"On the way here, she told me in the car what you did for Ta Village. It's very positive energy. I appreciate it..." said Chen Wenzhe at the helm.

It turned out that Chen Wenzhe asked the driver to take him to pick up Bingbing, the host. After picking up Bingbing, Chen Wenzhe and Bingbing chatted on the way to his village.

Bingbing naturally talked about how Li Yaodong led the whole village to prosperity in three months.

And their Dongshan City is a coastal province, where smuggling is quite serious. Doing legitimate business is afraid of being involved in smuggling, and giving such a law-abiding model village the honor saves a lot of trouble.

Moreover, although Chen Wenzhe is not a good helmsman who is honest and incorruptible, he is not a person who does not know how to reciprocate.

His behavior this time, in a sense, can be regarded as riding on the popularity.

So, he decided to give the title of law-abiding model village to Ta Village as a gift for this time. Reciprocity is the norm.

Of course, Chen Wenzhe did not tell the reason for the second half.

"......So, I just said that you have to thank Bingbing, the host." Chen Wenzhe said with a smile: "Of course, what you did for Ta Village is inseparable."


After hearing these words, Li Yaodong understood what was going on.

Suddenly, he felt a little toothache.

Subconsciously, he set his eyes on Bingbing.

Feeling Li Yaodong's gaze, Bingbing also looked at Li Yaodong.

Looking at Li Yaodong's face, which was even more handsome than the live camera, Bingbing's big eyes flickered. Looking at Li Yaodong's handsome face at such a close distance, her ears couldn't help but blush.

"Don't thank me, this is what you Ta Village won, and I didn't do anything." Bingbing smiled with an overly sweet smile.


And the netizens in the live broadcast room started to launch barrages, saying that their hearts were about to melt.

"I don't know if it's my illusion, but I feel that Bingbing's smile is sweeter today than before."

"I feel that Bingbing's wife and this anchor are getting along well. Maybe I have the Minotaur syndrome again."

"Damn, are you serious?"


At this time, Li Yaodong was relieved. As long as the system didn't modify the reality, it would be fine.

However, there was a little resentment in his eyes when he looked at Bingbing, but because he was still using Uncle Dong's template, it was hard to see the real emotion in his eyes.

Now, hearing Bingbing's humble words, Li Yaodong said, "Thank you." Thank you for your eight generations of ancestors.


In the A Plan Office.

Listening to Chen Wenzhe and Li Yaodong's far-fetched explanations, their faces were not very good.

And these netizens in the live broadcast room actually believed these bullshit.


At this time, Li Yaodong was still a little speechless.

At this time, Chen Wenzhe signaled to the secretary, and the secretary handed Chen Wenzhe the certificate of [Law-abiding Model Village] that the contact person had hurriedly made on the way here.

"I asked someone to make this in a hurry." Chen Wenzhe said after handing the certificate to Li Yaodong.

Although it was made in a hurry, the official seals on this certificate were all stamped.

This is a formal official certificate.


"Thank you, leader." Li Yaodong thanked him. No matter what he thought in his heart, he had to do enough work on the surface.

And after taking the certificate, he wanted to call a villager to come over and put it away.

At this time, he just waved his hand, and Li Xiaoli came out from nowhere and ran over with great eyesight.


"Uncle Dong, let me do it."

Li Xiaoli took the certificate and felt that Uncle Dong was indeed Uncle Dong, so awesome.

They were such a smuggling den, but they were awarded the title of law-abiding model village.

They could even find such a perfect reason to give them the certificate of Ta Village.


When Li Yaodong saw Li Xiaoli, he was speechless. He said, how come there was such a critical strike that awarded their Ta Village the title of "law-abiding model village" right at the beginning.

So Li Xiaoli, the unlucky kid, was hiding not far away and watching.

At this moment, Li Yaodong suddenly felt a sense of...

However, as soon as this thought came up, he was suppressed by him.

'No, no, what am I thinking? '

After suppressing this thought, he sent Li Xiaoli away and turned to Bingbing and asked, "Bingbing, host, what is the interview process today?"

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