To be honest, Li Yaodong was a little panicked when he saw the comments in the live broadcast room.

At the beginning, he really thought that the netizens in the live broadcast room were playing a joke, but as the villagers in the live broadcast room said more and more, he really panicked.

After all, it is impossible to say that the netizens in the live broadcast room are all playing themselves, right?

However, he still wanted to struggle again.

"Dear villagers, please stop making trouble. Don't you know me? I am the kind of person who is afraid of hurting the lives of ants when sweeping the floor."

Li Yaodong said to the live broadcast camera.


Then, the screen was full of ellipsis in the live broadcast room.

[Weak Water Three Thousand]: "..."

Seeing this scene, Li Yaodong began to prove himself.

He was really afraid of any accidents. After all, he had just recently been whitewashed by the official.

"Fellow villagers, think about it."

Li Yaodong said:

"When the drunkard Florian came, many villagers should have watched my live broadcast, right?"

"Didn't Florian also say that at that time, their Dalu, that is, Russia, was attacked by harmful birds."

"As a helpful person, I came up with an idea, that is, knowing yourself and the enemy will ensure victory in a hundred battles. My idea to the other party is to let the other party use my drone to track and observe those harmful birds, so as to understand their weaknesses and carry out precise strikes."

Li Yaodong said these words, naturally wanting to prove that he is a kind-hearted person and a good citizen, but after he finished speaking, he found that the barrage in the live broadcast room became less.

Seeing this scene, Li Yaodong's head was full of question marks.

What's going on?

Now he is even more scared.


At this time.

In the media conference room of the armament test field under the General Assembly.

When Kong Shiping, the boss, heard what Li Yaodong said, his expression froze for a moment.

Then, he looked at his clerk Si Guangyao: "Xiao Si, why do his words sound familiar to me?"

Si Guangyao understood what his boss meant. When he heard the words of the anchor named Li Yaodong, his mouth twitched again and again.

"Boss, do you remember that the C-planning Departments of our several war zones held a meeting before?"

After thinking for a while, Si Guangyao said:

"The meeting at that time studied the practical application of small drones on the battlefield."

"Specifically, it was the practical application of drones put into the battlefield by the drunkards."

"At that time, those drunkards really played with drones."


In fact, Kong Shiping, the boss, also thought of this.

Those drunkards really played with drones on the battlefield in the wilderness.

For example, using the Wuren machine to open the field of vision, through the Wuren machine to open the field of vision, they can accurately obtain the target type, accurate coordinates and other information, and the battlefield command can also speed up the perception of the battlefield situation and the response speed of task allocation, making the Wuren machine an indispensable "over-the-horizon scout" and "precision-guided eyes and ears" for traditional main battle platforms such as Tank.

After understanding these, it is also known why Kong Shiping and Mr. Kong feel so familiar with Li Yaodong's words just now.

'In other words, the so-called harmful birds refer to the other side of the wasteland battlefield, and the Okayi side that is playing against Dalu, that is, Russia. '

Involuntarily, such a thought popped up in Kong Shiping and Mr. Kong's mind.


Listening to the conversation between Kong Shiping and Mr. Kong and Si Guangyao, everyone in the media conference room also understood the true meaning of Li Yaodong's words just now.

Suddenly, they all fell silent.

At this moment, they also understood another thing. It turned out that the owner of the Osder Machinery Factory not only traded Dongshan cats with those drunkards, but also traded drones.


At this time, in the live broadcast room, Li Yaodong sorted out his mentality and continuedSaid:

"There are also some harmful birds that live on the cliffs, and their place of residence is a very small cave. After they hide in it, generally speaking, there is no way to do anything to them."

"So, I gave a tip to that drunkard Florian, which is to let the drone fly over and throw the poisoned food into the small cave."

"In this way, the harmful birds can be killed by the drug."


In the media conference room.

President Kong Shiping was even more silent. On the surface, these words sounded like they were talking about killing harmful birds, but with the previous experience, she didn't think the other party was simply talking about how to eliminate harmful birds.

"Throw the drugged food into the cave and kill all the birds inside?"

At this time, Liu Qiguo, the fat man, was dumbfounded and said:

"Isn't this the top attack tactic used by Jiumengzi on the battlefield in the wilderness against the enemy's tanks and other armored vehicles of Okai?"

"That is, throwing bombs into the tanks through drones."

"What the hell?"

Hearing this, all the engineers present were silent.


And the old brothers of the old Junshi Forum were also watching Li Yaodong's live broadcast.

To a certain extent, the old brothers of this old Junshi Forum have higher Junshi qualities than ordinary people, and they all heard the potential meaning contained in Li Yaodong's words.

At this moment, they were all stunned.

Not long after, one sentence after another burst out from their hearts.

'Fuck, this is the first time I watch Uncle Dong's live broadcast. Was his live broadcast content so harsh before? ’

‘Uncle Hat, I solemnly declare again that this is the first time I have watched this anchor’s live broadcast. Any remarks made by the other party have nothing to do with me as a fan, and I am not his fellow villager! ’

‘This is the first time I have seen a criminal confess his crime live. ’


Why are there fewer comments in the live broadcast room? Seeing this scene, Li Yaodong was even more panicked. What is going on?

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