Playing With Other Supernaturals

Chapter 974 Magical Girls’ True Abilities

Chapter 974 Magical Girls’ True Abilities

Before Claire, Tanis, Kunou, Ophis, Lilith, and Flanna arrived, Kisuke prepared and strengthened the training grounds as much as possible to properly contain the coming destruction.

Four hours past midnight, except for the sleeping Dragon, the self-proclaimed Magical Girls arrived, and just in time with Kisuke having just finished up with his modifications, "You're here. Let's get started."

Claire looked around. She could feel the changes within the training grounds and asked, "How are you maintaining this sort of barrier?" Unlike before, the fluctuation of Magic Power could now be clearly felt in the entirety of the training grounds. Since the Magic Power wasn't coming from Kisuke, Claire naturally became quite curious.

"I have several modules installed that can passively store leaking chaotic Magic Power from the Dimensional Gap and convert it to something usable."

Kunou's eyebrows shoot up in surprise, "Wouldn't that mean that you have an unlimited supply of Magic Power!?"

"Technically, but only to a certain extent. These modules, aside from not being very efficient, also break down quite often and their cores degrade from use. That means I'll only have Magic Power for as long as it's running, which isn't very long. And right now, I'm just draining what they've stored for some time to power these barriers for a few hours. Because of this, it can only be used in a few applications and most of them are for emergencies only. Compared to the effort required to run these things, I have better things to do."

"It's still an incredible piece of technology." Kunou replied, "Although it might be of limited use for you, I'm sure it'll be very useful for someone else."

Kisuke then jumped back tens of meters back while saying, "I know what you're saying, but that's exactly the reason I won't be sharing this. As you know, I have more enemies than allies out there. I'd like to spare myself from being hit in the back of my head. Enough of that, let's begin."

Tanis and Kunou also distanced themselves from Claire to create a suitable space for them to act. Meanwhile, Ophis and Lilith also took their distance after successfully reading the room.

"How do we do this?" Claire asked.

"Just come at me. Use everything you have except for Soul Gears." Kisuke then smiled widely and released an enormous amount of bloodlust, "Try killing me."

At the onset of the killing intent, the girls shuddered and their hearts started palpitating. The most affected was Tanis with her enhanced senses as she inadvertently released her disguise and revealed her blue skin, Dragon wings, and the starry-like obsidian gem on her forehead.

'This kid...' Kisuke continued his thoughts, '...Has been studying the properties of my skills.'

Claire, Kunou, and Tanis were about to resume their attacks when Kisuke suddenly started laughing out loud as he stood up, "Fuhahaha! Great! This is great!"

Since his hat flew off when he slammed into the ground, he swept his messy hair back. But what the girls saw was his blackened sclera, "Let's continue, shall we~?"

This time, Kisuke released his Reiatsu to weigh down on the girls.




An hour later, Claire, Kunou, and Tanis were huffing and puffing while laying on the ground, "What the hell... Why is Kisuke-niisan so tough!? That was everything!" Claire complained.

Kunou chuckled at her while wiping away her sweat, "You mean everything plus something extra from you."

Tanis was tired of thinking about the battle and was slowly flapping her wings and complaining about something different, "I'm hungry."

Meanwhile, Kisuke, in his Hollowfied Form with his Shikai released, was staring at his fully scorched right arm, [Those girls really gave you a run for your money, huh? Especially Claire. Who would have thought she'd pull something like that? How was that even possible?] Benihime's voice rang in his head.

[Truly... How was that possible?] Kisuke asked back while thinking of the last attack they pulled.

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