Chapter 1164 Contract

Two days later, Soifon finally agreed to become Kisuke's experimental subject but with additional conditions that Kisuke would provide equipment and resources for the Gotei 13 for them to adapt faster to the changes and allow her to leave from time to time.

After pretending to hesitate for half a day, Kisuke agreed to her terms.

Naturally, Soifon is aware of the risk that Kisuke would instead send bugged equipment but it doesn't really matter since he already does it on his own.

Within the training ground where Soifon spent most of her time to further enhance her detection abilities and improve her Shunkou, "I have one final condition."

"Depending on what it is, I might add more conditions on my side to balance it out." Kisuke, who had been helping her, answered.

"It's nothing much, but allow me to confirm first. Since you're allowing me to leave, do you have a way to enforce secrecy on my side?"

"Through Magic, yes. It's a form of contract that both of us have to fulfill."

"And the price for the breach?"

"Death." Kisuke answered without pause, "Any less would make the contract too light."

"That's fine. That's already what I was expecting." Soifon nodded, "Then I want to add a single condition that you won't plant a 'Trojan Horse' within Soul Society."

Kisuke didn't say anything immediately and after thinking about it, he modified her condition, "I'd like to limit that to within the Seireitei."

Soifon immediately frowned and thought, 'Is he planning to do something in the Rukongai? There are few important places within it but...'

After internally deliberating on it, "Fine."

"It's my turn to add a condition then."

"What? I only asked for a small thing and you're still going to add something else?"

"It's nothing too big. I just want the contents of this contract to be a secret between us."


"Alright. I'll leave right away. Let's continue once I return."

Kisuke disappeared with his Teleportation Magic and Soifon thought that this technique was really convenient but also dangerous.

She sat down on the couch and heaved a long sigh while thinking, 'He didn't notice... I hope someone on that side notices it.' As much as she didn't want to admit it, Kisuke and her are quite 'close' and she was betting on it, 'I'm sure that he'll be sent out to meet him. I'm betting on you, as someone who discovered Sosuke Aizen's traitorous intentions first.'




Kisuke, while wearing a white suit, white fedora, and white blank mask that greatly contrasted his long black and straight hair, came out of a certain alley. As he walked the streets of Karakura Town, nobody could seemingly see him while he went with the flow of the crowd. However, people wearing Eastern black attire standing on top of the building saw him and immediately started contacting their superiors.

Around half an hour later, Kisuke entered the house that Serafall and the young girls had found.

After another half an hour, Kisuke could feel numerous presence appearing and gathering around the house, '...Hmm, aside from more than a hundred soldiers, they also sent two Captains. They're treating me as a bigger deal than I thought.'

Kisuke stood up from the couch and walked to the main door. And when he opened it, he could see four individuals standing beyond the gate, "To whom do I owe the pleasure of receiving such an important entourage?"

The tall man with jaw-length blonde hair with a straight cut who was standing in front of the group replied, "We're here on behalf of the Gotei 13's Captain Commander and the members of the 2nd Division. Do you have some time to talk?"

"Of course. Please head inside." Kisuke turned around to head back in, but the main gates of the mansion automatically opened for his guests.

Before entering, Shinji first checked on the people coming with him, "Rukia, I'll do most of the talking. Make sure that you keep in contact with our men outside. If you lose connection, immediately alert me."

"Leave it to me."

Shinji then turned to the other two, "Ise, Omaeda, your job is to observe the surroundings without being too obvious. If you find something, keep it to yourself for now, but if it's something urgent, inform both me and Rukia."

" "Understood." "

While answering in acknowledgment, Nanao's eyes were on Kisuke's leaving back.

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