Chapter 1153 Busted

Flanna stared at the unknown woman for a moment and understood her current state, "Were you brought here for treatment?"Fịndd new updates at

Soifon didn't really know her exact situation so she could only nod, "I think so."

"Fumu, fumu..." Flanna nodded in understanding, "Boss is quite busy right now so he won't be able to attend to you. In any case, it seems you're not in any immediate danger as long as that icky disgusting thing inside you doesn't spread further."

"Boss?" Soifon is still not sure if she's really in the 12th Division until now, 'No one refers to Captain Kurotsuchi as 'Boss'. More importantly, I remembered now. Although a bit older, she has the same face as those highly sought-after students, Ophis and Lilith... What's the connection here?'

"Boss is boss." Flanna answered before pointing at her attire, "Are you not going to do anything to fix your clothes?"

Soifon inadvertently looked down on her hand clutching at her almost useless clothes, "This is already beyond fixing. Do you know where I could get a replacement?"

"Hmmm? Are you weakened enough that you can't fix it?" Flanna rubbed her chin and contemplated.

Soifon, on the other hand, was quite confused at her words, 'Can't fix it? Well maybe if I had half of Shutara's ability.'

While Soifon is wondering if the red-haired lady is expecting her to weave back her Shihakushou when she suddenly raised her hand towards her and a red Magic Circle appeared in front of her, "!?"

Of course, that was only wishful thinking on their part as Soifon muttered their names with an unbelieving expression, "Ophis... and Lilith?"

""Ugh."" Ophis and Lilith groaned and were trying to figure out how they could escape this.

"Oh? You know them?" The oblivious Flanna, meanwhile, innocently asked Soifon.

Ophis and Lilith slowly turned to Flanna and glared at her before saying at the same time, ""Stupid red."" The two of them really wanted to inform Kisuke or Serafall about this turn of events but they were very afraid that they might accidentally make a mistake and put Claire's life in jeopardy.

And as always, Flanna brushed off their glares and entered the room with Soifon, "Blacky, little Blacky, could you prepare some food?" Flanna saw that their glares became worse so she immediately added, "Please?"

Ophis and Lilith couldn't help but sigh and Flanna mistook that for them agreeing, "Great! If possible, something filling and nutritious. This lass here needs it."

Soifon wanted to say something to them but they were obviously avoiding eye contact with her and as if escaping, they went to the kitchen on the side, 'J-just what are they doing here? And how are they related to Sitri Serafall? Could they be spies who are trying to infiltrate Gotei 13?' Although she only met them one time, she'll never be able to forget how they released a Reiatsu that could almost rival a Captain and their utter incompetence in controlling said power.

Flanna then suddenly turned to Soifon, feeling the disturbance in her demeanor, "You don't have to worry about them. They're good kids."

Meanwhile, Ophis and Lilith started preparing food and they chose to do something simple and easy, a congee and some side dishes. After years of studying and trying to not make a biological bomb, they were already capable of making much more complicated dishes. However, they opted for a simple one so that they could focus their attention on the room not far from where they are.

They intended to inform Kisuke and Serafall of what happened the moment they came out of it. Thankfully, they could still rest easy because there's no way for Soifon to leave this isolated space.

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