Playing With Other Supernaturals

Chapter 1095 [World’s End]

Chapter 1095 [World’s End]

After around a hundred jumps that took a few hours, Kisuke finally found a satisfactory space that's virtually untouched by anyone for the last one thousand years. It's at least 10 times as wide as Karakura Town so it was also the perfect size for them in case there's a need to move it around.

Like the other pockets of spaces around the Dangai where Souls could accidentally get lost, it's a barren rocky land with a sun-like source of light in the middle of it. Since everything in this space was stagnant, there was only day here. It was unknown how each Valley of Screams got its current terrain and light but it was theorized that the first Souls that got lost here are the ones who shaped them.

Everything inside this space is made out of Reishi(Spiritual Particles) and even if Claire, Tanis, and Kunou could survive in this kind of space, it wouldn't be very comfortable since it'd be just like the barren land of Mars for them who don't know how to feed on Reishi.

Kisuke didn't delay his work any further and took out 5 40-meter tall and 2-meter wide gray pillars that were inscribed with thousands of Magic Circles melded together creating a very complex flow of energy. But before he set them down, Kisuke first turned to Ophis, Lilith, and Flanna, "Ehem, the reason why I want to bring you here is for you to combine your abilities to create a protective layer over this domain to block off most of the unauthorized entrances and flow of information. Will that be alright?"NewW novels updates at

Ophis, Lilith, and Flanna looked at each other before the last one turned to Kisuke and asked, "Just to make it clear, you want us to further separate this space from the rest?"

Kisuke nodded at her and said, "That's one way of putting it."

"Hmmm..." Flanna closed his eyes in deep thought before asking again, "Is there anything specific you want us to do?"

Kisuke shook his head, "Nothing. I don't know how you will do it so I'll be leaving it to you three."

Flanna suddenly clapped her hand before wrapping her arms around Ophis and Lilith, "Yosh! Blacky, Little Blacky, let's make a cozy place!"

And despite not talking about anything specific, Ophis and Lilith understood what she wanted to happen and nodded.

"Boss, we'll start immediately so make sure some bananas and cookies are prepared when we're done~!"

The three of them didn't wait for Kisuke to say anything else and slipped into the space, disappearing as if they were never there, to begin with. Even then, Kisuke didn't stop himself and said, "I'll look forward to your work~! And don't worry about the snacks. I stocked up before we left."

The next moment, an incredible amount of Draconic Aura unique to the three of them exploded as if it signaled the end of the world. It was so incredibly dense that even Kisuke, who was used to their aura, jumped on his feet and adrenaline rushed to his head as an automatic defense mechanism. It was only a second later that his mind finally processed that there was no danger and it was just the three of them doing their work.

Surprised, Serafall asked, "Oh? Your Ki scan worked that far?"

"I also didn't expect it to work that well," answered Kunou, "It must be because no one else is manipulating the natural flow of Ki that my scan went on unimpeded."

Serafall then stood up and said, "It's about lunch time so let's go get a meal. After that, we'll go to the Kitakawase area. Anything you want?"

Tanis hurriedly raised her hand and said, "I'm craving ramen!"

"Ramen, it is! Let's go to the shopping district. We should be able to find a good shop."

"I prefer somewhere not crowded." Claire requested.

They came across multiple shops but all of them were almost full because it was already lunchtime. It took a while, but they found a good shop before they could enter, Serafall and Kunou suddenly stopped walking.

"Find something else?" asked Tanis, turning to the direction they are looking at.

"Yup~. Let's take a look at that place first before we have lunch. They might leave." Serafall led the group and took a few turns until they reached a street that has low pedestrian volume. And at the corner of that street was, amazingly, a ramen shop that seemed to be new called 'Spirit Ramen', "What a coincidence~ Let's have our lunch there!"




Inside the ramen shop that'd only opened a few days ago, Ichigo, Inoue, Uryu, and Chad gathered because of what happened last night, "Still no news from Soul Society?" Uryu asked Ichigo as the last one among them to arrive.

Ichigo shook his head while checking his smartphone.

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