Playing With Other Supernaturals

Chapter 957 The Unreasonable Dragons

Chapter 957 The Unreasonable Dragons

Before anyone could notice, the rift in space had already disappeared and Kisuke was standing with everyone, "Ophis, make sure not to use any energy blasts!" He shouted, "I don't want this place to be destroyed beyond repair."

Ophis briefly looked at him and nodded before renewing her attacks against the fleeing Flanna.

Flanna, meanwhile, shouted at Kisuke, "Boss! What is this useless thing!? It's defective! It doesn't cut!"

"I specially made it for you and just for you. You're the only one who can use that.", Kisuke replied.

Flanna's face lit up in delight and turned her head to him, "Really!?" But her happy expression disappeared as fast as it appeared when she remembered the position she was in, "But it's still use-" In the middle of speaking, Flanna received another punch to the face and was thrown back.

Kisuke watched Ophis getting excited and tried to guess from where 'Is it because she can beat up Great Red now? Or is it because she's glad to see her?' At that moment, Kisuke felt a pull on his sleeve, "Hmm?" He looked down and saw Lilith staring at him.

Kisuke crouched and patted her head, "How about you go join them? This is your first time meeting her, isn't it? It's fine to give your greeting like Ophis is doing."

Lilith's eyes lit up as soon as she got the permission she didn't actually need to get before flying towards the two Dragons in Humanoid form, "...Dumb Red...", she called out to her.

Flanna saw her coming and her face fell, "Even small Blacky!? Give it a rest!" Finally throwing her 'useless' greatsword away, Flanna pulled out the black and white pistols from her holsters. Pointing each of them on the 'twins', she started pulling the trigger nonstop. As they do not operate like normal pistols despite their appearance, she doesn't need to reload them and instead of physical bullets, they spew forth red bullets made out of her condensed aura without much delay between each other.

Naturally, most of the bullets missed their targets, but since Ophis and Lilith weren't dodging, they still got hit by one bullet each and were thrown a meter back back.

With something finally taking effect, the three of them stopped for a moment before Flanna began gloating to herself while raising her already beloved pistols, "Wooo~!!! This is the stuff!"

Thanks to the playing field leveling out, their game of tag became even more destructive, but thankfully, the barrier could still hold up.

"Kisuke... Could it be..." Sakura approached Kisuke and muttered. Although they were confused at first, everyone except for the kids managed to connect the dots to guess who the red-haired 'Ophis' is and they became even more sure of it the way Lilith called her.

"She's the one who offered her former body to be used as the core of the barrier after concluding that she couldn't win against the invader."

"Did you pull out his soul before he died?"

"...Er... If you train enough, maybe you'll be able to join them? But they can play other games too, you know."

"We want to play those too!"

Claire's answer, which shouldn't have come out of a kid's mouth while such destruction was happening behind him, gave Kisuke a cold sweat down his back and thought, 'I'm going to get a scolding...'

Kisuke tried to ask for help from the others, but Irina, Koneko, Kuroka, Sona, Aika, and even Medusa averted their gaze.

Kisuke clicked his tongue and returned his sights to Claire and Tanis. He then pointed toward the girls behind them and said, "Nii-chan will be busy, but you could ask your Nee-chans to help you." He chose to dump the problem on them entirely instead.

The girls wanted to protest but as soon as Claire and Tanis turned to them with expectant eyes, they couldn't do anything to resist. Meanwhile, Kisuke slowly backed away to escape, 'Finally some peaceful days ahead, I guess? Although it's a bit regretful that I won't be able to spend it with Yoruichi for now.'




Five years went by without anything big happening if we go by Kisuke's standards. In reality, massive turmoils were happening left and right and the most notable of it all was the Human World was already on the verge of a third World War due to a clash of those who'd accepted Magic and those who'd rejected it, with the latter mostly predominated by those who wanted to cling to their power and authority using nuclear technology.

And the person who started all of this was lazily lying down on his side in his empty candy shop while watching the news of Issei's marriage with Rias, Asia, Xenovia, Rossweisse, and Ravel that had happened a week ago through his old CRT television that was connected directly to the Underworld network.

'Considering how horny he is, it's surprising that he hasn't had a child yet.' He thought while sucking on a lollipop, 'I guess he's scared to have one in this world of fake stability.'

Kisuke wanted to change the channel because he had already watched this news multiple times on top of being one of the attendees, but his hand stopped when he was about to reach for the remote and looked towards the entrance of his shop.

He slowly sat up and opened his paper fan and covered his mouth, "Welcome~ Please feel free to look around, Kanzaki Mitsuya-san."

The young man who'd just entered had a deep frown on his face.

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