Please answer Naruto

Chapter 27 New Technique

Pure green spread out, Yu Xiaobai sat on a stone, watching the grass undulating slowly in front of him, the autumn breeze was refreshing and pleasant, he turned his kunai casually, thinking about things.

There was still some time before the tips of the grass would turn yellow. The wind left traces of fluttering on a small lake nearby. A few seconds later, there was a rustle in the woods at the other end of the road. This was an open space not far from Konoha Village. , the scenery is nice and there are few people. Yu Xiaobai often comes here to relax or train.

Three days have passed since Yu Xiaobai handed over the task of Yu Ren Village. Qingchuan Wu was very generous and gave him a week's leave this time. Yu Xiaobai did not suffer any serious injuries, and the wound left by the breakout on his left hand was not serious. , after a few days of cultivation, it will be fine.

There are not many entertainment facilities in the village, and Yu Xiaobai is not very interested in the popular things among adults. In terms of fun, Naruto World is much worse than Earth.

He and Itachi crossed paths once, and although they both left a good impression, the two of them were temporary teammates, and they still had to live their own lives after that. At this time, Yu Xiaobai continued to start daily training.

Yu Xiaobai threw the kunai, and the black light flashed past in the sunlight, and a tree at the edge of the forest in the distance trembled slightly.

He put his hand on his forehead like a shed and looked out, he must have hit it accurately. That tree is an old friend, and Yu Xiaobai is ravaged several times every time he comes.

Clapping his hands, Yu Xiaobai turned over from the stone and began to do warm-up exercises.

"One, two, three...ninety-nine, one hundred."

After doing all the static exercises evenly, Yu Xiaobai exhaled and was already sweating slightly.

After glancing around a few times, he was still the only one in this place. In fact, there was no special day, and ninjas really rarely had holidays.

After skillfully forming a few seals, a trace of lightning emerged from the center of his right hand.



There was a crackling sound of electricity, more and more blue electric light, chakra gathered, the air around his right hand was faintly distorted, and the green grass nearby even turned brown, but Yu Xiaobai's right hand remained unscathed.

Yu Xiaobai displayed the Thousand Birds without changing his expression. He was already very skilled at this. When the thunder light condensed to a certain stage and the sound was as loud as thousands of birds chirping, and the surrounding area was reflected in the blue light, Yu Xiaobai dispersed. Chidori.

There was almost no pause, and just as the grassland returned to silence, another large flash of lightning appeared.

Yu Xiaobai looked at the newly condensed thunderball on his right hand, shining like the sun, and the surging electric current searing the air, but the chirping sound was much smaller.

"After improving the control of thunder attribute chakra, Chidori can use it more naturally." Yu Xiaobai said thoughtfully.

In the battle with Kisame, Yu Xiaobai made a breakthrough by mistake during the battle, taking his control over the lightning attribute that had been stagnant for a long time to a new level.

This is quite rare. Yu Xiaobai has a very solid foundation and is very proud of his grasp of chakra details. He is even more proficient in thunder attributes and is ranked among the best in Konoha. If there is no movement for many years, then it has reached a bottleneck. Many talented ninjas who specialize in thunder escape may end up like that in their lifetime. But now that Yu Xiaobai has broken this bottleneck, the open feeling is enough to make people see something new. There are new experiences in many places.

This greatly improved Yu Xiaobai's combat power.

After that, Yu Xiaobai continued to test some more. With a rigorous scientific spirit and a meticulous academic attitude, he finally had a clearer understanding of his current control of the thunder attribute.

The use of Chidori has undoubtedly become easier, and it is not as awkward as holding back the ultimate move. In the past, Yu Xiaobai figured out Chidori by himself. In fact, it felt like imitating the original work. Now that the level has been improved, some uncomfortable places are being used. Then I subconsciously adjusted it. The left and right hands can be used smoothly, the noise is smaller, and the current is no longer dispersed in a wide range... And it is the same for other lightning attribute ninjutsu, such as thunder binding and ground walking, Yu Xiaobai's utilization rate has been significantly improved.

"In this way, the Chidori's mobility and suddenness will be higher. While the consumption is reduced, the power will not be reduced, but will be slightly improved." Yu Xiaobai thought, and couldn't help but be secretly happy.

His chakra amount is higher than that of ordinary jounin, but no one will complain about having too much chakra in battle. The consumption of thunder attribute has become more efficient, and Yu Xiaobai can naturally save more chakra.

When the chakra was exhausted, Yu Xiaobai stopped what he was doing and began to rest and eat. He returned here again in the afternoon, ready to try a technique that he had been thinking about for a long time.

At present, Yu Xiaobai is taking the path of partial physical arts. The thunder release stimulation cells can make Yu Xiaobai almost unmatched in close combat in a short period of time. Chidori can also give him the ability to finish. However, in the Rain Ninja Village and Kisame Obito After fighting once, Yu Xiaobai also realized that the problem was that he was still not strong enough. Among Naruto's background ninjas, he might stand out, but on the main stage with various talented protagonists, he still seemed monotonous.

Especially in the later stages, this gap will become even larger.

Yu Xiaobai had no intention of competing for supremacy in the ninja world. After traveling across the earth and back, he only wanted to understand the comics. What would happen to the people on this land and what would happen to Konoha Village? He gradually moved away from Yu Xiaobai. In terms of vision, people in one world will never reach another world. Yu Xiaobai is different. He jumps out and places himself in a deeper place.

It has been almost half a month since he returned from Earth, but Yu Xiaobai is still standing here, and the words [To be continued] have not appeared. This is Yu Xiaobai's helplessness.

If possible, Yu Xiaobai would of course hope to go to that modern society and find out where the problem lies. Nothing he does here seems to be of any use. After all... he is just like in the comics.

Fortunately, Yu Xiaobai is not so easily depressed. He knows that [To be continued] will definitely appear again. He is now walking on a special road and will inevitably encounter difficulties when moving forward. With caution, Yu Xiaobai does not risk fighting against top ninjas. possibility is removed.

"Let's think about the new technique." Yu Xiaobai rubbed his face and focused on the present. He was like a puppet at the mercy of others, but he would never stay like this.

The thunder attribute chakra control has been further improved, allowing Yu Xiaobai to completely get rid of the shackles of the original work and be able to understand its mysteries harmoniously and freely. Talking about the new application of Thunder Release Ninjutsu, Sasuke later developed Thunder Release and Kirin, which used the power of heaven for his own use. They were very powerful and cool. Yu Xiaobai thought about starting it, but when he thought of the dangers and activation techniques involved, I regretfully gave up on the troublesome foreshadowing steps before the ceremony.

Yu Xiaobai took out a prepared coin from his pocket and tossed it. It was circulated in the Land of Fire. It was very common and contained various metal components.

"It feels okay." Yu Xiaobai coughed lightly, clasped the coin with his right thumb, and made a move that is well known to otaku culture enthusiasts.

"The electromagnetic gun, I have checked the principles of the information before..." Yu Xiaobai muttered, and lightning flashed on his right arm.

Thanks to book friend 222****44, the unique official, for the tip of a name that no one else has thought of yet~

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