Playing With Other Supernaturals

Chapter 1211 Start of War

Chapter 1211 Start of War

All the Shinigami were shocked at their conversation, including how Serafall was calling their Captain Commander 'Yama-chan' and didn't know how to react because there was just too much to process.

Nevertheless, the first one to react was Choujirou as he immediately ran towards Yamamoto when he understood the situation and checked his huge gaping wound even though he knew that he couldn't do anything about it, "Ejisai! W-what happened!? How did you end up like this!?"

"Nothing much. I just asked the young lady here to help me control Ryuujin Jakka by pushing me to the edge. I'm thankful for her efforts."

"O-old man... How are you not dead?" Chika also approached and walked around him. He could see that his flesh was already regrowing thanks to Tanis' healing and the ice was slowly melting out of the way.

Yamamoto also looked at the hole in his stomach and said, "It looks fatal, but strangely enough, with a sufficient amount of this Magic Power and a bit of Ki, it's actually doable to stay alive for a few hours more. This ice here is helping me control the movement of my Magic Power because I still have inadequate control over it. After all of this is over, I'll have to dedicate more time to learning this skill."

The others, meanwhile, could only remain silent and stare at Serafall. They didn't believe it when Kisuke said that Serafall could fight all of them at the same time but now there's a tinge of fear in their hearts.

"Sorry about this, Ki-tan." Serafall apologized because she knew that this was going to delay their plans.

"It's fine. I already accounted for this when you said you're going to be the one who'll fetch old man Yama." Kisuke then turned to everyone and said, "Please take a rest and make sure you're at your peak. Same time tomorrow, we're going to the [Chained's] base of operation and cleaning them up as fast as possible. If you think you can't do that for some reason like you can't kill your former comrades, you're free to back out."

"Former comrades?" Furofushi sneered, "Don't insult us. We all had our chances and now we're standing on opposite sides. Feeling bad now will just be an insult, not just to ourselves, but also to those who made their choice differently than ours."

Kisuke looked around and saw the same expression Furofushi had from everyone else, "I'm glad you think that way. Looks like I won't have to worry about you guys hesitating at the important moment."




Everyone remained silent but they were exuding a sharp aura.

Yamamoto's Reiatsu then started rising up along with his voice, "As the first step to the future that this child has promised, we will be facing the warriors who broke their code and became less than animals by consuming their own kind and comrades!" Towards the end, Yamamoto's Reiatsu became so heavy that normal people wouldn't be able to stand in front of him. But instead of nervousness, a confident smile appeared on each one of the Shinigamis present.

Flames then covered Yamamoto's entire body as he shouted, "Follow me and cut the heads off these filthy monsters who don't deserve another chance in life!"

With the ground beneath him melting and exploding, Yamamoto flew up, bearing his killing intent toward the enemy.

"Ha!!!" Everyone simultaneously shouted as they all released their own Reiatsus and followed after him with great vigor.

The procession of these Shinigamis left the space itself trembling from their might.




Sometime later, within the temporary barracks where the members of the 12th Division reside and do their research in Hell, an alarm went off and one of the analysts who had his eyes glued on their scream temporarily froze before he screamed at the top of his lungs, "Someone! Someone call Captain Iba over and inform Captain Kurotsuchi! Former Captain Commander Yamamoto Genryuusai's Reiatsu was detected along with others!"

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28th00: Yeah, that’s a panic moment.

<a title="Goyya" href="/profile/4244026422">Goyya</a>creators' thoughts

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