Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1162 Cavalry General

"Your Majesty Li Zicheng, I have met His Royal Highness King Shun!" Seeing Zhang Shun writing and painting in the Cunxin Hall, Li Zicheng, who had just been brought in by the servant, hurriedly came forward to pay his respects.

"Oh? My hussar general is here!" Zhang Shun couldn't help laughing.

Li Zicheng's nickname was Zao'er, and his nickname was Huang Lai'er. He shouted like calling a child, which made Zhang Shun unable to open his mouth, so he had to make a joke to show his closeness.

"King Shun Shun really treats his ministers too well, which makes them ashamed!" Li Zicheng couldn't help but bowed and said with a red face.

Originally, he wanted to maintain some integrity, but King Shun was too generous, so he had no choice but to lower his waist and relax his figure.

This Shun was indeed a good move. He came up to the Jin Dynasty and granted a hussar general whose status was higher than that of the Four Expeditions and Four Towns. It was difficult for Li Zicheng not to believe that he would fulfill the king's promise.

"Hey, you deserve it!" Zhang Shun raised his hand and said, "Sit down!"

"I don't dare!" Li Zicheng was startled and waved his hands quickly.

"What dare you? We are all brothers. Are there any outsiders? Why are you so polite?" Zhang Shun waved his hand impatiently.

"Then please forgive me, King Shun!" Li Zicheng muttered before sitting down and leaning forward.

"I invite you to come here this time. You must have guessed a lot!" Zhang Shun said seriously.

"Originally, I planned to operate in Shaanxi for a while, and then make progress after the foundation is solid."

"It's just that now it seems that the Ming Dynasty has done something wrong. I am worried that they will not be able to withstand Hou Jin's attack, so I have to make plans early."

"Then King Shun plans to send troops in the spring?" Li Zicheng pondered for a moment and couldn't help but guess.

"It's not that early!" Zhang Shun shook his head and said, "Liao Ze is frozen in the early spring, which is conducive to the exchanges between later and Jin Dynasties. I don't want to do that."

It turns out that in the late Ming Dynasty, the Lower Liaohe Plain was a swamp, lying between Shenyang, Liaoyang and Guangningwei.

If the Later Jin Dynasty wanted to contact Mongolia, they had to detour to the coastal area south of Liaoze and then go to Guangning to contact them.

If we wait until the spring blooms, Liaoze will be a vast ocean, which is not conducive to Hou Jin's use of troops.

"Then...what does King Shun mean?" Li Zicheng couldn't help but asked tentatively.

"The past two years have been bad, with many autumn seedlings drying up, so we need to make up for it in spring. After the busy farming season is over, it's time to use troops!" Zhang Shun said with a smile.

"The approximate time is around March!"

Zhang Shun's calculations were so precise, but he was just flirting with the blind man.

In this era, Li Zicheng had not yet been in charge of his own affairs. He did not have a deep understanding of the timing of using troops and failed to understand its profound meaning.

He couldn't help but ask: "I wonder how King Shun plans to conquer?"

"I want my troops to be divided into three groups. I will lead the main force to Pingyang and Fenyang to defeat Taiyuan."

"And you will lead 50,000 troops on the north route, cross the Yellow River, take Baode, defeat Biantou, Ningwu, and Yanmen, and then join forces with me to attack Datong and Xuanfu, and attack the capital of the Ming Dynasty!"

"Fifty thousand people?" Li Zicheng was shocked when he heard this and quickly expressed his stance.

"Twenty to thirty thousand people are enough. Why do we need so many people?"

Of course he knew that his reputation among the rebels was second only to Zhang Shun, and because of this, he had to keep a low profile to avoid suspicion.

"Twenty to thirty thousand is enough?" Zhang Shun was stunned and asked.

"Could it be that the hussar general only needs 20,000 to 30,000 troops to overcome the three passes and frighten the Tatar tribes north of the border wall?"

"Uh... It really can't be done!" After listening to Zhang Shun's words, Li Zicheng understood what was going on with his Northern Route Army.

It turns out that the route North Road Jun took was basically the Ming Dynasty Border Wall, so although there were few cities to conquer, they were all important border towns such as Piantou Pass, Ningwuguan, and Yanmen Pass.

In addition to overcoming difficulties, it also has the function of monitoring and intimidating the Mongolian tribes, and protecting the flanks of the main force led by Zhang Shun.

" many troops does King Shun plan to lead?" Li Zicheng hesitated and asked.

"I will lead one hundred thousand troops and attack Huanglong!" Zhang Shun said with a smile.

Okay, now I’m relieved!

Wait, where did King Shun get so many soldiers and horses at once?

"Now that the rebel forces are in short supply, this is what I plan to do." I heard Zhang Shun say again.

"You now have five thousand troops under your command. I intend to separate two thousand troops and let your nephew Li Guo and deputy general Liu Zongmin lead them respectively."

"Then we will allocate the thirteen battalions under your command and the Hongyi Artillery Division, including thirty 'Qingtian General Cannons' and twenty 'Feibiao Guns', dedicated to attacking the city."

"I'm going to let Zhang Bojing be responsible for other mules, horses, livestock, grain and baggage, and the recruitment of laborers. What do you think?"

"His Royal Highness King Shun!" Li Zicheng couldn't help being shocked when he heard this. He quickly left his seat, fell to the ground, and choked with sobs.

"Zicheng is so favored by King Shun, how dare you die if you don't obey?"

"Please rest assured, King Shun, as long as there is Zicheng, the army will definitely destroy everything when it comes, and penetrate the important border towns of the Ming Dynasty in one fell swoop!"

"Okay, I saw you right!" Zhang Shun quickly helped him up and patted his shoulder.

This is a famous person in history. Using him to deal with the trash at the border of the Ming Dynasty is completely "killing a chicken with a sledgehammer"!

However, remembering that this guy was defeated by "A Piece of Stone" in history, Zhang Shun couldn't help but warn again: "We are the real soldiers in this battle, and you are the surprise soldier!"

"When fires break out all over the mainland, the Ming Dynasty will definitely mobilize border troops to support them. When the time comes, you can fight your way out of Yansui, and you will definitely be able to achieve great success in one fell swoop."

"It's just that after you succeed, you must not be arrogant in victory or discouraged in defeat, and watch the Tatars outside the border wall closely for me!"

"Don't let us fight with the main force of the Ming Dynasty and lose both sides, and let a group of Tartars take advantage!"

"King Shun!" Li Zicheng didn't know what to say when he heard this. He almost wanted to kneel down and shout "Mu is like Eda"!

What is a surprise soldier?

Qibing is also known as "picking up leaks" and hardcore confidants!

If someone else attracts the enemy's main force as a regular soldier, then as long as the strange soldiers are willing to work hard, unless something unexpected happens, they will generally achieve unparalleled achievements.

But if the surprise troops can't come at the critical moment, the fun will be great.

Therefore, the team usually used to serve as surprise troops are the people the coach trusts the most, and they also lead the most elite soldiers. How can Li Zicheng not burst into tears with gratitude?

Seeing that the heat was almost over, Zhang Shun smiled and said, "The deputy commander-in-chief and military advisor have not decided on the candidate yet, so please don't be anxious."

"In addition to the 100,000 dan that you and Zhang Bojing squeezed out from the hands of the gentry and wealthy households in Yansui for the food and fodder needed for the fifty thousand army, I will order the Yan'an magistrate Ding Qirui and Wei Zhiyou to bring in another 200,000 dan in the name of disaster relief. .”

"By the way, if the grudge between you and Wei Zhiyou is over, let him go and don't mention it again!" Zhang Shun suddenly remembered this matter and couldn't help but mention it again.

It turned out that Wei Zhiyou was a general under Li Zicheng. Later, when he passed through Song County, he took the opportunity to join He Fu, the magistrate of Song County.

As a result, when Li Zicheng later attacked Song County, he suffered a lot at his hands and ended up with Li Zicheng.

Later, Wei Zhiyou took refuge with Zhang Shun, and the two of them almost never met, but it didn't matter.

It's just that Li Zicheng, the "General Officer", happened to go to Yan'an to "enforce people" recently. How come he couldn't see Wei Zhiyou, who was the Commander-in-Chief of Yan'an at the time?

Looking up but not looking down, the two of them had new and old grudges coming together, causing a lot of conflicts.

"No... no way!" Li Zicheng was a little embarrassed when he heard this, but now he was in high spirits and couldn't help but assure himself.

"Now Wei Zhiyou is a member of King Shun. If you don't look at the monk's face and the Buddha's face, how can Zicheng be as knowledgeable as him?"

"Don't worry, King Shun. If you see Wei Zhiyou again in the future, I will definitely stay away!"

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