Playing With Other Supernaturals

Chapter 1265 [True Blade] part 2

Chapter 1265 [True Blade] part 2

[How are you doing this?] Tiamat asked as she was also incredibly surprised that Kisuke suddenly pulled in her core and started taking on her features.

'With some references from the past and also thanks to you for helping me summon your Sea of Life earlier.' Kisuke answered while feeling the incredible amount of power bubbling up, making him feel very bloated and thinking that he might just explode into nothingness. What's surprising, however, is the fact that an incredible amount of information was currently entering his mind, 'This might be bad.' He thought to himself.

[How did you even pull something like this off? I don't feel any of your original Spiritual Pressure being used in this form.] Benihime asked. Kisuke could tell that she's a bit salty with the current situation. It was supposed to be her and Kisuke who'd achieve this form, but that first time was taken away by her new neighbor. Nevertheless, she didn't say anything since she wouldn't be able to do anything against Ichibei if what he's saying is true.

Kisuke first looked up to the now very bothered Ichibei and grinned. Kisuke was happy that he was able to finally elicit a fun reaction from him, 'This is a good start I suppose? And from the looks of it, he also doesn't have any idea of what's happening.'

Kisuke stabilized himself for a bit before answering Benihime, 'It's his ink.'

[Ink?] Benihime remembers the ink that Kisuke refused to remove even though its effects were already disabled, [What about it?]

'Even if rendered useless, his ink is still intricately connected to his existence. It was thanks to this connection that he was able to name things. If this is a connection that goes from him to me, then it's also a street that allows me to reach him. I'll spare you the complicated stuff and just say think of it as a straw that I can sip from as much as I want.'

[...] Benihime became stunned and silent. She didn't even know that that was theoretically possible. And even if it's in the realm of possibility, only those not right in the head would be able to think of that as a 'straw', [Ah... I almost forgot. You're not right in the head.]

'I don't want to hear that from you.' Kisuke immediately retorted. At the same time, various black spikes went after Kisuke, though unlike before, he didn't bother dodging them. And as he thought, the tip of the spikes only shattered upon contact with his body.

The next instant, black spears also pierced Kisuke. But the same as before, he didn't do anything to modify their coordinates. Although it appeared that he was pierced, none of these spears were actually inside his body and just fell off as if they were snapped into two.

'As for the latter question that Tiamat pointed out, I don't really know. I just felt that I could do it.'

[...That's even more unbelievable.] Tiamat muttered while sighing loudly.

And Kisuke could truly understand what she was feeling since she's not just any other 'God' that he could 'copy'. Nevertheless, Kisuke still had a clue as to how he could do it, 'I'm not certain but it probably has something to do with the now non-existent Hougyoku. It didn't make me strong like it did with Aizen, but it reshaped my body by fusing both my soul and physical body.'

At that moment, Ichibei finally finished gathering the black mass in his hands and raised it above his head.

Kisuke took on a defensive stance and forced his sturdy body to move, 'This is really bad... I need more time. It was too much for me to expect that I'd be able to move immediately after this drastic change.' He's hoping that whatever that's coming, he'll be able to survive it.

Kisuke released the power from within him that didn't seem to be Magical, Divine, Demonic, nor Spiritual and covered his entire body with it. The black mass expanded in the blink of an eye and in the next half second, his entire world view became covered in darkness with nothing in it. The presence of Ichibei, the insects, and the world itself have seemingly disappeared.

Kisuke waited for what could possibly hurt him, but nothing came after him and only after a few minutes of putting his guard up did he realize what just happened, "C-Could it be... He expelled me into another dimension?"

Kisuke tried to confirm this conjecture by trying out various things and all answers are seemingly pointing towards 'yes'.

After a few hours of poking around, Kisuke finally concluded that his conjecture is true, "...I can't be that lucky, right?"

Because of the fear that Ichibei felt for the first time in his entire existence, he inevitably has chosen the worst option for himself.

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