Please answer Naruto

Chapter 13 Interesting People

Two black shadows jumped between trees dozens of meters high, flashing several times, already spanning a distance of a hundred meters.

Yu Xiaobai looked up at the sky that was cut into pieces by the dense branches and leaves. The sunlight was trying to squeeze out with difficulty. He passed by a few slender beams of light. Time had passed by like this for a long time. By calculation, I've been traveling for at least an hour.

Yu Ninja Village is located in the hinterland of the mainland, but has a strange weather of heavy rains all year round. It borders the Six Nations. Between the three major Ninja Villages, life is actually quite difficult. In this land that has been in constant war, this geographical location has not become a prosperous hub, but has become a chaotic area mixed with all kinds of people, businessmen, rebels, samurai, political prisoners, people who are constantly soaked by the rain. Evil is growing uncontrollably in the soil.

The journey for Yu Xiaobai and Itachi to get to the Rain Ninja Village was not too far, but they still had to cross most of the Fire Country. If they didn't march in a hurry, it would take two days and two nights at the normal jounin speed.

At this time, Yu Xiaobai was running in front, both of them wearing masks and ANBU costumes. After leaping out of the woods, his vision became brighter and brighter, and he was running on the grass, Yu Xiaobai couldn't help but look back at Weasel behind him.

"I've been driving at a constant speed for an hour. Why doesn't this guy say a word?"

Yu Xiaobai secretly cursed, although ninjas should be careful in their words and deeds during their missions, there is still a long way to go to the border of the Land of Fire. It would be so embarrassing for each of them to just hurry up and not talk on the road. Forget it, just be alone. Not running away.

"Ahem." Yu Xiaobai felt that this was not possible. It is estimated that a person with a personality like Itachi would definitely not talk nonsense to strangers for no reason. He could only rely on himself to save the atmosphere.

"Hey, that Uchiha it okay to call you Itachi?"

"Of course it's no problem, Senior Yu Bai." Itachi turned his attention when Yu Xiaobai coughed lightly, but his face was hidden behind the mask and his expression was unclear, and his tone was not disturbing.

"Okay, Itachi, have you eaten before setting off at noon?"

Itachi: "..."

I don't know if it was Yu Xiaobai's illusion, but after he finished speaking, the figure of the Uchiha genius behind him seemed to shake.

"We've already had dinner at home, senior Yu Bai..." Itachi controlled his rhythm and followed Yu Xiaobai steadily. Although he was extremely talented, his age was still a flaw, and his physical strength and strength were actually a bit weak. A little worse (relatively), Itachi hesitated for a moment, then said, "Senior Yu Bai...haven't you had lunch?"

"Eat it." Yu Xiaobai said matter-of-factly. He successfully opened the topic and felt quite happy.

Itachi's eyelids twitched, and a relatively rare emotion arose in his heart, which was the feeling that the senior in front of him was indebted, "That's it." What else could he say.

"What a topic terminator." Yu Xiaobai commented to Itachi in his heart, but he didn't know that his own awkward conversation skills were not very good either. "By the way, you don't need to call me senior. There's not much age difference between us. You usually call me Yu Bai." That’s it.”

Itachi, who was young but had the cultivation and etiquette of a big family, didn't agree very much, but just as he was about to say "Isn't this bad" as he was used to saying, his eyes met Yu Xiaobai's look back. The kind look in his eyes, but for some reason, he changed his words unconsciously.

"Oh well."

Itachi paused for a few seconds and then added, "But only in normal times."

During the mission, a strict superior-subordinate relationship must be maintained. Yu Xiaobai nodded, it was not difficult to talk. But maybe, it's because I haven't experienced anything too cruel yet.

After this conversation, although it was useless, the awkwardness between the two people was indeed reduced a lot. Yu Xiaobai felt that his goal was achieved, so he just chatted for a few words and concentrated on his way.

With the almost unchanged scenery constantly being left behind, Itachi looked at Yu Xiaobai's back in the dark long robe with some doubts, and the look from before appeared in his mind.

It's strange, this look is not like looking at a stranger's junior, it seems... I have known him for a long time, but it's not clear.

"He's an interesting person." Itachi smiled out of sight.

The sun continued to set in the west, and under the changing shadows, Yu Xiaobai and Weasel rested for a while, and then continued on their way. Villages continued to pass by along the way, and occasionally there were some towns. When the other side of the mountain was engulfed in red light and the magnificent sunset slowly sank, Yu Xiaobai and Weasel arrived at their predetermined destination, a big city called Daoqing.

"It's a lot more prosperous."

Walking on the avenue outside the city, Yu Xiaobai looked at the towering city wall. In the evening, dense crowds of people kept coming and going. It was not like this when he passed by here on his way back from a mission a few years ago.

Yu Xiaobai lamented the development of the Fire Country during its peaceful period alone. Itachi was naturally unable to talk to him. He was far from feeling much about these things.

The two took off their somewhat conspicuous masks. Except for the forehead protectors they wore, they looked just like everyone else. Relying on the tokens issued by the village, they entered the city without any problems.

Daoqing City happens to be on the route. They will rest here tonight, but the next night they will camp in the wild.

For missions of their nature, there is a certain amount of reimbursement for outings. Yu Xiaobai has been a ninja for so many years. He usually doesn't spend much money and has a lot of savings, but he will naturally not be polite if it is at public expense. After getting two high-standard hotel rooms, the streets were already lit up with lights and the hustle and bustle of the night market.

"Itachi, do you want to go for a walk at night? It's rare to come to a big city." Yu Xiaobai is not very accustomed to being the captain this time. Although he has always performed well in the past, he has very little leadership experience. When he was free for a while, Yu Xiaobai thought about it and asked according to the habits left by modern society.

"No need, I'm going to train for a while and then rest. I have to rush tomorrow." Itachi changed into lighter clothes and was about to go downstairs with a ninja tool bag.

"Oh, that's right." Yu Xiaobai was stunned for a moment and nodded. Itachi went away outside the city. Ordinary people's curfew could not stop them two experienced ninjas.

Seeing Itachi's back disappear, Yu Xiaobai felt slightly embarrassed about being rejected, but he quickly recovered and was inspired by it. "During the early stages of the mission, daily training is not left behind. Many people really only see success and not sweat, even if the other person is a genius."

Yu Xiaobai thought about his troublesome time-travel problem. He might encounter Xiao's people this time... Yu Xiaobai, who was not in the mood to go shopping, simply jumped onto the eaves of the hotel without changing his clothes. He left in the opposite direction from Itachi.

Practicing alone in the open space outside the city, shuriken throwing, basic three-body technique... Yu Xiaobai began to focus on strengthening the changes in the nature of chakra. He wanted to develop a new technique.

When Yu Xiaobai returned to the hotel covered in sweat and covered in the white light of the moonlit night, he happened to meet Weasel who had also returned from training.

The other party was still panting slightly, and he just emerged from the darkness and jumped onto the eaves. He gave Yu Xiaobai a strange look, and the two of them suddenly became symmetrical.

A person stood at one end of the roof. After Yu Xiaobai paused, he held back his words for a long time, "Hi."

Itachi was silent for a few seconds, his lips moved, and finally he said in an unfamiliar tone.


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