Playing With Other Supernaturals

Chapter 1171 Return to Seireitei

Chapter 1171 Return to Seireitei

Kisuke already expected it but Soifon really didn't change her mind. He still can't fully understand her motivation since he was never ambitious. But if he's going to compare it to his thirst for knowledge and overall curiosity, then he could somehow relate.Rread latest chapters at

"So you're going to return like this, huh?"

Soifon finished checking her body and Zanpakuto's condition and said, "Yes. That's why let's set our stories straight."

Kisuke rubbed his chin for a few seconds before saying, "Let's go with your Spiritual Body not being able to survive the decomposition and I had no choice but to put your soul in an experimental Physical Body called a Homunculus. It took us 3 months to stabilize everything so you could only return now. Regarding your abilities, just tell them that various books about Magic and Ki are scattered in this base and I just let you do what you want and would only interfere if you're doing something wrong or dangerous."

"That doesn't sound like I'm a captive."

"Because you're not. You're a patient, and an amusing Shinigami trying her hands on new toys."

"Do you really have to phrase it like that?"

"Yes. And don't forget to tell them that. I don't want them to think that I'm on their side. I want to maintain my neutrality."

"And if they ask your name?"

"Belial. Just call me Belial."

"Same as those kids' last names?"

"Yes. It's the name of our household on the other side and the name of the Devil our clan originated from."

"Devil, huh? I still can't believe something like that exists I'm going now." Soifon turned around to the portal that'll lead her back to the Human World. Since normal Humans were capable of seeing her, she's wearing casual clothes that are appropriate for the season. But although they looked normal, they were specially made clothes that are even stronger than Lieutenant-level Shihakusho.

Soifon stepped into the Human World and even though it was just three months, she still missed the air, 'It's the Human World... But there's something slightly different.'

Kisuke was about to close the portal and he remembered something and asked, "By the way, you never once released your Bankai. What are you trying to hide?"

Soifon turned her head to him with a grin and answered, "My ace."



While listening to Nanao and Shunsui bicker, Soifon arrived at the front door, "Captain Commander, Captain of the 2nd Division reporting." Since the meeting had already started, Soifon didn't want to just head in without saying anything.

Shunsui sighed and properly sat down, "Come in."

Soifon entered the room and everyone's eyes immediately landed on her, with all of their attention except for one person gathered at one point. The dark blue slacks pants, beige colored polo shirt, and a gray baggy hoodie, 'The world of the living's clothes?' they wondered.

However, their focus was broken when all of a sudden, Mayuri pulled out his Zanpakuto and released his Shikai.

Everyone else subtly created distance from each other while Shunsui frowned, "Kurotsuchi-kun, mind telling us what you're trying to do?"

"Just a bit of a precaution." Mayuri instantly answered, maintaining his eyes on Soifon, "More importantly, I want to confirm something."

Shunsui glanced at Soifon, then to the other Captains also wondering what was going on, and finally back to Mayuri, "Go on."

"All Gigai, except for specially made ones, are automatically destroyed upon passage through Senkaimon, correct?"

'Gigai?' Shunsui and the others asked themselves while returning their sights to Soifon. It was then that they understood that Soifon had a Physical Body. Although it's strange, they still don't get why Mayuri suddenly pulled out his weapon.

Mayuri glanced around and was disappointed that they hadn't caught on yet so he continued, "But no matter how special a Gigai is, there should be no way for her to use her abilities while in it. Of course, there's an exception for a disposable Gigai but that's still in experimental stages and I haven't released any of them nor are any of them unaccounted for."

"!?" They finally realized where Mayuri was getting at.


AN (March 6, 2024):


I'll be taking a week off. The whole reason is posted in my pat reon @goyya00.

But in short, I'll be dedicating all of my free time to my studies in hopes of passing an assessment that will give me a good-paying job. My chances are low, but I'm taking my shot.

Thank you for your understanding and please enjoy the chapters~

Have a great day!

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