Playing With Other Supernaturals

Chapter 1012 Unreasonable Power

Chapter 1012 Unreasonable Power

'How to finish this in one go? Hmmm... But a fast defeat might just set him off more. In that case, he needs an undeniable defeat. Should I go for a flashy one?...' Those were the thoughts that went through Riveria's head and the first thing she came up with was summoning the Dragon King that was contracted with her.

But as soon as she found out that the dimensions are tightly closed and that even her improved Dragon Gate couldn't make a crack on it, she felt disappointed.

"Oi, Kisuke! You didn't teach her all the wrong things, did you!?" Yoruichi yelled as she elbowed Kisuke in the side.

"I didn't! She's quite free so she must have picked it up then! She even got addicted to TV dramas at some point!"

Riveria could hear their voices but ignored them and thought, 'Was finishing it in an instant not good?'

As she looked at Ottar again, she saw him frowning deeply with swords in front of him but it was also obvious to her the fear that he's emitting. Who wouldn't after hearing from bystanders that he could have been instantly killed from the failed spell just now?

'Since I can't finish it in an instant, it might destroy the house and the surrounding forest. Not to mention, attracting more trouble to this place. Hmmm... Let's go with that.'

Riveria then raised her right hand and a thick book adorned with gems appeared on top of it, "I should have started with this first."

The moment she said those words, a jade-colored mist bloomed from under her feet before it spread and covered everyone in the vicinity. Ottar thought that it was an attack and tired to clear the 'poisonous' mist by generating wind through his swords while holding his breath as his senses expanded in case of Riveria attacked directly.

However, no matter how much he swung his swords, the mist didn't move and he also finally remembered that his Goddess was also in the vicinity and thought that she was also in danger, "Freya-sama!!!" He shouted.

Nevertheless, his worries were useless as the mist soon cleared up and disappeared, revealing a monochromatic world of the previous colorful one, "!?... T-This is...?"

The Goddesses and Tsubaki also looked around, clueless as to what had happened to the world, though not for long as Serafall suddenly yelled, "...Dimension Lost!? Wait... Did it have the form of a book?"

Yoruichi, on the other hand, rubbed her chin, "Does that mean that Georg of the Hero Faction is already dead? Or did you steal it?"

Kisuke just smiled and gave them a nonanswer, "Just watch. There will be more surprises~."

"Well, I've seen something similar."

Ottar gritted his teeth and raised both swords before bringing them down and released a cross-shaped orange wave toward Riveria.

Riveria, instead of dodging, waved her hand in front of her and a single black hole appeared on the path of the sword wave and swallowed it in its entirety without it doing anything.

"W-what?" Not just Ottar but also Yoruichi and Serafall were stunned at her display.

The black hole disappeared in front of Riveria and reappeared at Ottar's side before it spat out the same sword wave, "!?"

Ottar hurriedly dodge back but his thigh and stomach was caught in its sharpness. The wave continued to travel for more than a hundred meters before exploding and shaking the whole forest with its devastating power.

"Abaddon's Hole!? How!?" Serafall's shout was heard by everyone despite the destruction that was going on.

But Riveria's done yet as she pointed her finger at him and muttered, "Byakurai (Pale Lightning)." White lightning emerged from Riveria's finger tip and instantly engulfed Ottar in it.

"Kidou!?" It was Yoruichi's voice this time.

"AHHHH!!!" Ottar immediately pushed his defenses to the limits but his aura was stripped off forcibly by the force behind the strange lightning. When the lightning disappeared, everyone could see Ottar struggling to breathe and stand up with his whole body scorched and supported by his sword stabbed to the ground.

Ottar didn't want to give up and glared at Riveria while he repaired his body with his Spirit Magic.

But his motivation instantly dropped when he saw Riveria conjured a swirling ball of black and red energy that sounded all the alarms in his head, 'If I get hit by that, I'll die!'

"Do you want to continue?"

"Bael's Power of Destruction!?" It was the last thing Ottar heard before he forfeited.

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