite interesting. It took only three months to make that poor village rich."

"Oh my god, is it so awesome? That's really powerful."

"No wonder my wife Bingbing wants to do an interview with that anchor."


At this time, Bingbing looked at these comments and showed a helpless look on her face.

"I haven't contacted that anchor yet."

Bingbing said:

"I just said that I have a preliminary intention, and the other party may not agree to accept my interview."

"Don't be too happy."

"Don't be happy for nothing."


Say these words, Bingbing felt even more helpless. She just mentioned it slightly.

The netizens in the live broadcast room started discussing.

But the problem is that she only has this intention unilaterally and has not contacted the other party yet.

She felt that although she was the host of Yangshi and had considerable popularity on the Internet, she did not think that if she wanted to interview others, they would have to accept her interview.

Whether to accept the interview depends on whether the other party is willing.

After hearing what Bingbing said, the netizens in the live broadcast room said that my wife Bingbing was going to interview him, and he would definitely agree.

Bingbing was even more helpless when she saw this.


At this time, on Plan A's side, everyone looked at the netizens in Bingbing's Yangshi live broadcast room, who were very excited about Bingbing's interview with Li Yaodong, and their faces were not very good.

Looking at these excited comments, Liu Mei could not help herself.

She used her own account to post a comment in Bingbing's live broadcast room.


[A Sika Deer]: "Bingbing, I think it is still necessary to be cautious when interviewing that anchor. What if he is not as positive as you think?"


There were quite a few comments in Bingbing's Yangshi live broadcast room.

But after Liu Mei posted this comment, some netizens still noticed it.

"This is not positive, he has helped a poor village to become rich."

"Yes, stop saying weird things here."

After these netizens replied to Liu Mei, the comment she posted was drowned out by the comments posted by other netizens.

And looking at the replies of those netizens, Liu Mei was also very angry.

She wanted to say more, but if she said more, it might expose their plan A.


In fact, Bingbing also noticed the comment posted by [A Sika Deer], and even frowned slightly when she noticed it.

But she didn't respond.

She also knew that there are indeed such people on the Internet, who like to sing against others, and everyone is drunk but I am sober.

However, Li Yaodong, a host who led the people in the village to become rich, is not positive.Is the host in front of him still a fan of crime?

A few thoughts flashed through her mind, and Bingbing found the contact number of the [Professional Challenge] program team in front of the live camera.

After several transfers, the call came to the director of the program team.


When he learned that Bingbing, a popular host of Yangshi, was going to interview Li Yaodong, the director of the program team was also very excited.

He felt that he had made the right move.

Look, now Yangshi is going to interview this host of his.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but think of the previous hosts who had failed, such as the one who directly ate when he challenged the profession of lactation consultant in order to stand out.

Compared with Li Yaodong, those hosts who failed were simply dwarfed.

The previous hosts who failed almost ruined his professional challenge.

Look at Li Yaodong?


"Well, hello, Bingbing, I am very happy that you said you wanted to interview the anchor of our [Professional Challenge]."

The director of the program group thought for a while and said, "But I still have to contact the anchor himself."

If it was the anchor of other professional challenges, he would definitely agree directly.

But Li Yaodong is the top star of their professional challenge. As the director of the program group, he must be cautious when dealing with him and cannot make decisions on his own.


Ta Village.

After thinking about what might happen to the villagers, Li Yaodong left the camera of the live broadcast room and called the village party secretaries of those villages.

But he couldn't get through.

At this time, his call to the old party secretary of Ge Village was finally connected.

"Uncle Dong, the unfamiliar faces in our villages have been driven away." The old party secretary of Ge Village said as soon as the call was connected.

As he spoke, his tone became anxious: "Uncle Dong, we were careless and let these people enter our village. If you want to blame someone, blame me."

He thought Uncle Dong called to ask for punishment.

After all, they actually needed Uncle Dong to send a signal before they could take action, and they had allowed those strange faces to enter their village before.


However, Li Yaodong's face froze when he heard this.

What the hell? All driven away? What happened during that period of time? This amount of information is a bit too much! ?

"Old branch secretary, can you tell me what happened?" Li Yaodong said after taking a breath.

And then, the old branch secretary of Ge Village roughly recounted the matter.


After listening to the whole content, Li Yaodong felt a toothache.

But the incident had already happened, what else could he say.

He didn't want to talk now.

Destroy it.

He felt that these villagers were really getting more and more violent.

"Okay, but in the future, don't act on your own." After digesting what the old secretary of Ge Village said, Li Yaodong spoke again after more than ten seconds.


The old secretary on the other end of the phone also wiped a cold sweat.

And what Uncle Dong Li Yaodong said to him became that he should react in time when encountering such a situation in the future, and don't wait for me to notify him again.

After all.

In the eyes of this old secretary, a big man like Uncle Dong Li Yaodong must have hidden deep meaning in every word.

You must not listen to the surface.

"Okay, hang up, take care of yourself." Li Yaodong said again.

This further deepened the speculation of the old secretary of Ge Village. Sure enough, the slow reaction of himself and others this time disappointed Uncle Dong.

Look, the other party has said that they should take care of themselves.


After hanging up the phone, Li Yaodong managed his expression and returned to the live camera. He was about toHe told netizens in the [Villagers] room that he was going to go off the air.

But at this moment, his phone suddenly rang.

"Interview with Yangshi?"


After the call was connected.

Listening to the words of the program director from the other end of the phone, Li Yaodong asked in surprise.

The netizens in Li Yaodong's [Villagers] live broadcast room were also a little excited when they heard this.

"What's the situation? Is Yangshi going to interview the anchor?"

"I just went to Bingbing's wife's place. It should be Bingbing's interview with the anchor."

"Damn, the anchor is really popular? Yangshi came to interview?"

Some netizens in Li Yaodong's [Villagers] live broadcast room also went to Bingbing's [Yangshi Live Broadcast Room] to watch, and these netizens also told everyone what was going on.

Suddenly, the netizens in Li Yaodong's [Villagers] live broadcast room were proud of it.

"I'll think about it." After looking at the barrage, Li Yaodong said to the director of the program group with some helplessness.

He was really a little tired.

Again, even if you use your toes to think, you can know how everyone in the A Plan Office will react to this.


On the big screen in the A Plan Office.

Li Yaodong's Villager Live Broadcast Room and Bingbing's Sheep Vision Live Broadcast Room each occupied half of the space.

As everyone in the A Plan watched the screens in the two live broadcast rooms, a terrible thought came to their minds.

"Could it be that the interview between this Sheep Vision host Bingbing and Uncle Dong Li Yaodong was also arranged by this Uncle Dong?" Old agent Cai Yongqiang expressed everyone's thoughts.

When he said this, his heart also exploded and he was scared!

What the hell!

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