Please answer Naruto

Chapter 49 Warning

In the living room, Yu Xiaobai sat at the table and stared blankly at the tea cup on the table. He was holding a cup in his hand, and there was a cup opposite him, but the little tea left in the cup had already gone cold.

It had been a while since Itachi left. Yu Xiaobai thought about the other party's first or last visit and shook his head, "Don't think about it. Itachi should do well in the rest of the matter."

Itachi does handle things well in the original novel, although in a way that is difficult for ordinary people to understand.

Yu Xiaobai tidied up, took a bath and lay down on the quilt.

The night wind outside was blowing slowly, and at a certain moment it got a little higher.

There was a slight sound of someone landing in the yard, and Yu Xiaobai became alert. His keen perception and experience told him that the intruder had good skills, at least he was not a rookie, and he was not alone.

"Lord Chaoming, I take the liberty of disturbing you." In Yu Xiaobai's bedroom, two masked ninjas appeared faintly.

Yu Xiaobai had an extra kunai in his hand and glanced at the person's clothes. They were similar to those of Anbu, but there were differences. Was it the root?

"Is it Gen? Why did you come to my house so quietly in the middle of the night?" Yu Xiaobai said calmly, "You don't want to assassinate me."

The fact that the other party could stand in front of him and speak instead of throwing darts meant that he didn't have any deep ill intentions. However, Yu Xiaobai was still very dissatisfied with this behavior of just entering his room as he pleased without saying hello.

Wearing a mask, his tone was cold and formulaic, and his breath was deliberately suppressed, as if he was specifically showing off his ninja skills.

"You're kidding." One of the men in a dog-head mask said in an emotionless tone. His words were clearly meant to heat up the atmosphere, but you could hear a cold feeling. "There are other things."

"Has Itachi Uchiha visited Lord Asana's house not long ago?"

Yu Xiaobai raised his eyebrows, and took out the kunai hidden in the quilt without shying away from the other party, twirling his fingers in circles, "Yes, this junior is just visiting the senior's home, is there any problem?"

The two glanced at the harmless-looking kunai spinning on Yu Xiaobai's finger without leaving any trace, and at the forehead of the man with the dog-head mask, "I wonder what Uchiha Itachi said to Lord Asana?"

"It's better to come with us." Another root, who was obviously more indifferent and direct than his companion, said impatiently.

"What did I say have nothing to do with you?" Yu Xiaobai felt annoyed. These people were really unscrupulous and quite rude in their actions. "It's just a normal exchange. We ANBU also know the rules."

In the end, Yu Xiaobai patiently explained that during this sensitive period, Weasel's actions should be in the hands of the top management of the wood industry at all times, and his cooperation was already the limit.

The two men looked at each other, wondering what their intentions were.

"Let's make a record and write down all the conversations with Uchiha Itachi..."

The two of them seemed to ignore Yu Xiaobai's words. The man in the dog-head mask turned to Yu Xiaobai and said.

Yu Xiaobai tilted his head. He was not a person who was afraid of getting into trouble. He usually just dealt with things more calmly.

"Do I look easy to bully?" Yu Xiaobai pointed at his face with a sneer.

"That's not what I meant, but please cooperate..."

"Cooperate with your whole family."


The atmosphere became very awkward. As Yu Xiaobai ended the conversation rudely, the auras of the two people opposite him became even colder.

"Get out of here. Tell your superiors that I am not an ordinary ninja who can give orders at will." Yu Xiaobai waved his hand and said nonchalantly.

Another Gen, who spoke less but expressed his inner feelings more directly, said: "As expected, I'd better take a trip."

Another meaning of this sentence is force.

"Just the two of you?" Yu Xiaobai sneered and looked at each other deliberately, "Do you want me to give you a hand?"

The two men paused for a moment at the ridicule, then without saying anything, they rushed towards Yu Xiaobai at great speed with their hands empty.

On paper, Yu Xiaobai's strength is that of an elite jounin. They are both excellent jounin and are not afraid. It's a pity that they greatly underestimated the power of Yu Xiaobai Lei's attributes to increase his physical skills.

Seeing that the other party was empty-handed, he really wanted to fight without saying a word. Yu Xiaobai did not hesitate, instead of retreating, he advanced.

Yu Xiaobai, each with one hand, caught the opponent's fist.

Ridicule is sarcasm, Yu Xiaobai wouldn't be so stupid as to let the opponent give him a hand, wouldn't that be ZZ?

The contact of power caused the expressions of the two men to change. Although they did not use all their strength, it was not too easy for the ANBU captain named Chao Ming Yubai to block their attacks.

"You guys started the attack first, you're welcome." Yu Xiaobai snorted coldly, and a flash of lightning crawled onto his body. He was ready to teach Gen a lesson. After several months of escort missions, his mentality became more open-minded. In the past, he might have really let the grievances go and made it a trivial matter.

Yu Xiaobai's speed and strength suddenly increased a lot. The two people who knew the information were not too surprised, and then they both used their full strength.

"Bang bang bang..."

Several people quickly fought from the bedroom to the empty yard, without using kunai, fists and kicks, the strong wind of the punches disturbed the night wind, dodging and attacking, more than a dozen moves passed by in the blink of an eye, Yu Xiaobai used One against two has the upper hand.

Turning sideways to avoid the whip kick, Yu Xiaobai's counterattack failed to catch up with the opponent again. He punched directly in the face, the mask was shattered, and the opponent rolled out with a nosebleed.

"If you insist on telling you to get out like this, it's true." Yu Xiaobai did not forget to make vicious remarks.

The other one was eager to avenge his teammates, but it was not enough to fight one against two. Now Yu Xiaobai was able to knock him down in just a few strokes after fighting alone.

With two bangs, the two men were thrown out of the wall by Yu Xiaobai in an ugly manner.

Clapping his hands, Yu Xiaobai went back to his room to sleep. This might lead to deeper conflicts with Gen, but he didn't really care.

The two people who were thrown out rested for a few seconds, then stood up with difficulty, and looked at each other. They both saw disbelief in each other's eyes, "What should I do?"

"...Go back and report it truthfully." The two men came in pretending to be embarrassed and helped each other. "There is a problem with the information. This court name Yubai is not an ordinary elite jounin."

Thanks to the sheep who love to eat wolf meat, Bai Yujing, Wuyeguwuyuege for the reward~

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