Chapter 59 Put a centipede in your head! The sleeping dragon has finally woken up! The power of World War I vs the world! 【Kneeling for customization】

In the current world, the outside world’s condemnation of Jiang Yan and the Dragon Kingdom has intensified.

However, the Dragon Kingdom was still silent and did not respond.

Seeing this scene, the forces of all parties not only did not converge.

Instead, he constantly attacked the Dragon Kingdom with more vicious words.

And interestingly.

Over time, these were originally mainly condemning Jiang Yan’s remarks.

He also slowly shifted the focus of his denunciation to the entire Dragon Kingdom.

Or maybe they intended to do so.

As for Jiang Yan? That was just a fuse for them to launch a denunciation of the Dragon Kingdom.

“What Jiang Yan has done is definitely not recognized by us! You Dragon Kingdom want to cover up! ”

“Do you think you will be forgiven for doing such a thing?! Get out of Bluestar!! ”

“That’s right!! Get out of Bluestar!! ”

“If you want to be forgiven by our whole world, you must hand over all the resources that your Dragon Kingdom has obtained before!!”

“That’s right!! The Dragon Kingdom does not deserve to have resources from the God Domain!! ”

“Your resources are all plundered!! Those resources originally belonged to all of us!! Right now! You guys should give it back to us!! ”

Seeing those originally invincible Great Dragon Key Immortals, they were all dumbfounded at this time.

These netizens who constantly attacked the Dragon Kingdom became more and more energetic.

The more you talk about it, the more arrogant it becomes.

It was as if the grievances that had been sprayed by the Great Dragon Key Immortals before and could not raise their heads had completely erupted at this moment!

And seeing the official of the Dragon Kingdom, he was silent and did not dare to respond.

Everyone thought that this time the Dragon Kingdom was really going to be soft.

Those big dragon key immortals didn’t know why.

It was as if he had suddenly awakened at this moment.

Launched a violent counterattack!!

“If your father doesn’t speak, is it really your father dead?”

“It is my fault that the son does not teach the father, and the child does not filial piety! Everyone, forgive me! ”

“What kind of cows and horses are they? When it comes to this kind of time, do you like to jump out and show off your brain? ”

“The key comes!! Spew!! ”

I have to say that the combat power of these big dragon key immortals is indeed terrifying.

After the Great Dragon Key Immortals officially announced the start of war.

The whole situation was reversed in an instant.

First, Yamashita Noh was the same as Jiang Yan before.

Today’s netizens who are attacking the Dragon Kingdom.

Even if it gathers netizens from all over the world.

However, after actually meeting the key immortal from the Great Dragon.

It is a one-sided situation.

Being rubbed madly by those key immortals of the big dragon, constantly pressing on the ground!

However, such scenes did not last long.


A news that shocked people all over the world came from the beautiful continent.

“Miracle Country! From today, officially join the [Kingdom of God Alliance]!!! ”

This news is tantamount to a torpedo that exploded in the deep sea !!

The shock it brought suddenly made the whole sea!

No, to be precise, the whole world can’t help but tremble!!

The country of miracles, after all, is the number one country in the world!

Although because of the appearance of the [God Domain Forbidden Land].

Today’s Dragon Kingdom has a faint tendency to catch up with it.

However, no matter what, the aftermath of the miracle country in the international community still makes people can’t help but look up.

It’s not just talk.

The Miracle Nation was the final winner of the Great War.

It’s a lot of money.

And, because of the peculiarities of the whole country of miracles.

Whether it is the degree of scientific and technological development of its “two-five-three” or the military deterrent power of force.

are now the first in the entire Blue Star!!

It can be said that if the Miracle Country is really determined to annihilate a certain country!

Then above the entire Blue Star, there are no more than three countries that can really withstand the pressure of the miracle country!

And [Kingdom of God Alliance]??

To put it nicely, it is the so-called Blue Star Human Common Prosperity Grand Alliance!

But now?

Under the influence of Dongying, the so-called [God State Alliance] is basically equivalent to the [Anti-Dragon State Alliance]………

In short, none of the countries within the [God Kingdom Alliance] are friendly to the Dragon Kingdom.

They may have been stained red by the resources possessed by the Dragon Kingdom.

There are also some historical reasons that hate the Dragon Kingdom themselves.

Even more outrageous… There are also some guys who are sprayed by the Great Dragon Key Immortals who want to hammer the Dragon Country…

All in all, this [God Kingdom Alliance] is actually an organization that stands on the opposite side of the Dragon Kingdom.

And now.

The Miracle Nation openly announced the news of joining the [God Kingdom Alliance] from now on.

The meaning of this is self-explanatory…

And the Miracle Country’s actions are indeed very fast.

It was less than an hour after joining the [Kingdom of God Alliance].

He immediately issued a denunciation document against the Dragon Kingdom!

This speed is as fast as if everything has been premeditated…….

People are speechless!

And the means of the miracle country are indeed vicious.

Their remarks changed, and everyone continued to attack the direction of the Dragon Kingdom.

Instead, Jiang Yan’s behavior was once again put on the topic.

From their words, they first expressed their silent mourning for Yamashita Nosui and the Toei Kingdom.

Then, he showed a regretful attitude towards the Dragon Kingdom.

What to say, the Dragon Kingdom should have been the most special and greatest ancient country in the world, and it was only a matter of time before it replaced itself and became the world’s number one power, and the Miracle Country was also very supportive of this.

In his words, he constantly held the status of the Dragon Kingdom.

It was as if they had great admiration for the Dragon Kingdom and yearned for it.

But in the end, they still pulled Jiang Yan back onto the stage of honor and disgrace.

“The behavior of Jiang Yan players is absolutely not recognized by the world!”

“I am sorry that such a person is actually from the Dragon Kingdom that we admire so much!”

“The Dragon Kingdom was supposed to be an example for all our countries in the world! Unexpectedly, such a person appeared to represent the Dragon Kingdom to participate in the Forbidden Land of the God Domain! ”

“This is the sorrow of the Dragon Country, the sorrow of my Miracle Country, and the sorrow of the entire human race!”

“But we also know that this must not be the intention of the Dragon Kingdom! The Dragon Kingdom must not be able to see what Jiang Yan did in the God Domain! ”

“But it’s okay! The world is magnanimous! ”

“As long as the Dragon Kingdom announces, Jiang Yan’s identity as a Dragon Country person will not be recognized from now on! And if Jiang Yan will publicly share the resources obtained in the God Domain in the future, he will publicly share them with the world! The Dragon Kingdom is still that big country worthy of our admiration!! ”

As soon as the speech of the miracle country was published, it aroused the approval of countless countries around the world!

And they have said that this is the remark that a world number one should have.

The whole country will not be blamed for the fault of one person.

Only a democratic country like the Miracle Country is worthy of the title of the world’s number one power!!


In this regard, the Dragon Kingdom, after hearing the words of the Miracle Country, was also boiling.


“I thought that the guy in Dongying Country was disgusting enough, good guy, the Miracle Country is really in vain!”

“What’s the use of saying so much? Don’t want our resources yet? ”

“Tired of!! Tired of tying cover!! ”

“Good fellow, shamelessness is not such a shameless law…”

The words of the Miracle Country immediately triggered the vibration of the entire Blue Star.

Everyone in the [God Country Alliance] knew that after the official entry of the Miracle Country, no matter how strong the Dragon Kingdom was, he finally had the qualifications to wrench with it.

Among them, the most excited is naturally Dongying Country.

After the Miracle Country entered, Dongying Kingdom was also the first to make a statement of condemnation of the Dragon Kingdom.

Between the lines, every sentence beads!

And the joint, naturally, are those small countries that have been on the edge.

After seeing the appearance of the Miracle Country and the Dongying Country, they spared no effort.

They are also working hard again!

For a while, the situation that was originally stabilized because of the appearance of the Great Dragon Key Immortals.

It’s precarious again!

After all, no matter how brave the Great Dragon Key Immortals are, they face those true national elites and stand in front of the rulers at the top of human rights.

They are still unstoppable after all.

Not to mention, it was still high-level from all over the world!

This is not only in “strength”, but also in “quantity”!

As a result, the Great Dragon Key Immortals, who had barely stabilized the entire situation, were also defeated one after another.

And just when these great dragon key immortals were overwhelmed by those shells from all over the world.

The official of the Dragon Kingdom is finally no longer silent!

In the face of shelling from all over the world.

Whether it is the netizens of the Dragon Country or the official of the Dragon Country, there is not the slightest fear.

It was even more when everyone thought that the Dragon Kingdom should be forced to submit.

Once again, a high-profile response to everyone’s condemnation!

One is the same as the previous response is so-so.

The speech of the Dragon Foreign Education Department was still domineering, and with a fearless attitude, he responded positively to these slanderers from all over the world!

“First of all, for the question of Dongying Kingdom’s accusation – I think you are blind, if your eyes do not need to be donated to those in need, what Yamashita can do to the rare country before, and what is he going to do when he meets our players, this point is seen by everyone with eyes, and now our players are just fighting back, what is wrong with this?!”

“Secondly, to the words of the Miracle Nation – which onion are you??? In the past, give you some face, let you pretend to be forced, don’t give you face, who are you?! ”

“In the end, whether it is my Dragon Country player or my Dragon Country, it is not the turn of any cats and dogs to point fingers! If there is a long-sighted daring to infringe on our country’s rights and interests, then our dragon country will not mind taking abnormal means to protect its rights and interests!!! ”

“My Dragon Kingdom doesn’t cause trouble, but I’m not afraid of !!!!”

The meaning of this sentence is actually very obvious.

After the translation of netizens, everyone is also happy to find that this sentence is simply –

“Less BB. Then BB Laozi will beat you!”

Since then, the response from the Dragon Kingdom, as soon as they spoke, those guys from the [God Country Alliance] were also silenced.

For a while, I didn’t dare to say anything more.

At this point, people finally realized that Yu Wei of the Dragon Kingdom was there.

Even the sleeping divine dragon is not something that ordinary people can provoke!

Those Great Dragon Key Immortals, who were originally a little unwilling because of the “defeat”, were instantly excited after hearing the domineering response from the official Dragon Kingdom!

Sometimes, it is really only at this most critical juncture that you can experience what kind of power the motherland brings to you!!

Don’t look at how brave these big dragon key immortals are on the Internet!

But in the end, back to daily life, which of them is not an ordinary ordinary people of flesh and blood?

With the blood in their hearts, they constantly fought for their country and for their glory.

However, when faced with this malice from all over the world, these big dragon key immortals with flesh and blood will also feel a trace of helplessness.

The feeling of being targeted by the whole world is really not the pain that ordinary people can imagine!


The official response from the Dragon Kingdom was like a shot in the arm!

This made all of them feel an incomparably heavy sense of security!

This is a strong country that gives them a sense of security!

At this moment, all of them felt that something had awakened in their hearts!

The sweaty hairs all over the body stood up! The blood in the body is also constantly rushing!

For some reason, faintly, they seemed to see-

A divine dragon!

In this moment!


“Mom!! I’m going to cry!! I big dragon!! Forever dripping God!! ”

“Just do it without much! Isn’t it just singling out the whole world?! The ancestors of decades ago could do it! Let’s be afraid of a fart!! ”

“That’s right!! Dry!! It’s over!! ”

“Wake up! Hunting Moment! ”

“One country, fight the world alone!” And what are you afraid of?! Dragon Kingdom! Bull Batch!! ”

“I was born a human being, I’m sorry, but I was born a dragon countryman, I’m proud!”

At the same time that everyone was boiling over because of the Dragon Kingdom’s speech.

[I came to see God Online] In the program group, a small thing also happened.

After seeing the official response from the Dragon Kingdom to the world’s domineering.

Several guests also looked enthusiastic at this time!

Captain Li stood up directly and couldn’t help but applaud continuously.

“Good!! Well said!! We in the Dragon Kingdom don’t cause trouble! But don’t be afraid of things!! Well said!! ”

As a soldier, Captain Li is naturally aware of the embarrassing position of the Dragon Kingdom in the international community over the years.

Because of the rapid development of the Dragon Country, many countries in the international community have a hostile attitude towards the Dragon Country.

And in order not to save money, the high-level officials of the Dragon Kingdom have also been resisting pressure from the outside world.

Just for the daily life of the common people in the Dragon Country.

Others may not know much, but Captain Li does.

In order to keep the hard-won stable life of the common people.

The high-level people of the Dragon Country and even the soldiers of the entire Dragon Country, they resisted a lot of grievance and unwillingness.

It’s not that the Dragon Kingdom doesn’t have the ability to solve these trivial things.

It’s unwilling!

And now, the high-level of the Dragon Kingdom has finally decided to leave all the burdens behind!

For Jiang Yan in the God Domain, and for the people of the entire Dragon Kingdom, fight for this breath!

How does this not excite Captain Lee? How not to get him excited ?!

At this thought, Captain Li also cheered again:

“Really!!! That’s great!!! ”

Listening to Captain Li’s words, Teacher Luo on the side couldn’t help but smile proudly:

“Our motherland really never disappoints us! Huh…”

Taking Teacher Luo’s words, Bingbing also smiled:

“yes! I believe that at this moment, no matter who it is, they must feel extremely proud of being a native of the Dragon Kingdom!!! ”

After listening to the words of the three guests, Zhang Da at this time couldn’t help but feel excited in his heart.

The whole big face laughed and said happily:

“Hey, hey! I also think…”


However, before Zhang Da could finish speaking, Captain Li on the side suddenly burst out and smashed a punch on Zhang Dada’s face!


Feeling the sharp pain on his face, Zhang Da was stunned.

Originally, Zhang Da was also excited because of the response of the Dragon Kingdom.

Those who want to cheer and applaud for this.

However, who would have thought that before he could finish speaking, Captain Li couldn’t help but punch himself hard………

Why? Why beat me? I obviously haven’t spoken yet!!

Zhang Da, who was suffocated in his heart, also looked teary-eyed at this time.

It looks so good that he is not aggrieved……..

“You!!! You!!! ”

“You’re big? How? Didn’t eat? Can’t talk well? Do you want to eat me two more punches?? ”


Captain Li’s obviously threatening words immediately left Zhang Da speechless.

And Captain Li’s words continued.

“Lao Tzu wanted to beat you up just now! A slap before hasn’t made you remember it for a long time? Do you still want to say something flattering at such a time? Well??!! ”

Captain Li’s iron-blooded aura as a soldier was undoubtedly revealed at this moment.

Where can Zhang Da withstand Captain Li’s coercion at this time?

For a while, he didn’t dare to speak again.

At this time, Bing Bing and Teacher Luo on the side also looked cold-eyed, and did not intend to interfere at all.

Don’t talk about them, at this time, the netizens in the entire live broadcast room also applauded one after another.

“It has long been said that this kind of pen should not be pulled into the program group, I really don’t know what is going on in the pineapple station’s head.”

“Eh! Well played! Captain Lee! ”

“Please don’t stop! Step up! Captain Li, we support you! ”

“Captain Lee! Count mine and give him another punch!! (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

In fact, Zhang Da at this time really angered the anger of the entire Dragon Kingdom.

Whether it is several guests of the program group or netizens watching the live broadcast.

Even those bigwigs at the top of the Dragon Kingdom had already set their sights on Zhang Da.

In fact, this is also Zhang Da’s bad luck, under normal circumstances, where will these big guys of the Dragon Kingdom who are taking care of every opportunity pay attention to the host of such a program group?

But by coincidence, he just let these bigwigs of the Dragon Kingdom hear it.

Still in the Supreme Hall of the Dragon Country, in front of all the high-ranking officials of the Dragon Country, he said such obvious anti-Dragon Kingdom remarks.

Can that not be unlucky?

However, at this time, these high-level officials of the Dragon Kingdom were also unable to free their hands for a while because of these external remarks to deal with such small characters.

However, Zhang Da’s name had obviously been included in the blacklist of the high-level of the Dragon Kingdom.

In the present world.

At this time, those countries that were still constantly condemning the Dragon Country were after the Dragon Kingdom issued such a domineering response.

They were also dumbfounded.

Long Guo’s response can be said to have left them without leaving them any face.

Moreover, the attitude revealed in his words that he intends to fight all countries to the end also makes everyone confused.

What’s the situation?!

How dare the Dragon Kingdom say such a thing?

Why? By what?!

That’s right, they were very puzzled by the speech of the Dragon Kingdom.

The reason for the puzzle is also simple.

You know, in the previous Dragon Country and the world, everyone’s impression was the image of a good old man.

Usually, the Dragon Kingdom will not easily offend any and one country.

Even some small countries will get the greatest respect from the Dragon Kingdom.

In their view, such a gesture of the Dragon Kingdom is a manifestation of national inferiority.


Today’s Dragon Kingdom has changed its previous attitude of being submissive and has become completely tough.

It was as if he was unwilling to take even half a step.

Such a gesture immediately made all the big countries in the world can’t help but tremble in their hearts.

They know……..

This long-dormant divine dragon in the east is about to awaken!!!

At the same time, they were also very puzzled by the response of the Dragon Kingdom.

Just for the sake of one Jiang Yan, offend the countries of the whole world?

Is it really worth it?

Or rather, the Dragon Kingdom did this……. Haven’t you thought about the consequences that are about to be suffered?

This side has basically gathered the power of the world!

In addition to some small countries that have good relations with the Dragon Country, as well as the North Bear Country and the Yangbao Country, two countries that are still sitting on the mountain and watching the tiger fight.

The rest of the world’s forces have already gathered here!

Why did he dare to say such a thing in the Dragon Kingdom?!

At this thought, all the forces were also in turmoil.

And finally, under the secret meeting of the [God Kingdom Alliance].

The Miracle Country was also the first to speak.

“The obsessive attitude of the Dragon Kingdom really disappoints me!! So on! We will only let Jiang Yan, a monster, run amok in the God Domain, and in the long run, the players of our respective countries must not be able to escape Jiang Yan’s cruel methods! This goes on! The entire human race of Blue Star will be in dire straits!! ”

After all, it is such an international conference.

Even if what they are doing is their own people.

However, the miracle country still stands on the moral high ground and does not want to step down.

And after listening to the speech of the miracle country, Dongying country also took over the conversation.

“That’s right! We must find a way to knock the Dragon Kingdom well! Let them know the consequences of what they do! They can’t afford it!! ”



In the face of the speeches of the two big brothers of the Miracle Country and the Dongying Country, the countries were silent for a while.

But soon, the Miracle Nation proposed again:

“It seems that it is necessary for us to hold a joint military exercise in the territory of the Dragon Kingdom, so that they can see the existence they are facing, which they absolutely cannot provoke!!”



The speech of the Miracle Nation can be said to be extremely obscure.

However, everyone knows that……..

The so-called [military exercise] is actually just a war in disguise!

Just crowned with a cloak of force, driving the right to kill!

After all, no one knows if on the way to a military exercise, there will be a sudden little accident, or a sudden fire and accidentally drop a shell on your territory.

Or maybe a lot!!

For the words of the miracle country, the small countries can’t help but be due for a while.

After all, for war, most of them still reject it in their hearts.

Seeing everyone’s hesitant looks, Dongying Kingdom was the first to agree.

“I approve! For the purpose of military exercises! Show the Dragon Kingdom the power of our God-Kingdom Alliance!! ”

Subsequently, a large number of Dongying Party and the vassals of the Miracle Party responded and expressed their approval.

In this way, the entire [Divine Kingdom Alliance] secretly finalized a conspiracy against the Dragon Kingdom at the instigation of the Dongying Kingdom and the Miracle Country.

In the realm of God.

Bai Yuekui’s live broadcast room.

The Extreme Eater Beast that had just been solved by Bai Yuekui did not bring her a treasure chest reward.

However, Bai Yuekui did not feel any regrets about this.

For Bai Yuekui, the treasure chest of the Divine Domain really didn’t attract much to her…

The reason why he showed all kinds of proud looks in front of Jiang Yan before.

Most of them were also done with the idea of teasing Jiang Yan.

In fact, she herself has a sneering attitude towards this attribute reward.

After all, a guy with basic attribute points, if you give her attribute points, what can she be happy about?


What can make Bai Yuekui interested is only those unknown, novel, and interesting things.

For example…….. Jiang Yan.

After solving the Extreme Devouring Beast, Bai Yuekui also remembered what happened to Jiang Yan in the previous barrage.

Although Bai Yuekui knew that with Jiang Yan’s strength, there would naturally be no danger.

Therefore, compared to whether Jiang Yan would encounter danger, Bai Yuekui was more curious about the strength that Jiang Yan showed when he really made a move.

With this thought, Bai Yuekui also planned to open the barrage casually and ask the netizens in the live broadcast room if they had information about Jiang Yan’s location.

“Emmmmmm doesn’t know if the little guy’s side has solved it now……..”

After being distressed for a while, Bai Yuekui knew that even if he was looking for the past now, it was estimated that Jiang Yan’s side had already cooled the yellow cauliflower.

For Bai Yuekui, although the Extreme Devouring Beast did not pose any threat to her.

However, it did waste a lot of her time.

Thinking of this, Bai Yuekui also shrugged his shoulders, looking helpless. 、

“Forget it, anyway, there will be opportunities in the future.”

Saying that, Bai Yuekui planned to open the barrage and ask where Jiang Yan was.

“Duh! Duh! Duh! ”


Just when Bai Yuekui was about to open the barrage.

The ground in the distance began to tremble.

With this trembling, the land on the ground is constantly being arched! Then it cracked!

“Duh!! Duh!! Duh!! ”

This series of sounds came from a distance.

And he continued to approach Bai Yuekui’s location.

Seeing this scene, Bai Yuekui also stopped the movement in his hand.

His eyes narrowed slightly.

“Interesting, not over yet?”

“Boom!! Rumble!! Rumble!! ”

With this sensation on the ground, it keeps approaching.

The originally dull sound slowly became louder and louder.

The huge change immediately made the audience in the live broadcast room tremble.

Not only that, but while seeing this familiar scene in front of you.

The crowd also seemed to realize something.

And soon, the banner from [Blue Star Will] determined what everyone thought.

【Congratulations! Dragon Kingdom player Bai Yuekui encounters God Domain creatures!! Analyzing… Analysis complete!! 】

[Name: Giant Thousand Hand Centipede! ] (A-)】

[Features: A-level God Domain creatures! ] Omnivorous, gregarious! The personality is sinister and cunning! Good at using terrain to take advantage of prey! And he likes to torture those prey to death! If it falls into its hands, death will also become a luxury!! 】


As [Blue Star Will]’s voice fell.

The ground in front of Bai Yuekui also completely cracked.


A black shadow thirty or forty meters long rushed out of the sky from the ground!


The sharp roar of the giant thousand-handed centipede reached everyone’s ears.

Although everyone could not see the pupils of the thousand-handed centipede.

But it can be seen in its action.

At this time, it must be staring at Bai Yuekui in front of him.

The dark red carapace on the back and the countless shaking insect feet on both sides of the body are no different from the thousand-handed centipede that everyone saw before.

“Click! Click! Click! ”

With the continuous shaking of the insect feet on both sides of the thousand-handed centipede, there was also a scalp-numbing sound.

However, regardless of the figure of this behemoth in front of him.

Or from the information given by [Blue Star Will].

It couldn’t make Bai Yuekui’s heart give birth to any ripples.

At this time, Bai Yuekui still had an indifferent look.

However, it is different from her calmness.

After seeing the information about the [Giant Thousand Hand Centipede].

The netizens in the live broadcast room instantly fried the pan.

“Groove!! It’s really this forced!! ”

“Isn’t it! Asir! This is just done with B+! Before the qi was finished, he encountered another A-?! ”

“Boss Bai’s luck is really amazing, and he came to send points again? ………”

“A-level creatures!! Boss Bai, can she do it? ”

“Xuan! This is an A-level creature! When I was bloodily abusing the players of Duo Bao Country before, I was on the scene……. This is scary! ”

“If you can’t do it, just run! Boss White! It’s miserable to fall into the hands of this guy! ”

Although I have seen Bai Yuekui’s strength when solving B+ Don’t Devour Extreme Beasts before.

However, everyone also knows that in the God Domain, every rating gap is like a sting.

The previous B-level creature’s polar eater beast, after breaking through to B+, each small level is a qualitative change, which everyone can see.

And what about this A-, which is one level higher than B+?

That’s a whole big leap! … 3.1…

“Boss Bai may be cold!!”

Such thoughts inevitably flood into everyone’s hearts.

However, in this regard, Bai Yuekui himself still did not have any panicked look.

On the contrary, even in the face of this A-level ferocious beast in front of him, Bai Yuekui still had an expressionless and indifferent look.

Everyone didn’t understand why, even in the face of such a terrifying existence, Bai Yuekui still did not show the slightest fear of emotion.

But soon, they knew why…

Back to Jiang Yan.

At this time, Jiang Yan had already transformed all the “food” scattered around him into white bones.

And the rest is naturally a reserved meal!!

But at this moment, Jiang Yanyou suddenly remembered the [System Prompt Sound] that came from his brain before

Say that his behavior is in line with “Kaneki Ken”?

Does it refer to the previous abuse of Yamashita Nosheng?

If this can also improve the degree of playing, then he remembers that Kaneki also did it in the original work…….


Another crisp sound.

This was the abnormal noise that Jiang Yan made when he broke his finger.

At this time, Jiang Yan had no words.

Only the black-red eye on the left is constantly exuding a tyrannical gaze.


Exhaling a turbid breath, along with it, is a bloody smell that people can’t help but want to repel.

However, right now!

“Click! Click! ”

A strange sound suddenly attracted Jiang Yan’s attention.

This is…….

Follow the direction in which the abnormal noise is made.

Jiang Yan then discovered that it turned out to be a finger-long centipede.

At this time, he was lying on the blood-stained ground on the side, and seemed to be constantly sucking the blood that invaded the ground.


Seeing this centipede’s action, Jiang Yanxun’s eyes moved, as if he suddenly remembered something.

Three or two steps came to the front of this centipede.

One grabbed it.

Yijiangyan’s ability is just to catch a centipede.

Nature is not a difficult task.

This red, finger-long centipede was also constantly trembling after being caught by Jiang Yan in his hand.

Even, in a hurry, he actually gnawed Jiang Yan’s palm without hesitation.


With Jiang Yan’s physical qualities as a species now, it is naturally impossible for this centipede to bite Jiang Yan’s skin.

Looking at the constant struggle of this little centipede in his hand.

Jiang Yan ignored it.

He returned to the side of Yamashita, who was now dying.

Suddenly, he said:

“In that case…”

Saying an inexplicable word, Jiang Yan placed the little centipede in his hand on the ear that was already blurred with blood and flesh under the mountain.

“Duh!! Duh!! Duh!! ”

Feel a smell of blood.

The little centipede also did not have the slightest hesitation!

Follow the smell of blood and just drill in!


Just down the mountain Noh gave birth to the broken ear and drilled into his brain………….

“Duh! Duh! Duh! ”


Another scalp-numbing nibbling sound!


Yamashita Nosheng, who had been unconscious, suddenly let out a heart-rending scream…

But for all this, Jiang Yan’s expression remained indifferent, standing in place as if waiting for something.

The next moment.

Sure enough.

Just listen to the prompt sound of the [System], and it sounded in Jiang Yan’s mind again!

[Detected host behavior consistent with Kaneki Ken! ] Increased play…………]

ps: kneel for an automatic subscription and a tip, but where there is one, the author continues to explode with 30,000 words tomorrow!!!!!。

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