Playing With Other Supernaturals

Chapter 1058 Riveria’s Otherworldly Experience

Chapter 1058 Riveria’s Otherworldly Experience

[Ah! Don't run! Sona already knows that you three secretly went back in!] Nyx dived back to her shadow and disappeared without any trace as if she didn't exist in the first place.

"...That was?" Loki asked Riveria.

"...A security guard." Riveria briefly answered.

"No way I'll believe you." Loki instantly retorted.

But before Riveria could explain, Issei interrupted them, "Riveria-san, we will be going first."

"Please be careful and see you later."

Issei nodded in goodbye and both him and Vali summoned their Scale Mails before flying off towards the administration building where the center command of the current operation is being held.




When they reached the cafeteria, the food was automatically prepared and everyone just had to get a tray for themselves. Since there were around two hundred people, the Deities and their leading children set their own table with Ouranos asking Lyd, the lizardman, to represent the Xenos group.

Everyone was tired, but thanks to the delicious food that just mysteriously appeared, almost everyone ate in silence, including the Deities that actually needed to sustain themselves now, though not to the same degree as the mortals.

After filling their bellies, it was finally time to talk, "Ahh~ I'm satisfied and I want to lay down... But I don't think I would be able to get a wink of sleep without knowing what just happened." Loki started and turned to Riveria, "Us asking questions would be incredibly inefficient so just tell us the whole story."

"Hmmm... Where do I start?" With all eyes on her, Riveria began thinking about what she should actually tell since there's no way for them to fully understand her without stepping into that world and experiencing it themselves.

"Are we going to get that much support!?" Ganesha hurriedly stood up and asked. Even though each soldier is just as strong as their children, with enough numbers, it'll be an unstoppable force that even Gods would fear.

But the one who answered her was Loki, "No way that would be the case. And a country with that amount of soldiers would be very large and a large country like that would be bound to have its own problems regarding the spread of authority and power."

Riveria nodded, "It's as Loki has said. The Underworld is very large. Even if you multiply this world's population several times over, the country of Devils will still have more. Due to that, the nation is divided into 72 Pillars with the council of Elders and 4 Devil Kings standing on top."

A familiar term instantly tickled some of the Deities' ears, "...Devil King?" Loki muttered.

"The Elders of the council came from 72 Pillars and this Elders would elect 4 Devil Kings that would lead all the Devils." Riveria further explained, "And yes, Serafall is one of the Devil Kings."

The Deities went quiet. It was only now that they realized that Serafall's standing might have been higher than them all this time. It now became understandable why she didn't care whether they're Gods or not, especially for her patron Goddess, Artemis.

"Enough of the Devil Kings since they are not really relevant to this operation. I haven't confirmed it yet but looking at the people who came here, this is all made possible by three houses of the 72 Pillars, namely Belial House, Sitri House, and Gremory House, and the agreement from Team DxD."

"...Sitri... Sona Sitri..." Freya muttered to herself, "She the daughter of this noble house? And it was mentioned that she's Serafall's little sister so she's technically a princess?"

"She's the current heir to the House of Sitri... But I think she's going to pass that position soon to someone down the line."

Freya couldn't help but smile and said, "Because of Kisuke, right?"

Riveria nodded, "Kisuke doesn't have any intention of inheriting any position. But currently, he and I belong to the House of Belial." As she said those, Riveria thought, 'Because he's already a powerhouse on his own with influence in various organizations that couldn't be measured. He's the biggest wild card on that side and that's the reason why many don't like him.'

"You and him? So these Pillars also accept outsiders into their ranks?" Loki asked and was not really thinking about it deeply.

"Not really. You could only join one if you're a Devil without any affiliation or you marry one of its members."

Immediately, all eyes went wide as they stare at Riveria, "You're married!?" Lefiya shouted from the end of the table.

Riveria knew that this question would pop up and immediately answered, "No." But what happened next caused more shock when she insinuated that she married Kisuke. Four pairs of deep black Devil Wings suddenly emerged from her lower back, "I fulfilled the first condition."

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