Playing With Other Supernaturals

Chapter 1030 From the Depths of the Dungeon

Chapter 1030 From the Depths of the Dungeon

Since there was already no point in hiding after what she'd just displayed, Riveria used Flash Step several times to instantly arrive in front of Ais and everyone else before eagerly asking, "How did you acquire a Draconic Trait?"

But including Ais, nobody could answer her. Riveria's excitement of finding something new and intriguing temporarily blinded her to how others viewed her and it was Serafall who brought her back to her senses, "Riveria-chan, was that Sealing Magic?"

At her moment of realization, Riveria's face tensed up to an awkward expression, and turned to Serafall before answering, "I found out how the Corrupted Spirit... or Deity, whatever you want to call it, connected to the Dungeon. So I worked around it and severed that connection. After that, it couldn't maintain its form and was weakened enough that a simple sealing barrier is enough to contain it. I thought Kisuke might have some use for it so I sealed it instead of eradicating it."

"...Where did you learn Sealing Magic?" asked Serafall because even at first glance, she knew that it wasn't simple at all.

"I studied under Rossweisse for several years and also incorporated some of Le Fay's Security Magic in it," Riveria answered casually. But then, she recalled something and her expression became serious while looking around, "By the way, I noticed some changes within the Dungeon, and from the timing, it was when the Black Dragon was defeated."

Serafall's expression also turned serious, "What changes?"

"All of its Magic Power is funneling to the deeper floors and those were enough to leave the higher floors crumbling and monsters to stop spawning. It's also the reason why I was able to easily sever that corrupted one's connection to the Dungeon."

Just like Riveria, a bad feeling surfaced in Serafall's heart, and she couldn't help but curse while remembering Kisuke's grin, "That bastard. Couldn't he give a bit more of a heads-up? Riveria-chan, just to be safe, evacuate everyone."

Riveria nodded and started preparing Teleportation Magic for everyone but they were already too late as the Dungeon began sucking in all the available Magic Power in the air, making the flow of energy very turbulent.

"It's no use! I can't do it fast enough if I were to take the chaotic flow into the equation!" Riveria shouted, giving up constructing the complicated circle.

"Then apply Flight Magic to everyone and bring them away to Melen. I'll leave it to you to reinforce that area!" Serafall instructed before taking up into the sky. Nnêw n0vel chapters are published at



As soon as Riveria's group left, Serafall could finally clearly feel the dreadful aura that was coming up from the depths of the Dungeon and thought, '...It's not weaker than Trihexa... How are we supposed to deal with this?'

Shaking her head, Serafall remembered the real reason she was here, "I just have to hold it off for a minute or two, right?"

There was no answer to her question, however, she could feel an intense activity from both Kisuke and Yoruichi's side and guessed that they had a better way of containing it and they just needed some time to deploy it.

"Oh well~" Serafall smiled, "It had been getting boring waiting for something to happen and I'm not exactly the passive type~"

As she started muttering to herself, her black hair was slowly being painted blueish-white starting from the roots. At the same time, the enormous amount of Demonic Power she possessed started compressing itself in an extremely small space within her heart. A few seconds later, the air surrounding Serafall had condensed into ice particles and became hazy.

Right now, anyone who doesn't have extreme resistance against the cold would have instantly been frozen the moment they came within a few meters from her, "For now... Let's plug that entrance."

With a wave of her hand, three meters of solid ice instantly covered the entirety of Orario. Nevertheless, it didn't end there as her ice also filled the entire first floor all the way until the 18th floor of the Dungeon, as if they were pipes being filled with water, leaving everything that was somehow still alive, dead.

Serafall still wanted to continue, but the moment her ice reached the 19th floor, she felt an incredible resistance and was stopped in her tracks, "I could push through, but that isn't the goal here."

At the same time, 100-meter tall black walls started emerging from the ground and surrounded the whole city and Serafall received a telepathic message, [Sera-chan, just make sure it won't be able to leave for a few minutes. Once the sealing barrier is fully deployed, we're done here.]

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