Playing With Other Supernaturals

Chapter 1146 Doors to Hell part 9

Chapter 1146 Doors to Hell part 9

Both were wearing a white haori, the former Captain of the 3rd Division, Gin Ichimaru, and the former Lieutenant of the late Captain Commander, Choujirou Tadaoki Sasakibe, came out of Hell to abduct Ichigo's son, Kazui Kurosaki.

As Isshin and Choujirou were trying to pressure each other, the former couldn't help but wonder what's up with the latter's strange movement of Reiatsu, 'There's only a tiny amount of Reiatsu radiating from him... the large majority of this weight is something else mixed with his Reiatsu itself.'

"Sasakibe-san, we don't have much time. We don't know when Captain Kurotsuchi will be able to pull out their attack force from the doors and swarm this place." Gin suddenly addressed his partner. He's very interested in Serafall's existence that he wasn't expecting, but they have a goal that they have to achieve today, 'Before Szayelaporro Granz notices anything.'

But before they could even pull out their weapons, a blinding light suddenly emerged from Serafall that took out everyone's sight for a few seconds. Gin gritted his teeth and pulled out his Zanpakuto before swinging it in Serafall's direction. He didn't feel his attack connecting and wanted to continue but retreating from here is a better choice.

And when their sights were returned, Gin saw Choujirou with him standing in the sky also looking down on the Kurosaki household.

"Was that light a call for help?" asked Gin while his senses were scouring his surroundings, 'There's no response from anyone.'

Isshin and Serafall followed them to the sky but the latter caught the attention of the two more, because instead of stepping into the sky while creating footholds, Serafall seemingly just floated up, 'What is that technique?' Gin asked himself while also thinking of the advantages it provided and how to counter this sort of movement.

Serafall chuckled at Gin's question and said, "Call for help? Think again."

Gin, Choujirou, and even Isshin wondered what she meant by that and all of them thought, 'Was that really simply for distraction?'

As if reading their minds, Serafall nodded, "Yep, it was just for distraction."

Choujirou's expression became extremely serious. As Gin had said, they didn't have much time and all they needed to do was open a door and take Kazui with them or even just with one of them. However, with Isshin guarding them alongside this woman with unknown ability, it would be extremely hard for them to snatch Kazui from Inoue's hands if she decided to lock herself up within her barrier.

'We just need the kid and we'll even return him unharmed...' Choujirou gritted his teeth and weighed his options, 'Eijisai-dono's well-being takes priority.'

"Ichimaru-dono... We'll have to do it."

Gin nodded solemnly and scanned their surroundings the second time. However, they were in for a shock, '...No one!?'

Seeing their expression change, Serafall's smile widened as she continued her words, "It was a distraction, but not because I wanted you to retreat."

"Were you not here the whole time?" Isshin asked in disbelief. He thought he had backup, but it turned out that he was outnumbered.

"I was just finishing my snacks and the barrier." Serafall finally reached their height and saw that Choujirou wanted to attack for the second time, "You won't be able to get me easier than you did with my clone."

"But we'll still have to take you out if we want to achieve our goal, isn't it?"

"If you're thinking of going past us and aiming directly for the noncombatants, then I regret to inform you that the window for that possibility has been shut." Serafall snapped her fingers and numerous Magic Circles around the Kurosaki household before it was enclosed in a tetrahedron blue barrier.

"Hell's Blessing!?" Gin yelped in surprise, "...How?"

"That could take a few strong hits and I doubt you two would be able to get even one in with us around. So instead of senseless violence, why don't we talk this out?"

"Talk this out?" Isshin interrupted, "They are clearly after my grandson, why do we have to talk it out?"

"Because they're not on the guy you people call Szayelaporro's side."

Gin and Choujirou became quiet. Meanwhile, Isshin, as he is earlier, still couldn't follow, "...They are not? But they are from Hell and attacked the Human World."

"That's true, however, I've listening in to what was going on in the current operation and one notable thing that they got from Szayelaporro's group is that, Szayelaporro himself doesn't know about Kazui-chan's existence despite knowing everything else down to the current members of the Gotei 13. Yet here they are, coming straight for the 'Envoy of Hell'."

Isshin immediately turned his head to the silent duo and changed his stance, 'If they're not from the same group... Then who are they working for?'

Serafall then clapped her hand, "So instead of something unproductive like fighting, why don't we sit down and have some tea to calm our nerves? Maybe we'll find a solution, or at least a clue to one, for your problems."

Gin let out a deep breath and asked, "And if we insist on doing things the way we want it?"

For the first time, Serafall's smile disappeared and 6 pairs of Demonic wings appeared behind her back.


At the same time, her Demonic Power flared up, washing over everything in this artificial dimension, instantly plummeting the temperatures down to the negatives and pushing out everyone who's around her with her sheer aura, "I may not like violence, but that doesn't mean I'll be holding back when someone offering me some."

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