Playing With Other Supernaturals

Chapter 1136 Intruding in Hell part 2

Chapter 1136 Intruding in Hell part 2

It was before noon and Serafall was currently in the Kurosaki's household. After hearing the threat that the doors posed to the world and Gotei 13's plan, Ichigo decided to participate in the effort. However, only after he received their promise that they won't use Kazui apart from giving them the 'blessing' to go through the doors of Hell.

The ritual to grant the 'blessing' is just a simple prayer from Kazui that summons the 'Eyes of Hell' to look at everyone who wants to go through the doors of Hell. After seeing those eyes, everyone was able to confirm that Kazui has an intimate connection with Hell and Mayuri also noticed the slight change in everyone's Reiatsu after the ritual. As there's no need to open a door, any location for granting will do so Shinigamis, Quincies, and Hollows took turns to receive it which took the whole morning.

While Inoue would be staying behind and his father came to their home as an additional security, Ichigo still couldn't shake the bad feeling he was having. Without much choice, Ichigo directly went to the address Renji gave him first thing in the morning.

"So your name is Serafall? Nice to meet you! I'm Kurosaki Isshin! This stubborn guy's father!" Isshin energetically introduced himself while his black-haired daughter shook her head with a sigh.

The other daughter with light-blonde hair, however, followed Isshin's footsteps and also cheerfully introduced herself, "I'm Kurosaki Yuzu and this one is Karin! Pleased to meet you."

"It's a pleasure to meet everyone too~! I'm Sitri Serafall but you can all just call me Sera-chan~!"

"Alright, Sera-chan. Did you have your lunch yet?" Isshin asked while taking out his apron.

"No, I haven't."

"Well then~! I'll whip up the best lunch!" He then went to the kitchen with Yuzu following him to help out.

Meanwhile, Karin sat down beside Serafall and apologized, "I'm sorry that they're so loud."

"It's fine. I really like people like them."

With all of this happening, Inoue, Ichigo, Uryu, and Chad were all outside with the latter three about to leave, "Be careful."

"We will... Take care of Kazui. I have a feeling that he's also going to be of importance to those who were resurrected in Hell, so they might come attacking." Ichigo gave Inoue a peck on the forehead.

"Why not just stay behind, Ichigo?" Uryu suddenly said.

"You know well that I can't. Soul Society can't muster enough strength that you also had to ask other Quincies for help. If they flood the Human World, it'll be a disastrous scene."

"Well, I guess it's a good call to ask for Sitri-san's help," Chad commented.

5th door, Kenpachi Zaraki.

6th door, the Hollows.

7th door, Lisa Yadoumaru, Yuyu Yayahara, and Tatsufusa Enjouji

8th door, Shinji Hirako.

And finally, the last and 9th door, Hachigen Ushouda, Hiyori Sarugaki, Momo Hinamori, and Ikkaku Madarame.

As the strange energy pooled around each gate, everyone got ready to enter the doors the moment they manifested.

[Zaraki, fix the camera on your chest. And don't block it on purpose.] Mayuri's voice was heard by everyone on each and every communicator that was distributed before the operation.

[And always remember the designation of your doors to make sure that you can react whenever I make a call.]

"Hey, why are you here instead of going with your Captain?" In front of the 9th door, Hiyori asked Ikkaku.

"Do you really need to ask that? We'll only hold back the Captain if we're around." Ikkaku replied while thinking, 'If there's a large number of enemies, instead of helping, we'll be too worried that he'll accidentally kill us.'

"The door is about to open. Get ready." The leader of the group, Hachigen, reminded everyone.

As they all pulled out their weapons, a single black line appeared in front of them before it opened like how the Hollows opened the Garganta. But instead of a simple opening, its boundary was lined with Human teeth, making it very creepy.

Nevertheless, they didn't have the time to admire it as all of them plunged themselves into the dark void.

The dark void only went on for an instant and the group soon found themselves in a world very much like the forested area of the Human world but with a bright purple sky. However, they didn't have attention to spare and admire the scenery as all around them were thousands of Beasts of Hell littering the sky, and it seemed like they were shocked by their sudden appearance.

"I'll set up a sanctuary as planned! All of you, intercept all of those who are trying to cross the door!" Hachigen immediately commanded while making gestures with his hand to activate the Kidou he prepared.

But just as they were about to battle, Akon's panicked voice rang out from their communicators, [Door 6 and 7! Retreat! I repeat! Doors 6 and 7! Retreat! As fast as possible!]

The group shuddered and unconsciously looked at the door that they went through, wondering what the hell happened. But as they did, they saw the door slowly shut and disappear, trapping them in a foreign world with thousands of hostile enemies around.

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