It turns out that the main business direction of your factory is to sell Lao Tou Le to those drunkards, and this matter has exploded internationally. Do you still dare to continue selling?

Just now, he felt that he had adapted to Li Yaodong's "characteristic" that made people speechless.

But now, he felt that he might have adapted too early.

In fact, Li Yaodong planned to stop this business and stop selling to the drunkards, but now he has realized that he has been recruited in disguise, and this business must be done.


On the other side.

Old Yao Haipeng was taken to the sanatorium by a young man with a common appearance.

And this sanatorium is also the sanatorium where Li Zonghui, the head of the third room of Ta Village, is.

"It's you, old boy."

Li Zonghui just opened the window and planned to ventilate the room when he saw Yao Haipeng.

"Do you know me?" Yao Haipeng said in surprise.


"Of course I know you." Li Zonghui gritted his teeth and told the other party how he led his uncle Dong astray and hurt his uncle Dong miserably.

"What?" Yao Haipeng was dumbfounded after hearing these words. He was Spartan.

Originally, in his cognition, it was Li Yaodong, the super dangerous person, who cheated him, but in the mouth of Li Zonghui, who claimed to be the head of the third room of Ta Village, he was a cheater?

Li Zonghui was also watching his uncle Dong's live broadcast. At this time, Li Yaodong happened to talk about his continued export and supplying Lao Tou Le to the winemongers.

Yao Haipeng was immediately refreshed: "It's all on the news. He dared to supply the winemongers. This can't be blamed on me, right?"

Therefore, he felt that the truth that Li Zonghui just told him might not be the truth.


"Maybe Uncle Dong feels that he has become a temporary worker for the government, and has been recruited by the government in essence." Li Zonghui thought about it for a while and figured it out.

I don't know if it's because the bystander sees things more clearly. Anyway, since he entered the sanatorium and stayed out of the matter, he has seen everything very clearly.

As he said this, he frowned and looked at Yao Haipeng: "It's you who misled me."


Yao Haipeng was stunned when he heard this.

He thought of the phone call Li Yaodong made to him not long ago, in which the other party asked him if he knew his identity.

'Isn't that what Li Yaodong said at that time to confirm with me that the other party was recruited by the government? '

He couldn't help but have such a thought in his mind.

'So, I'm not the victim? Instead, I'm the "perpetrator"? '

Old Yao Haipeng was in a mess.


Then, in the office of Plan A.

The faces of the people present became even uglier.

This Li Yaodong is simply too bold. In this situation, he still dares to continue doing this business.

However, although they are very angry, they can't do anything, and they will not let Li Yaodong terminate this business.

Because it is in their interest to continue to let Dalu, that is, Russia, maintain the advantage in the desert battlefield.

Moreover, it cannot be interrupted at this time. After all, Jia Ali Mai just issued a condemnation. If they interrupt the transaction, it will be equivalent to confessing.


And the netizens in the live broadcast room were also stunned by Li Yaodong's answer, and then they played crazy memes, and countless barrages directly blurred the screen.

Li Yaodong ignored these barrages again, because it is easy to break the defense if you always see these unscrupulous folks playing barrages.

Li Yaodong led everyone towards the factory and continued to introduce: "Our top brand Lao Tou Le in Osde Machinery Factory has a formal name, Desert Crosser, of course, it can also be called Dongshan Cat."


Dongshan Cat? Hearing this name, the old engineer Lao Lu couldn't help himself.

In fact,He has always been curious about why the small all-terrain high-mobility vehicle produced by the other factory has better performance than his mountain cat and is several generations ahead of them. Why should they follow their mountain cat and take such a name as Dongshanmao?

He himself is a technician. Although he became a manager later and worked for more than 20 years, he is still an orthodox technician in his bones. After he couldn't help it anymore, he asked this question directly.

"Uh..." Li Yaodong was embarrassed immediately.


The folks in the live broadcast room laughed.

"Uncle Dong is really talking about something else."

"When I heard Uncle Dong talk about this just now, I had a bad feeling."

"My problem of embarrassing others has come back again."


Li Yaodong was really embarrassed at this moment. He was so embarrassed that he scratched the ground under his feet with sparks.

But the next second, he felt something was wrong.

Because when the system gave him these factories, it also gave him extremely detailed memories about these factories.

But the name Dongshanmao, and the part about Fengshanmao, did not exist in his memory.

"Old man, can I ask when did you start making mountain cats?" Li Yaodong asked with a thought in his mind.


The folks in the live broadcast room were a little surprised when they heard this, and they didn't understand what Li Yaodong meant by asking this question.

"We started 20 years ago."

"We started building three years ago, in 21 years."

These two sentences were said by the old engineer Lao Lu and Li Yaodong almost at the same time.

And the first sentence was said by... Li Yaodong.


(The plot is coming to an end. I want to write a special chapter for Mr. Gong, but I'm a little lazy. I'm asking for power generation,


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