Playing With Other Supernaturals

Chapter 1014 The Black Dragon part 1

Chapter 1014 The Black Dragon part 1

"W-we're flying!?" Tsubaki exclaimed while in the sky as she tried to grab anything to feel secure.

But for the Goddesses who saw her abilities and Ottar who had already recalled everything, it didn't come as a surprise. Instead, they all looked behind them and could see a small dot with flapping wings, "Why did it come here at this timing?" asked Ottar.

Loki recalled that Kisuke passed something to Riveria for Ais and she was able to guess why, "Who knows? We should ask Zeus about it since he knew it best."

It didn't take too long for them to reach Melen and they could see the Adventurers and the very few citizens still left panicking at the sound of the roar. Their anxiety was so much that most of them didn't even notice people flying over their heads.

Riveria navigated and landed between the temporary residences of the Loki and Freya Familia and although they saw many questioning looks, they couldn't fancy asking as they were far too busy with their preparations.

The first thing they noticed was Zeus and Odin, acting like mortals, standing nearby. But instead of approaching them, Ottar suddenly asked Riveria, "What should we do now?"

Tsubaki was surprised at him but after thinking about it, this was the right call, and she planned to do the same.

"Depends on how the Black Dragon will act. If it comes attacking Melen, we could repel it. But if it goes straight to the Dungeon, it'll be bad news."

Ottar wondered why she only said 'repel' when it was clear that she was fully capable of taking it on. However, what caught his attention more was the 'bad news', "...Why is that?"

Riveria turned her attention to the Black Dragon that was getting bigger and bigger as time goes and with her power of observation, its flight path slightly avoided Melen and the frontlines, "As a monster that thirsts for blood and should always choose slaughter, it going to the Dungeon would mean that there's something far more valuable in it than all of the 'food' here."

As for the rest of the prominent Familias, they went to Orario as an elite group to investigate why the Black Dragon went straight that way.

But just as they were about to start, Loki noticed that Ais was having some difficulty breathing and a very thin miasma was surrounding her that wouldn't be noticed if one doesn't stare at her for some time, "Ais? What's wrong?"

Ais finally clutched her chest in pain and Lysa let out a worried roar on her lap, "...I... Don't know... I can't... Control my wind..."

Her friends finally looked at her and tried asking her what was happening. Sadly, Ais couldn't give any answer as she also doesn't know anything and it only started happening when she heard the Black Dragon's first roar.

Without answers to their questions, Loki turned to Zeus and asked, "Old Zeus, you should know what's happening. Isn't it about time you share what's in your head?"

Before she could even ask, Zeus was already having a complicated expression while looking at Ais, '...Will there be a 'Hero' that could save her?'

Zeus sighed and answered, "Alas... It really turned out this way. Let me preface it by saying that the Black Dragon isn't just a Dragon, but also a parasite."

Zeus could see everyone's confusion as he continued, "And its next host is Aria and Albert's daughter, Ais Wallenstein."


AN: I'm sorry if I'm skipping a lot of character interactions here. As much as I want a natural flow, it would pad the sideshow too much and might become too boring. I also wanted to finish this arc within a certain timeframe so I'll be focusing on the incoming action and battle scenes before immediately moving to the aftermath.

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