Chapter 1206 Arrival

Under Kunou's guidance, Batsu'unsai and Unohana were trying to sense the Ki which was now present in their bodies.

'This isn't going to be easy.' Kunou thought to herself while watching the two of them. Since Ki wasn't an established system in this world, just the act of feeling it was already an almost insurmountable mountain to cross over, 'But after that, it should be easy.'

It would have been a different story if they were to learn Magic first since they could use that to attract and guide Ki. However, the two of them were strangely inept at it which reminded her of someone, 'They are just like Sairaorg-niisan.'

Although not completely inept, Sairaorg also had a hard time learning Magic in his youth, and as a result, he wasn't able to learn the Bael Clan's unique ability, the Power of Destruction, at all. On top of that, he's not naturally inclined to learn Ki like most Youkai species so he had to train his body to its limits to intensify his own life force. But as a result, he managed to learn Touki (Fighting Spirit) and attained an almost indestructible body and strength that would make others fear for their lives.

'They're already trained so there's no point in starting from the start. They just need a catalyst to awaken it.' Kunou has a different way of using Ki so her own would be ineffective. With that in mind, she turned to Tanis who had nothing to do because Serafall and Claire were enough to teach others Magic.Fiind updated novels at

"Tanis! Over here!"

Tanis turned her head towards Kunou with shining eyes and hurriedly came over, "Present!"

"I think your Senjutsu could help them more than my Youjutsu."

Tanis tilted her head, "But Youjutsu is much more similar to their Kidou system? So it should be much easier to feel Youki using Reiatsu as a point of reference, isn't it?"

"That's what I thought too... But there's no result at all."

Batsu'unsai and Unohana who had been staying quiet felt a bit embarrassed by their conversation.

"But what can my Senjutsu do? It's not suitable for teaching. They can only start learning towards Senjutsu when they can already manipulate Ki to a certain extent."

Kunou smiled, "We'll do the tried and true sure-fire method~!"

Tanis' expression immediately slacked, "So we're doing that, huh? Why do we always end up going that route?"


Serafall and Claire turned in the direction that Kunou and Tanis left and felt a hint of Draconic Aura exploding out, 'So they had to resort to that in the end?' Thought the former. Since they really were just teaching basic Magic, Serafall just needed to leave it to Claire. But with her age, she was worried that these guys won't listen to her well.

'Looking at their progress, it should be enough for them to reach the same mastery as those [Chained]. By then, it should be enough to take them on. However, Ki-tan still hasn't told us how to bypass their immortality. I can't leave Claire-chan alone like that.'

While various thoughts were running through her head, her senses suddenly picked up something and her head snapped in that direction, "Some people just went through the perimeter that I set up."

"Enemies?" Claire hurriedly asked.

At the same time, the expression of the Shinigami also became serious and they stopped their training.

Serafall didn't say anything for a while but after a minute or two, her expression softened, "They're guests."

Soon enough, four people came dashing out from the forest beyond them and as they landed on their feet, two of them immediately stopped in shock while the other two continued running until they almost rammed themselves into Claire and Serafall, "Ophis-chan! Lilith-chan! You're also here!"

"C-Captain Commander... Sasakibe-san... Ukitake-san... And even Ichimaru-san. You guys..." Shinji loudly muttered.

Soifon was also very surprised, but since this was related to Kisuke, she's not as stunned as Shinji.

But except for Juushirou and Gin, everyone else was also shocked. More specifically, at the sight of the 'twins' as they recalled the [Memory] that Kisuke showed them. The monsters who were capable of erasing them in a blast of energy.

Furoufushi elbowed Yamamoto who was beside her and whispered, "Old man... They don't seem that scary. What are you getting nervous about? Aren't you also capable of annihilating things?"

Yamamoto could only remain quiet.

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