Please answer Naruto

Chapter 433 Extra: Meeting the Parents (Part 1)

After a relationship between a man and a woman has been together for a long time, they will always reach the stage of "meeting the parents".

Regardless of whether it is ancient or modern, this step is a special memorable level and moment. Especially for male compatriots, the test is greater and the task is more arduous. If you are not careful, your impression score will be bad, and the father-in-law will not accept the request. Pigs are always more demanding than usual.

Of course, these have nothing to do with Yu Xiaobai. He doesn't need to meet the girl's parents. When I meet him, my mother-in-law will definitely like him for being so handsome.

After finishing talking, what I want to say is that Yu Xiaobai and Hoshino Junxia also have to go through the process that newlyweds go through. On a winter evening, the setting sun hides behind the mountains early, and the city alleys are filled with the excitement of the upcoming New Year. Fireworks... The difference is that it was Chun Xia who mustered up the courage and walked solemnly into Yu Xiaobai's house.

The two of them have known each other all the way. They have expressed their emotions, expressed their care, and waited and endured. The storm has come to a point where no outsiders need to ask for verification. They continue to live their lives together. Occasionally, they have free time to think about it. They must understand what happens next. When they look up, they all look very mature and know how to be on the right track.

But words and reality are always on a completely different level. The two people who have graduated from college have set a time to show off and confess to their parents. As for the time approaching, Chun Xia can't sit still and stares in the mirror for half a day every day. , showing a weird smile from time to time.

"Don't worry, there's nothing to be nervous about." Yu Xiaobai comforted you at the door, "You see your face is tense. The last time I saw you was when I suddenly went to the Minister's Mansion."

"Yes, no, is it that obvious?" Chun Xia gently touched her lightly made-up face, doubting it for two seconds, then suddenly stared down and patted Yu Xiaobai's back with her palm, "It's not like you are meeting your parents. , of course it’s easier! How long ago did you want to mention it? Why didn’t you vomit blood at one moment and then shamelessly say that you wanted to take me away... And how could you do the same to meet your uncle and aunt? "

The thrilling scene in the Tokyo Sky Tree really happened a long time ago, just like the bright witch costumes, the blooming dance, and the singing that floated in the night afterwards, reflected day and night in the time, and became something in the future. A vow, a kiss. Occasionally and inadvertently, we can see them in the details of life, as plain as a glass of white water.

"Okay, okay..."

Yu Xiaobai resisted in a manly manner, then lowered his head and took out his mobile phone to pull out the WeChat interface, pretending to be busy and messaging his parents who were waiting on the other side of the door.

When Yu Xiaobai told his parents about Chun Xia's existence, Yu's father and Yu's mother were really surprised. Zhang Lanxin was surprised that his son finally found a girlfriend. Was Yu Yibai surprised that his son could find a Japanese girlfriend?

Speaking of repeated rounds of interrogations and investigations, Yu Xiaobai has already experienced it... He curled his lips, turned around and saw that Chun Xia was muttering uncertainly again, "You don't look really good, do you?" "There will be no change" and other words that can be heard by ears all the way.

"Okay, parents, let us come in quickly and be careful not to catch cold outside." Yu Xiaobai decided to kill the possibility of the girl shrinking from the battle, took Chun Xia's hand and said.

"Hey, wait a minute, Mr. Yu Bai." Chun Xia's face turned red and her tone sounded slightly panicked.

Turning around, Yu Xiaobai looked over and Chun Xia watched. There was silence between the two of them for a while, and then she gradually gained strength, took a few deep breaths, stood in front of the door and straightened her clothes, "I understand."

"No problem, let's go parents."

Yu Xiaobai nodded with a smile and opened the door.


PS: Extras will be updated from time to time, so it’s best not to have high expectations...

Regarding the new book, I have been making preparations. I had an idea before Reply Naruto was finished. It is almost there now. It is expected to be released before April, and it will definitely be released in early April at the latest. Mainly to save some manuscripts, but I'm really afraid that I won't have enough. The next chapter of Junxia's Meet the Parents should be a new book after it is updated. As for the style and theme, it can probably be called...youth fantasy? There are many other elements.

For the new story, I am more confident, very confident, and there are many scenes floating in my mind. Of course, the so-called confidence can only be for myself. I will work hard and everyone will wait and see.

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