Playing With Other Supernaturals

Chapter 1025 ‘Aria’ part 3

Chapter 1025 ‘Aria’ part 3

"Why are you doing this?" Ais asked after picking up her sword and sheathing it.

The 'Aria' on the floor went quiet and gritted her teeth, "Why...? Why won't you kill me...? Why won't you hate me...?"

Ais had already heard the first part of her sentence over and over again, but this was the first time she'd heard the second part and became even more confused.

"I killed your parents... I killed your loved ones... Why won't you hate me?" For 'Aria', this didn't make any sense. Ais' hate for her, a part of the Black Dragon, should be beyond the boiling point. But no matter how she looked at it, she didn't sense any sort of negative emotions while Ais was looking at her, 'But how? Did this space change something within her? Is it my main body interfering? But that should've been impossible with me blocking access to this place.'

But despite everything going haywire from what she initially planned, a small hope bloomed deep within her. She couldn't help but feel that she had been saved, '...Even though I don't deserve this... Why? Why is this happening?'

"...Are you... Not really my mother?" Ais suddenly asked and startled 'Aria' once again, 'At the moment she was going to die, why did she remind me of mother if she's not her?'

'Aria' became quiet and kept looking down at the ground. After some time, she answered, "...I'm not. That's the truth. All I have are her incomplete memories and personality. I was created to infiltrate this space and make a hole in it for my main body to enter easily."

Ais couldn't see her face but her instincts are telling her that she was telling the truth, "...Then why are you not attacking me? Wouldn't that be easier for you?"

'Aria' properly sat up and finally showed her face to Ais that was full of complicated expressions, along with a hint of relief, 'I know I'm just going to make it harder for her but... I don't want her to hate me... I don't want to disappear knowing that she hates me...'

Because this was the deepest part of Ais' soul, the influence of Serafall and Freya's spell had a very minimal effect, and the moment she remembered what she had forgotten, it all came flooding back. However, those were not what's important but instead her current situation, '...It's because of them. Although we had forgotten them, we didn't forget what they left behind. They are the first people who didn't see others for their outward appearances, even if their origin was that of a monster born from the Dungeon. They are the reason why we could easily accept Filvis and Lysa. They are the reason why we could even talk to the Xenos as equals these days... Their identities were erased, but not their legacy.'

Using that logic, Ais figured out why she couldn't hate the entity in front of her. She'd already learned how to judge people for who they are and not what they are.

Ais then looked down at the sobbing 'monster', 'Besides... I don't think I was fooled.'

Ais bent her knees and lowered herself while reaching out for 'Aria's' upper arm.

'Aria' was alarmed by the sudden touch and nervously looked up. But out of all the bad things she was expecting, she didn't anticipate a small, gentle smile, "...A-Ais?"

Ais didn't say anything and just leaned forward before tightly hugging her.

'Aria', not knowing what was happening, panicked and asked, "A-Ais!? What's wrong!?"

She still didn't give any answer but her alarm only caused Ais to chuckle softly, '...That's right. She's a fake... A fake that embraced the illusion and became real...'

If one were to think about it again, although it's true that 'Aria' was a part of the Black Dragon, she's also a part of the real Aria by inheriting her memories, personality, and feelings. And upon acting upon those instead of her origin, she technically stood as her mother.

'Aria' finally realized Ais' intention and also timidly wrapped her arms around her. A dream came true... Nevertheless, it's a short dream.

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