Playing With Other Supernaturals

Chapter 1062 Round 2 part 3

Chapter 1062 Round 2 part 3

A vein popped on Chaos' forehead but he reigned in the rage that was boiling deep within him. He's not stupid enough to fall into Kisuke's pace over and over again. Ignoring what he'd just said, Chaos continued, "Did you really think that just because I'm busy here, you can take me on all by yourself? If that's not arrogance, I don't know what it is, since you're not a fool."

Kisuke observed the situation more and found that a black tentacle coming out of Chaos' leg is attached to the embedded person's belly and from her, black veins spread out through the entire Dungeon, "That's not Tiamat... Is it?"

Chaos smirked and began muttering, "Ah~ Right. You managed to kill Tiamat against all of my expectations. What should I do~? I'm very tempted to wake her sister up and see what she'll do~."

Kisuke's neutral expression changed to that of a frown, "...Sister?"

Chaos looked down at the woman and proceeded to step on her head, "Yes. Arguably, the real 'Mother'. If Tiamat created order, Null created the substance." As he ground his foot on her, Kisuke could see the pleasure on Chaos' face and almost reeled from it, "But for such powerful beings, they were too naive. I had a great time as their advisor. Ahh~ Those were good times..." At this point, the twisted smile on Chaos is the worst that Kisuke had ever seen, "Corrupting them and slowly leading them to their demise as I gobble everything up... I want to relish that experience once again."

All of a sudden, a whistling sound pulled Chaos from his nostalgia and he stretched his left hand to catch the crimson arc that was aimed directly at him before crushing it and reducing it into motes of light, "What a rude fellow."

Kisuke lowered his sword and said, "I apologize. I saw something disgusting and felt the need to destroy it."

The disgusting smile from Chaos' face finally disappeared as he faced Kisuke once again, "Looks like you won't stop bothering me until I give you a lot of pain."

The answer that Kisuke gave him was another swing of his Benihime. Similar to before, Chaos just casually dealt with the sword arc that's enough to injure a strong God by slapping it away with his bare hands.

Naturally, Chaos wouldn't just passively defend himself. Although he didn't move from his position, Kisuke suddenly felt small tremors on the ground and the walls and immediately jumped up. In his previous position, he saw numerous black tentacles that attempted to skewer him multiple times.

[Seven, give or take.]

[That's plenty.]

[But forget about fighting after that.]

[If I can't kill him after that, then I would have lost anyway.]

Kisuke was about to start when suddenly, Benihime asked him an unrelated question, [By the way... What is that dagger? I don't like it.]

[You'll know later... But I beg of you... Don't kill me.]

Benihime was shocked and confused by Kisuke's sudden plea. But before she could ask any further, Kisuke suddenly accelerated and focused on their current goal, "Shunkou!"

The bloody aura that manifested around Kisuke pushed the pursuing tentacles and without rest, he continued, "4th Gate: Depression!"

Chaos thought that Kisuke will attack him for real and prepared to crush him with overwhelming strength, but to his surprise, Kisuke went past him and reached the wall behind him, "Eat this shit, you fucking glutton."

He smashed his fist on the wall and injected a large amount of his aura into it. Immediately after, Chaos suddenly felt bloated and a stream of black blood suddenly emerged from his orifices, "...What?" However, before he could understand what was going on, the tentacle that was connected to Null inflated several times and his head exploded into a fine mist along with his numerous tentacles turning into dust.

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