Playing With Other Supernaturals

Chapter 983 Understanding

Chapter 983 Understanding

Starlit went into one of the rooms within the facility they are in and strapped Kisuke into a bed that was just right for his current size before hooking him up to a bunch of wires that seems to be designed for him too, 'It has been prepared', thought Kisuke while pulling his harnesses, "What are you doing!?"

Starlit ignored his protest and turned to her communicator. After pressing a few buttons, she only had to wait for a minute before the old Luxato that Kisuke met when he first came here arrived.

[Did you get his consent?], asked the old man. But seeing what was happening, he didn't need an answer to get what was going on.

Starlit shook her head and replied, [I couldn't do it. There's no way for us to communicate. I tried using illustrations, but it seems that there is too much difference in culture that I couldn't get through.]

'What illustrations?' Kisuke asked inside his head before recalling the scribbles that she has been showing him these past few days, 'Wait... Those are? Aren't you just really bad at it?'

[I already concluded that he'll be able to take the burden, but it's going to hurt a lot. Are you sure about this? He might not trust us going forward.]

[Probably.] Starlit shrugged her shoulders, [But we won't be able to move forward like this, Doctor. Whether he could trust us or not, it's still better to start somewhere and get even the tiniest information about his origin and home world.]

The old man sighed and walked towards the consoles that are on the side of the bed, [Fine... But you'll have to take the responsibility for this.]

The girl nodded with a smile, [That's obvious. Since he was assigned to me, I'll take responsibility for whatever happens to him.]

'That's admirable, but that's not reassuring at all!'

Kisuke prepared to shield his piece of soul and allow any necessary changes this procedure will do, 'If it comes down to it, I'll just self-destruct to avoid any complication. Though I would have to find another avenue for this plan... Which might not present itself like this.'

Kisuke didn't have to struggle long as both Magic Power and Spirit Particles began flowing through the wires and entered his body. At first, they did nothing but avoid Kisuke's own circulation of energies but moments later, they directly went for his head, 'Seriously!?'

"Is that so? Then I'll be excusing myself."

Kisuke went straight in and he came across some familiar faces but even more unfamiliar ones, 'It would seem that they've tripled in size.'

Everyone was curious about who he was, especially his relationship with Riveria, but none of them approached him as they were already notified to leave him alone for now.

It didn't take too long for him to reach Loki's private lobby and in there he saw Loki and Riveria were already waiting for him with some drinks prepared.

"It looks like they didn't let you off easy." Kisuke commented after seeing the deep crease in-between Riveria's eyebrows.

Riveria massages her temple to ease the headache from the hangover, "What choice do I have?"

"You won't heal yourself?" asked Kisuke as he sat down beside her.

"I'd like to have a natural experience this time around."

"Want me to massage it for you?"

"That would be helpf-- !?" Riveria realized what she was about to say and where she is so she instantly shook her head, "I'm fine!"

However, that was already too late as Loki started chuckling at their interaction, "I knew you two would be close enough after all those years, but it's still very surprising to see it in person. And Riveria, I think it's fine to let your guard down when it's just me."

"Absolutely not!"

Loki didn't push her any further since she knew that it would only work against her so she instead turned to Kisuke and said, "Now then, to explain why everyone forgot about you once again... Well, the short story is what you've shown everyone is very detrimental to their growth. Before they reached where they are now a few years ago, they were having very unrealistic expectations."

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