This means that the Impedance Arc was established under their auspices, and they also got the weapon wreckage of the Impedance Arc. On those wreckages, there were also Longguo characters written on them, such as Laiyang Steel Pipe Factory, Laiyang Gas Tank Factory, and Laiyang Tractor Factory.

Therefore, Jia Ali Mai's condemnation was to condemn them for doing something that threatened world peace.

When this statement was issued, foreign social platforms exploded directly.


After the media and self-media in Longguo noticed this, they had an idea and checked some of Li Yaodong's companies casually. A bold guess came to their minds.

So, countless news boiled in Longguo.

Countless netizens were also dumbfounded by this.


And many netizens who watched Li Yaodong's live broadcast when the foreign businessmen arrived couldn't help but have an idea in their minds.

'It turns out that Uncle Dong didn't do anything behind our backs, but did it in front of us.

You know, during the live broadcast, Li Yaodong and Yao Haipeng, the leader, sang the same tune in front of them and made some modifications to the gas tanks and tractors that were suitable for the local villagers in that area.


At that time, they felt something was wrong, but they didn't think much about it. Now they finally understand what was wrong.

"Yes, I felt something was very wrong at the time."

"(Covering face) You are a bit of hindsight."

"Although it is indeed a bit of hindsight, to be honest, I also felt something was very wrong at the time."

"Yes, it is too wrong. Who made the gas tank into the shape of a shell and added a tail fin."

"That's not a big deal. In fact, I think the most outrageous thing should be the tractor. Now think about it, the tractor with armor, isn't it a tank?"

"Why didn't I think of it at the time."

"I have to say, Xing! Dongshu is really Xing."

"My Dongshu is awesome."


And then more things were dug out by some powerful media.

I have to say that these media can really come up with any kind of news.

And a subsequent piece of news that was dug out directly made Long Guo and even some netizens in some countries who were not used to Jia Ali Mai's style burst into laughter.

This is what happened.

The country where the Minister of Energy is from is considered an ally of Jialimai, or a half-ally, and Jialimai, its ally, has special funds to support it.

The Minister of Energy applied for a sum of money from Jialimai some time ago.

This money was used to buy those steel pipes, gas tanks, and tractors.


"Hahaha, this is so funny. From Jia Ali Mai's 'making money', to our Longguohua."

"I was wondering why Jia Ali Mai's reaction was so strong this time? I really just thought that it was the establishment of the impedance arc that caused Jia Ali Mai to suffer huge losses in the Middle East region. Now I understand that it was the tricky operation of the country where the Minister of Energy is from that made Jia Ali Mai suffer."

"Hahaha, what a joke of the century."

"Jia Ali Mai, the biggest troublemaker in the world, must have cried miserably after knowing the truth of the matter."

"Jia Ali Mai complained to the Minister of Energy: Love will disappear, right?"


As the saying goes, some are happy and some are sad.

Yao Haipeng, Lao Yao, enjoys family happiness at home after retirement. He usually walks birds, plants flowers, and sees his little grandson.

However, Yao Haipeng has reservations about the family happiness, because he thinks it is too tiring to take care of his grandson at home, which is more tiring than his normal work before retirement.


AndHe took care of his grandson for a while, and when he took a breath, he just opened his mobile phone and saw the news about Jia Ali Mai.

At this moment, he was dumbfounded.

Then, he felt numb.

The scenes that happened when those foreign businessmen came before passed by his eyes like a horse-drawn show.

After a while, he came back to his senses, but his face was still pale. He picked up the phone and wanted to call Li Yaodong, but after picking it up, he gave up.

Then he looked at his grandson.

"Grandpa will take you to play."

Before, he felt that his grandson was too naughty. It was okay to take care of him for a while, but he would be a little tired after a long time.

However, now he feels that all of this is so worth cherishing.

'Maybe there will be no chance in the future. '

An idea emerged in his mind.


At the same time.

In the sanatorium.

Li Zonghui was dumbfounded when he saw the news.

He had guessed about the identities of the foreign businessmen before, but he didn't expect the real situation to be worse than he thought.

Even Jia Ali Mai condemned it.

Isn't that the end?


The news that exploded and boiled on the Internet made Li Yaodong stunned.

He still had a hard time coming back to his senses until the next day.

During these two days, the scenes that happened before also flashed through his mind. At this moment, he naturally knew how wrong the previous things were.

What the hell!

What the hell!

At this time.

Ding Dong, a software prompt sounded.

"Official response?"


After seeing the news again yesterday, Li Yaodong paid attention to many of their heavyweight official media in Longguo.

Because if Longguo wanted to respond to this matter, it would definitely speak out in these media.

Li Yaodong also set special attention to these official media accounts.

The prompt sound just now is the prompt sound for new updates on the special attention accounts.

Li Yaodong opened the software with trembling fingers.

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