Playing With Other Supernaturals

Chapter 1068 Final Stretch

Chapter 1068 Final Stretch

Kisuke was constantly whittling down Chaos, but the latter could also see that the former was already at his limit.

Chaos also noticed that the army Kisuke had brought didn't have any intention of bringing down the Deities despite having the apparent advantage and it didn't take too long for him to figure out why 'They want to preserve as much of this world as possible. How arrogant. It'll be their own undoing.'

Chaos was already tired and most of his powers were already drained by Kisuke's modification ability, however, this was only a minor problem for him as he could also replenish everything back and he had multiple ways of doing it. Not to mention, even if he was defeated here, his plans would only be delayed by a century or two.

'But that's still a bit too long.' Chaos thought to himself and turned his gaze towards the Deities that were struggling to bring out their whole power because most of them didn't know how to actually fight, 'How useless. I can make them useful but this will delay my acquisition of Null for a few years.'

'But if I can remove this man now, a few years of waiting isn't not bad.' Chaos weighed his options and smiled, 'Yes. As long as I can remove this man, everything else will be smooth sailing.'

Kisuke approached Chaos with five-bladed fingers slashing at him in all five directions while asking, "How nice. You still have the leeway of thinking about something else. Must be nice to be a true immortal, huh?"

Chaos sneered at him even while being cut into six parts, "You know you can't kill me, so why the wasted effort? If your aim is to delay me for some time then I applaud you for trying your best. Nonetheless, I won't make it easy for you and your companions. I'll make sure to bring a few of them to the afterlife."

"With how exhausted you are? I'd like to see you try." Kisuke divided him into even more parts while studying the composition of his body. However, that's the limit of what he could do. He can only study the substance and nothing beyond it or why he's unkillable in the first place. As of now, Kisuke could only poke holes through his vessel so that he could whittle away his power source.

Confidence returned to Chaos as he smiled widely, "Then behold and despair."

As soon as he said that, a few hundred Deities started shrieking in pain and convulsed uncontrollably.

At that moment, the whole flow of the battlefield stopped to watch the black nerves on the Deities of Chaos' side expand and cover their whole skin before slowly melting into a black goo and shooting toward Chaos.

Only silence reigned as Kisuke himself went into a defensive stance to see what was going on, hiding the glee he was feeling behind a poker face.

So when Kisuke decided to disengage, Chaos let him go since he didn't understand how he was still losing, 'I'll use that again. I doubt he still has the energy to modify that.'

But just as Chaos was about to cast the technique that had almost killed Kisuke for the third time, he saw Kisuke grinning at him while pointing at him.

Confused, Chaos followed where his finger specifically pointed but as soon as he saw it, Chaos' mind froze.

Without his knowledge, his left leg had fallen off and the stump was melting, "!?"

Chaos immediately tried recreating his leg and wondered when he was hit but just as he did that, he saw his right arm and right leg detach themselves and fall, "...What?"

Soon, it wasn't just his humanoid form but also his 'arms' were slowly melting and Chaos couldn't do anything to prevent it as he finally noticed that he was being drained faster than before and there was no sign of it stopping.

Kisuke didn't let go of this chance and cut him into pieces. Chaos wanted to defend, but found that he was too fast for him, 'What happened!?'

He tried regenerating but he couldn't seem to put himself together effectively, "What's happening!!!?" Chaos' head was flung off yelling in anger.

"Poison~" Kisuke gleefully answered him.

"...Poison?" After some effort, Chaos managed to get a semblance of himself, "Impossible! I removed the poison from those Deities!"

Kisuke chuckled at him and said, "You really are an idiot. Removing the poison from the food doesn't mean the food is safe to eat. It's a poison that's specifically crafted to create another poison. You're just dumb for not thinking of the possibility that your food may have gone bad even if you cleaned it."

Chaos wanted to curse at Kisuke, but he couldn't keep his form anymore. And as he slowly melted into black goo, Kisuke continued, "Your next move, Chaos-san~ Or is it already checkmate?"

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