Please answer Naruto

Chapter 29 Retirement

On the high water tower, the slightly biting late spring wind blew by. Yu Xiaobai sat cross-legged on it, squinting and letting his sleeves fly.

"Boy, are you really not cold?" Hinata Xiangtian leaned under the water tower and glanced at Yu Xiaobai above. The expression on his face was already familiar with it.

"Uncle Aida, the physique of young people is indeed inferior to that of middle-aged and elderly people like you." Yu Xiaobai looked at the scene of Konoha Village below and said unceremoniously.

After hearing this, Hinata Aita replied coldly, "Hehe". He learned this from Yu Xiaobai. Yu Xiaobai spread a lot of bad words about modern society to the people around him, but only the word "hehe" was used by Hinata Aida. Very slippery.

"I'm not stupid enough to use chakra to protect myself from the cold wind just to look cool."

Hinata Aita is serious on the surface and meticulous on the inside, and is very easy to get along with. The two have been partners for a long time, and they have a tendency to develop friendships in the past. Just now, under the influence of Yu Xiaobai, the two of them have become very familiar with each other.

"I told you I'm not pretending to be cool, I'm training my chakra all the time!" Yu Xiaobai frowned and corrected the other person.


A black line appeared on Yu Xiaobai's forehead. If he was so shameless, he would be like, hehe, if he had the ability to confront him head-on!

Ninjas have a strong physique and have chakra, and their adaptability to climate is much better than ordinary people. In his free time, there is nothing wrong with Yu Xiaobai using this method to sharpen his chakra. However, there was a time when Yu Xiaobai committed suicide and mocked the elder Hinata Aida. After wearing too thick clothes, the two often used this joke to complain to each other.

"Forget it, let's not talk about it." Yu Xiaobai waved his hands and decided not to be as familiar with middle-aged and elderly people as he changed the subject, "Uncle Xiangtian, are you going to retire soon?"

At this time, the two of them were on duty in the village, which was a fairly easy task. Yu Xiaobai spent the past six months in the process of completing tasks and training and improving. In his spare time, he continued to study the use of the electromagnetic gun. However, because he did not have much free time, the testing of the electromagnetic gun was also difficult. Yu Xiaobai still hasn't perfected this new technique, but his control over thunder attribute chakra has been completely controlled since his last breakthrough.

Hinata Aida paused when he heard the word "retirement", and then nodded, "Yes, Qingchuan has been confirmed and the process is being completed. I will officially withdraw in a few days."

Hinata Aida tried his best to speak casually, but Yu Xiaobai could still hear the feeling of sadness in it. Not most people could fully experience the many years of ANBU career.

At the beginning of last autumn, Yu Xiaobai had learned the news that Hinata Aida was retiring. It seemed like yesterday. Half a year later, at the end of spring, the middle-aged man who had accompanied Yu Xiaobai through the boring mission time was leaving ANBU.

Yu Xiaobai felt reluctant to give up, but he also understood that the other party had a wife and two children. As he got older, he was no longer suitable to continue working in high-risk industries, even if he still had fighting power.

"Anyway, it's good to not have the flag of 'I'll go back to my hometown to get married after this battle'..." Yu Xiaobai muttered.

People are not grass and trees, and the separation made the atmosphere a little quiet. The wind blew loudly and softly. After Yu Xiaobai and Hinata Xiangtian continued to stay in the water tower for a while, they walked around in other high places for a few times. They did not encounter anything that disturbed the public order. The time soon came to evening, the dim light of the sky made the brightness of the house become low, and it was soon time to hand over the post.

"Wow, time flies so fast." Yu Xiaobai shouted, and the two of them walked back to the ANBU base. Maybe after today, Hinata Aida will no longer come to ANBU to work.

"Yes, time flies very quickly." Hinata Xiangtian nodded. The streets were a little quiet in the evening, and a lot of smoke rose. He understood the meaning of this section of the road and patted Yu Xiaobai on the shoulder, "Come and play often in the future."

"Wow, forget it." It's just retirement. There is no need to feel sad. The faint feelings were washed away, and Yu Xiaobai said with a smile, "I don't dare to enter the Hinata mansion. Last time, uncle, your daughter had a full-month meal. I I felt uncomfortable all over when I went to eat, and the sight of those old men..."

"You kid!" Hinata Aangda raised his hand that patted his shoulder and hit Yu Xiaobai on the head smoothly. However, his words were also filled with smiles and helplessness, and the other party was telling the truth.

Big families are always very reserved, Hinata is the same, and so are Uchiha. Speaking of which, Yu Xiaobai and Itachi once promised each other to visit each other, but they have not yet been fulfilled. Busyness is one reason. What is more noteworthy is that Uchiha is in Konoha. An increasingly sensitive issue in the village.

"By the way, there is no notice for your new partner, right?" Hinata Aida thought of something and said, "Then it seems that Yu Bai, you are very promising in this ANBU captain assessment."

When Yu Xiaobai heard this, his expression suddenly dropped. The captain of the Anhui Department was conducting an assessment. This was news that Yu Xiaobai had been troubled by recently.

The Anbu has its own system, and fresh blood is always coming up. Yu Xiaobai is not interested in promotion or anything like that, but what is helpless is that his name is on the list of candidates for squad leader this time.

Hey, is it a wrong decision to have a good relationship with colleagues...

"Your outstanding performance in the past six months is undisputed. Come on, young man, I am optimistic about you." Hinata Aida's expression said "The future belongs to you young people, go and conquer the stars and the sea", which made Yu Xiaobai feel a little ache.

But he can't say that I don't care about such things at all, otherwise Hinata Aida will definitely be unhappy after hearing this. Except for a few, the three views of Konoha ninjas are still very upright.

The two handed over duties in the ANBU, and the receiving ninja smiled at Hinata Aida with a kind face, obviously knowing that this ANBU had always been HD.

After leaving the ANBU base, Hyuga Aida seemed to have put down all the burdens he had carried for many years, and his figure was light and brisk, as if he was several years younger.

"Uncle Xiangtian, what will you do in the future?" Yu Xiaobai couldn't help but ask.

Hinata Aida thought for a while and said with a slight smile: "I haven't thought about it yet. Let's go home and spend some time first. After being a ninja for so many years, I won't change it just because I say so. If nothing else happens, I will still go. Be a leading jounin."

"Are you the instructor of the genin team?" Yu Xiaobai nodded understandingly. Hinata Aida's ANBU retirement does not mean that his ninja career is completely over. This is indeed a good choice. In peacetime, in order to take care of the new generation of genin, in addition to teaching, most of the missions are to train genin to E-level and D-level. C-level also requires genin to grow up for a period of time. Acceptance, as for B-level, it is basically not something that genin can solve.

"Goodbye then." At the fork in the road, Yu Xiaobai said without hesitation.

Hinata Aida stopped and said seriously: "Come on."


Under the night light, Hinata Xiangtian went home, and Yu Xiaobai continued to move forward, walking on the road that belonged to him.

Thanks to zsA, the idiot on the trip, and Wei Gaoqiang for the reward~ Also thanks to Sui/Fengpiao/Miao for the reward~

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