Please answer Naruto

Chapter 93 Frightened

"Naruto, now I've given you a chance to verify, why don't you throw it away?" Standing still and not showing off, Yu Xiaobai looked at Naruto's hesitation and had to say, "Still, it's hard for you to throw it away." Don’t you have any courage?”


"Throwing kunai in the face of the enemy is the most basic thing for a ninja, right?" Yu Xiaobai was ready to provoke the innocent child in his heart.

"But you are not the enemy!" Naruto couldn't help but retort, his little face was very tangled.

"It's okay, it's okay, just treat me as your enemy." Yu Xiaobai said ruthlessly, with a teasing tone, "Can you do that?"

A man can't say no, so Naruto made up his mind, slowly clenched the kunai, and then... looked at Yu Xiaobai with a vacant look, "Then I really threw it away. If you don't react later, don't do it. Blame me!”

Yu Xiaobai shrugged and glanced at Hinata Xiangtian and another retired ANBU next to him. The two people had secretly tensed up. Well, to prevent this seemingly unreliable kid from missing the target and throwing the kunai into the crowd.

"bring it on."

It was still so plain, as if the sharpness on the kunai's tip was fake, but Naruto didn't feel that way, the texture of the sharp weapon made of steel was very real.

Naruto gritted his teeth and raised his hand, but when he was supposed to swing out the next second, his arm couldn't fall down.

Yu Xiaobai narrowed his eyes, this is not possible.

"Believe me." Yu Xiaobai took a step forward, and his plain and powerful words reached his ears, "At the same time, I will also believe you."

Naruto was stunned, looking at the eyes staring at him in front of him, feeling something he had never felt before in his heart. This feeling brought him strength that he rarely seemed to have before, and the stopped arm was no longer stiff, causing all this The warm current should be called "trust".

The sound of wind passed through the air, and Naruto threw a kunai at a living person for the first time in his life. At the same time, he felt the trust of a certain ANBU teacher in him; and not long after, he faced the most difficult situation in his life. The first time someone threw a malicious kunai, that thing called trust also grew among his teammates, giving him motivation.

This seems to be a very meaningful moment...

"It's so boring." Yu Xiaobai looked at the kunai that was barely flying horizontally. The free time made him think that he might as well form a seal - it's been a long time since he used the Substitution Technique instantly.


The kunai thrown by Naruto stuck into a blackboard eraser and fell to the ground with a clatter.

"Well, Naruto-kun did a good job, please give me some applause..." Yu Xiaobai smiled, clapped his hands feebly, and walked back from where he was on the blackboard eraser.

The children watching the scene burst into quite enthusiastic applause. After all, the feeling of watching this up close was so fresh and interesting.

"The teacher is so awesome!"

"The substitute technique was so fast just now. It was completed as soon as I put my hand on it and formed the seal..."

"Yeah it's too fast!"

Naruto, who had never been showered with applause, sat down lightly, then looked at Yu Xiaobai with a blushing face and clapped his hands.

"Haha, how fast..." Yu Xiaobai accepted the praises from the students with a smile. In people's eyes, he did not prepare in advance, but only acted after the kunai flew out. Such a close distance, in the eyes of the children It's very fast here.

"Actually, the Substitute Technique just now is just barely passable." Yu Xiaobai pressed his hands to calm everyone down and said, "Three Body Technique has a wide range of applications in ninja operations, and the premise of the operation is undoubtedly It’s safe. Even if some students learn more powerful movement methods in the future, I don’t recommend giving up the Substitute Technique, which is a fast and low-cost take-off tactical method..."

Yu Xiaobai began to speak according to what was written in the handout. The content was already memorized by heart, and with his own understanding, the students listened attentively.

"Ahem, so from my personal point of view, what is the real Substitution Technique? Come on, let our 'old-fashioned teacher' interact with me now..." After Yu Xiaobai talked about it, he still felt that he and Naruto before His demonstration was not good enough, so he turned around and walked towards Hinata Aida who was watching the show.

Many people laughed. "Old-fashioned teacher" was naturally Naruto's nickname for Hinata Aida.

"Uncle Xiangtian, please cooperate." Yu Xiaobai said with a low smile.

Hinata Aita's expression was serious. Without Yu Xiaobai's reminder, he took out a kunai that he demonstrated before and turned his wrist. "You also call me 'old-fashioned teacher'?"

Yu Xiaobai's smile faltered, and he hurriedly explained, "I am forced by teaching, so I want to liven up the atmosphere..."

"I understand, don't worry, I will cooperate with your teaching!" Hinata Xiangtian waved his hand, interrupting Yu Xiaobai's words, and said firmly with an attitude of going out to kill the enemy.

After swallowing his saliva, Yu Xiaobai stood back in the center of the stage angrily, "Students, watch out, the demonstration is about to begin..."

The final sound of the word "Le" was still floating in the air, but it was torn apart by a long and sharp roar in the air. The soul-enchanting sound of the hidden weapon moving at high speed made the unprepared children's hearts suddenly shrink, and the same kunai slashed through the air. The sound of the wind, the comparison between Hinata Aida and Naruto is like the difference between the strong wind under heavy rain and the gentle breeze in spring.

The kunai burst out, and a hint of murderous aura that habitually and inadvertently leaked made the Konoha students under the greenhouse turn pale. Many people didn't even react. They only saw a black shadow flashing away, followed by a "boom" .

Kunai inserted. Entered the blackboard eraser, and then nailed it to the wall at the other end.

The tail of the kunai was still trembling slightly, and the lingering sound of the golden iron spread throughout the classroom. Slowly, the pupils of the nearest child refocused, and the broken hair on his forehead had just been blown down by the strong wind.

At this time, even the expressions of the teachers in the back row changed. From such a close distance, they didn’t hold back at all when throwing.

The classroom fell into an eerie silence. Everyone couldn't help but look at the kunai nailed into the wall, and then looked at the instigator. Hinata Aida waved his hand without changing his expression.

"Hey, this old-fashioned person... Well, this teacher's interaction is so cooperative..." Yu Xiaobai slowly stood up from under the desk, smiling in an attempt to break the disturbing silence in the classroom.

After finishing speaking, Yu Xiaobai glanced at Hinata Xiangtian with twitching eyelids, who had nothing to do with him anymore. Damn, it was thrown so hard. Fortunately, I reacted quickly...

Yu Xiaobai looked at the students in the audience with a smile, "Well, where are we?"


No one answered, and 90% of the people were still stunned, unable to recover from the lightning strike just now.

Even recalling that moment, the retired ANBU named Hinata Aida, no matter what... looked like he was really going to kill someone...

very scary.


A junior child with tears in his eyes suddenly cried, and his young heart was frightened.

As if a chain reaction had started, several children couldn't help crying, and the class suddenly became chaotic.

"This..." Yu Xiaobai was dumbfounded.

Thanks to Mizuki Yiyang L, long1894, Gu Zhan, and Dongfang for the reward~

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