Playing With Other Supernaturals

Chapter 1007 Change of Plans part 2

Chapter 1007 Change of Plans part 2

Kisuke spent just over a day reaching the final Space Gate to return. But before he stepped into it, he first returned to his original body to inform those on Earth of what he'd heard from Seraselbes, 'It's going to be complicated since this is most likely funded by some big factions. I can only hope that they'll be able to slow down their entry and secure the foundation of the barrier.'

Since they went through some Summoning Magic, Kisuke knew that there was a limit to how much they could send inside and any strong Evie won't be able to go through it due to their 'size'. However, it also means that they'll try to take the barrier down from the inside and once that happens, it'll be an all-out war.

"You're back. Sooner than I expected. How did it go?" Stralit asked when she felt Kisuke entering her shadow.

Kisuke didn't say anything and passed the cubes that Seraselbes gave him.

Stralit inspected the cubes before inserting them into the console in her room. It took her around half an hour to get all the information that she needed and immediately destroyed the cubes with a deep frown on her face.

"Is something wrong?"

Instead of answering, however, Stralit asked back, "Did she say anything else?"

"She told me that you're in danger?"

"She did?" Stralit's eyes widened, "She's trusting you? Just what did you do?"

Kisuke shrugged his shoulders and feigned ignorance, "I don't know. I simply passed her what you wanted her to receive. That's all."

"...Did she introduce herself to you?"

Without any pause, Kisuke answered, "After I introduced myself, she also told me her name. Is something wrong with that? Is there some sort of spell that automatically activates when I hear her name?"

"Then I would like to do something to keep us connected."

Stralit tilted her head at him and asked, "What are you going to do?"

"Since you shared your ability, it's only fair that I also share with you what I know." Kisuke approached her and jumped to her shoulder, "If you feel it's something threatening or bad, you may reject it while or after I'm done."

Stralit wanted to ask more about what he wanted to do but Kisuke didn't let her do so as a mix of Spiritual Power and Magic Power formed a 'brand' on her forehead, 'With that, the Le Fay's Teleportation Magic should be set as long as she doesn't erase that mark.'

Stralit touched the Magic Circle that had already disappeared and asked, "What was that?"

Kisuke didn't explain but instead sent a telepathic message [For something like this. As you can see, there's no fluctuation of the usual Telepathy Magic so it's a safe way to communicate even at long distances. I think this will be better than your distress signal since I can instantly send a call as long as I'm conscious.]




Kisuke spent three days stalking Stralit's subordinates and found at least ten suspicious people with enough evidence gathered. But catching ten people is not good news for Stralit at all since all of them were caught while being careless and that would mean that they're comfortable enough to let their guard down which either they are idiots are they are actually a sizeable number on their side that they wouldn't have to worry about getting caught.

"Are you going to be alright?" Stralit asked after Kisuke told her that he would have to sleep for an extended amount of time.

"I'll be fine. This is a normal occurrence. Though I might take some time because I used a substantial amount of Spiritual Power." Kisuke would have searched for these spies more if not for Yoruichi's call.

Kisuke didn't say much more and immediately went to sleep as soon as he reached the room that Stralit secured for him.

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