Playing With Other Supernaturals

Chapter 1217 Flowers of Kidou

Chapter 1217 Flowers of Kidou

Along with the heavy pressure that Chigiri's Reiatsu was causing, Furoufushi couldn't help but admire the sight in front of her.

Dancing between the Magic Circles are flowers of various colors and otherworldly beauty. Their vibrant blossoms dangle gracefully from slender, arching stems, swaying in the gentlest breeze like nature's own wind chimes. The petals are a study in elegance, with their thin, tubular shape and a spectrum of colors that ranges from pure white to soft pinks, deep purples, and fiery reds, often with intricate patterns and gradients that seem hand-painted by an artist.

At the center of the flowers was a cluster of bright yellow, pollen-laden stamens that formed a contrast to the petals' softness. Contrary to their appearance, they exude a deadly intent that seems to want the world destroyed.

'I heard that they're called columbine flowers... Flowers that represent innocence.' Furoufushi thought to herself while watching these flowers position themselves inside the Magic Circle, 'Wait... What is he trying to do? If I remember correctly, his ability is Kidou amplification. While way worse than mine, I think he also has Reiryoku regeneration when he releases his Bankai... Could it be that it's also effective on his Magic?'

Furoufushi answered her own question with a 'yes' because that's what happened with her own Zanpakuto too. However, her eyes instantly widened in shock when she saw that the Magic Circles started multiplying from the flowers, "!?"

Gritting her teeth, she immediately made her retreat. The next second, hundreds of explosions were heard as various Elemental Magics threw themselves towards Furoufushi and the only thing she could do was dodge since blocking any of them would result in a more focused attack.

While dodging to the side and also sending various low-level Kidou to the incoming projectiles, Furoufushi started cursing out loud, "F*ck! To think he'd learn a new trick! It wasn't just Kidou or Magic amplification. He's also siphoning the surrounding Magic Power and Reiryoku at the same time while also multiplying the potency of the Magic itself."

Thanks to Serafall's special crash course, Furoufushi managed to learn a lot of technical things regarding Magic.

Although being bombarded nonstop by the maniacal man in the center of all of this, Furoufushi was still glad. Why? It's because, 'As expected... All he can do is throw around elemental projectiles!'

Naturally, these projectiles were very powerful, enough to tear apart thousands of enemies in an instant. It was Chigiri's greatest strength and he was only below Yamamoto in terms of kill count in the war against the Quincies more than a thousand years ago.

Chigiri was curious about what she said about killing the [Chained] but he certainly didn't want to confirm it, 'While I still have the advantage, I have to end this.' He doesn't know what it is but Furoufushi still hasn't used her Bankai and certainly isn't as hurried as he'd like to believe.

Furoufushi noticed that the attacks had reduced and saw that the flowers were gathering around Chigiri. She became even more careful and also slowed down a bit to figure out what was going on and respond with an appropriate action. Nevertheless, she didn't stop her attack, "Hadou no 3, Sekken (Stone Blade)."

In the hands of ordinary Shinigami, the third Hadou is just a small bullet made out of stone, but in Furoufushi's hand, it became a large and immensely dense lance made out of black rock. And instead of one, she created three instances of this spell and sent it out from three different directions of Chigiri.

But unlike before, Chigiri only kept the minimum amount of barriers around him to block the attacks, making Furoufushi question his motive.

It was when the flowers started spinning around him that Furoufushi got a bad feeling and wanted to retreat, however, she was already too late.

Chigiri raised his arm towards her and multiple Magic Circles appeared around Furoufushi herself. The latter wanted to know what these Magics were, but she knew she needed to get away first. Unfortunately for her, when she wanted another jump back with Flash Step, she found herself unmoving in place, "!?"

"Fuhahahaha! You didn't expect this, right!? I can control far more things than you could ever imagine!" Chigiri shouted in glee while also raising his other arm, commanding the other flowers to combine their attacks, creating a large pillar of fire as if it was a Dragon's breath.

Watching the scorching manifestation of death coming closer, Furoufushi finally figured out what happened, 'He momentarily controlled my muscles... He got me.'

Chigiri watched her get engulfed with flames that he had been preparing for a while now.

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