Please answer Naruto

Chapter 61 Meeting

After school, Sasuke carried his schoolbag and walked on a recently familiar road, thinking about how to deal with the possible difficulties that Teacher Yu Bai would make later. After turning a corner, the scenery on the street was clear. Sasuke was stunned and found Yu Xiaobai leaning on the door. When he saw him appearing, he cast a smiling look at him, as if he had been waiting for a long time.

"Hmph." It seemed that today's task would be very difficult. Sasuke walked up to Yu Xiaobai with a posture. No matter how miserable the wait would be, he couldn't lose first.

"Teacher Yu Bai."

"Here we come." Yu Xiaobai greeted and walked closer. Sasuke noticed that Yu Xiaobai's expression was different from before. Moreover, Sasuke glanced at the ninja bag behind Yu Xiaobai's waist. He was not wearing casual clothes.

"I have a mission and I need to set off immediately." Yu Xiaobai, who was ready to go and barely put on a mask, smiled and said straight to the point. He was already a little late, and the purpose of waiting now was to explain.

Sasuke nodded subconsciously, "Oh."

What comes to mind, "The 'homework' from last week..."

"Let's talk about it next time when we come back." Yu Xiaobai said quickly, "I should spend a lot of time outside this time."

Saying that, Yu Xiaobai walked out at the same time, hurrying up to save time, and walked towards a large tree more than ten meters high outside, "Leave one more homework for you to watch."

Having known for a long time that there would be such a situation, Sasuke still felt a little empty for some reason. Watching Yu Xiaobai walk towards the tall cypress tree with tangled roots, he had to concentrate first.

"Exercising the details of chakra is very important in actual combat." Yu Xiaobai stepped on the trunk of the tree, and then followed up with the other foot. His whole body suddenly tilted, and the trunk became a foothold, parallel to the ground.

Sasuke's eyes widened as he watched Yu Xiaobai walking on the tree trunk.

"This is called 'tree climbing'. Come back and see how high you can go." Yu Xiaobai took one step at a time, turning his head and talking to Sasuke as he walked. He walked so slowly, and his unusually relaxed posture further highlighted his level, "But It’s not that I’m trying to hit you. Given your level, you just have to rush upwards. Wherever you go depends on your character.”

Yu Xiaobai had almost reached the tree crown, took out his kunai, carved a horizontal line, and then kicked it to the ground.

"do you understand?"

Sasuke looked at the nonchalant Yu Xiaobai in front of him, and then looked at the large tree that was more than ten meters high and nearly five stories high. The mark lightly scratched by the kunai was a bit dazzling.

He secretly clenched his fist, and as expected, he still had a lot to improve. He faced Yu Xiaobai, who seemed to be in a hurry to start, and said, "Teacher Yu Bai, isn't this tree a little low?"

Yu Xiaobai was startled, and then he patted Sasuke's head unceremoniously, "You're quite pretending, naughty kid. If you don't die from pain when you fall, you're really good."

After the matter was explained, Yu Xiaobai felt relieved and said, "Teacher is very busy and time is precious, so he is leaving."

Sasuke covered the place where he was hit and looked at Yu Xiaobai unhappily. Before he could say anything more, the other party had already left with a teleportation technique.

"It seems like it's an urgent task. Why don't you just wait at the door and leave a note?" Sasuke thought, and glanced at the thick trees beside him again. The distant trees were older than him, with lush trees above their heads. The branches and leaves covered half of the sky, swaying slightly in the wind, and the rustling of the waves enveloped him.

"Tsk, so high..."

Outside Konoha Village, most of the setting sun on the horizon has gone away, and the visibility in the line of sight has become lower. Nine ANBU wearing capable ninja outfits and masks waited at the edge of the forest for ten minutes.

Among the nine people, the boundaries are clear. Groups of three gather closer, and as colleagues, they go out collectively. The coordination mode is undoubtedly the most effective and direct linkage between teams.

A tall bald man sat on an extended tree trunk, one foot shaking impatiently. Finally at a certain moment, he couldn't help but said: "Why hasn't there been another one? It's been ten minutes past the scheduled time." Minutes."

The concept of time is very important to ninjas, let alone ANBU.

Someone started, and those who were a little dissatisfied would naturally respond, "Yes, it's still one person and a small team. The scene is quite big."

The two people who finished speaking were both captains of the two teams, otherwise they would not have dared to speak rashly. Several other ANBU whispered in agreement. The bald man who spoke first looked at the only man sitting silently aside and patted the tree. Pi said, "Kakashi, please say a few words. This other person seems to be the one in the separate team. Are you familiar with him?"

"Not familiar." Kakashi was still wearing a mask under his mask. It had to be said that in the hot summer, his style had reached a new level. When faced with colleagues' questions, he said it coldly. He is also the captain of one of these three teams.

Everyone knew a little about the companions who were on duty this time, but it was unclear what Kakashi was thinking about Yu Bai.

The bald man felt a little uncomfortable at the cold response. Just as he was about to say something, Kakashi spoke again, "Here he comes."

"What's coming?" All eight ANBU heard Kakashi's words, but none of them understood it immediately.

A black shadow jumped out from Konoha Village, and then swept across a large distance in the blink of an eye. Under the dim light, people felt for a moment whether they were hallucinating due to the speed.

A line of splitting was visible to the naked eye on the weeds, and there was even a strong wind blowing as we got closer.

Many Anbu's expressions changed under the masks, and some even subconsciously took precautions.

Yu Xiaobai flashed in front of a group of ANBU like a ghost, blowing away the wind. After he stopped, he waved his hands quickly, "I'm sorry, I'm late, I'm sorry..."


The atmosphere doesn't seem right? Yu Xiaobai looked at the nine people wearing various masks, all looking directly at him.

Does being ten minutes late leave a bad impression? Then don't be like this and ignore me...

Just now, Yu Xiaobai knew that the appointed time had passed and that there were nine jounin waiting for him outside, so he immediately used the speed of Thunder Escape amplification. What he didn't know was that the ANBU were shocked by his speed.

"Everyone is here, let's introduce each other and let's go." Kakashi broke the silence, stood up and said calmly.

Yu Xiaobai heard the somewhat familiar voice, looked at the body shape, and muttered in his heart, "It looks so familiar."

Everyone reacted, coughed a few times, and the bald man jumped down from the tree. Two of his teammates also came to him, "According to the regulations in the mission, we are the first team, captain Ishida Kappei."

Another team leader also came over. He looked strong but slightly short, "We are the second team, captain Minamino Shuichi."

"Team 3, Captain Hatake Kakashi."

Yu Xiaobai glanced at the person he had just noticed, and it turned out to be Kakashi. This was a coincidence. It is estimated that the other party will quit the ANBU at the suggestion of the third generation in the near future and turn to lead a team of teachers to cultivate their character. Unfortunately, under the influence of Naruto and the others, No student can pass his rigorous test before graduation.

Seeing that everyone else had finished speaking, Yu Xiaobai also took a step forward, "The fourth team, captain, will be named Yu Bai."

It's true that the ANBU should say code names, but since we're already here, let's call them by their first names.

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