Playing With Other Supernaturals

Chapter 1194 Reveal part 2

Chapter 1194 Reveal part 2

When Freya peered into Kisuke's soul when she wanted to know about him, he shared a part of his memories in an attempt to incite curiosity and pull her to his side. Since then, he has been always interested in this technique and tried to research it. However, due to time constraints and it being at the bottom of his priorities, he wasn't able to properly develop it.Updated chapters at

However, after sharing information with Soifon, he noticed how lacking it was when the one viewing it didn't feel anything out of the moving images. Even if the contents were real events, there would be an inevitable disconnect from someone who couldn't relate.

Since it's a good method of gathering sympathizers and conveying the weight of his experience, he developed this tech among other things this past year. It's still a prototype and would only work on him, but that's more than enough for now.

"You'll be experiencing an illusion spell that I made so please don't resist it as it's pretty easy to dispel." Kisuke placed a white cylindrical object with various black lines surrounding its body, "Since you might think that I'm lying, Katori-san here could watch what I'm doing while one of you tries to break it."

"I'll do it." Choujirou immediately presented himself and Batsu'unsai nodded after a moment of thinking.

After their confirmation, the three former Captains felt the 'Hell's Blessing' stirring up and gathered around the cylindrical device. Meanwhile, Kisuke took out a black card from his sleeve and placed it on his forehead, "You simply need to exert your Reiatsu to get out of it. To avoid spoilers, please get out of it as soon as possible."

While listening to his instructions, Choujirou's surroundings suddenly turned dark and a second later, a blinding light covered his vision before he saw ginormous overlapping golden wheels with multiple eyeballs attached to them, "W-what!?" However, he immediately recalled Kisuke's words and released his Reiatsu, breaking the scene in front of him like a glass, and soon enough, he returned to where everyone was.

"Are you okay?" Furoufushi asked because she saw Choujirou heavily sweating and seemed to be out of it.

Choujirou didn't answer immediately which worried others, "...I'm fine... But what-"

"Hold up. Don't say what you saw and let me explain a few things before moving forward." Kisuke interrupted him, "What you're going to see is my perspective so if you can't move your body on your own accord, don't be alarmed. Aside from that, the 'illusion' is not limited to sight as you'll also feel what I was feeling at that point in time, especially my senses. In other words, you'll be reminiscing about my own memories and experiences."

"...That's amazing." Chika muttered, "If you can use that for interrogation..."

Katori didn't say anything else nor touch the tea that Kisuke served and just observed everything around her. She wasn't just guarding the other four, but also herself in case there were some sneaky things that Kisuke might pull.

Kisuke, on the other hand, directly ignored her after answering her question and just monitored what he was showing to the rest.

Unlike what she showed to Soifon, he didn't include how he and Yoruichi came to the other world. He's mainly showing how Magic is being utilized by many races and how death is dealt with. As he put emphasis on 'death', he showed his experiences when he first visited Purgatory where souls are being judged, and also the place where Cao Cao used to infiltrate Heaven.

The Limbo where the 'sinners' are punished. The Malebolge, where the evil minds, wicked souls, evil spirits and those who committed many great sins were locked up and punished. Cocytus, where the souls of the most powerful and dangerous figures who committed the gravest of sins or those who perpetrated betrayals.

The Third Heaven where all souls except for those in Cocytus inevitably arrive and are purified before returning to the cycle of reincarnation. Finally, Kisuke also showed them the Seventh Heaven where the Sacred Gear System is located because it's also the place that allows the world to manage all the souls.

As a bonus, Kisuke also showed how the 'Dungeon World' cycle through souls which has a similar process as the previous one, 'Now that both worlds are connected, both systems mutated, adapted, and helped each other cycle through the souls smoothly as if it's meant that way even before the connection.'

Without the interference or help of an outsider, Kisuke showed them a world where no Hollows exist because a Shinigami wasn't able to lead a Plus. A world where a soul always has a place that it can go to and no fear of it being stuck somewhere to deteriorate. A world where 'death' is not a creation of another body and waits for decay to reincarnate. A world where 'death' is bound to the world itself and not on the whims of someone.

'I wonder what they'll think after seeing all of that? Will they think that the other worlds are wrong and this one is right? And if they can accept that the other method is better for the souls themselves, can they accept that the Shinigamis' duties are just creating suffering among the innocents? Can they accept that the world can exist without the lynchpin? Can they accept that the Seireitei has to cease to exist to make way for the world itself to hold the power over souls? Can they accept that everything that they did might be wrong and immoral?'

Kisuke sighed to himself. He started thinking of what he should do next if he can't convince them, 'I can't really resort to violence, and forcing them to make a choice won't do me any good in the long run.'

Kisuke didn't want their cooperation for this whole ordeal but also another matter. 'Regalzeva... I don't know how long it'll take for his underlings to pry open the barrier.'

As he thought back to the Evie God who slayed Great Red, his device suddenly reacted, 'Oh shit... That was added? ...Oh well.'

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