Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1192 Conspiracy

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, there is indeed a fight outside, and the sound of killing is loud!" Just as the rebel army and the Ming army were fighting at the west gate of Huaiqing Mansion, someone had already sneaked back to the Prince's Courtyard of Prince Zheng and informed Prince Zheng of the battle situation. The crown prince Zhu Yizhong.

"Okay, okay!" Zhu Yizhong couldn't help but said excitedly, "Have you investigated the movements of the other three sects? You must know that today is the day to make great achievements!"

"Young men have already discovered that the west gate is the most heavily defended, followed by the east gate and the south gate. Only the north gate is loosely defended and is the easiest to capture!"

"Okay, everyone, let's get ready. Let's start taking action at three o'clock tonight!" Zhu Yizhong couldn't help but said excitedly.

"Your Highness, a gentleman would not stand under a dangerous wall, so please think twice!" Seeing that Zhu Yizhong was about to go to the dark side, some people became timid and stepped forward to dissuade him.

"Think twice? Why should I think twice?" Zhu Yizhong couldn't help laughing when he heard this, "As the saying goes: Raise an army for a thousand days and use it for a moment."

"I have been kind to you for several years, and you have the virtues of Lord Mengchang. Are you unwilling to die in repayment?"

The "Four Evils" under Zhu Yizhong's command have now gone to Yang Sichang, the right commander of the Yilian Company. Who dares to disobey the remaining "Three Evils and Ten Evils"?

Everyone hurriedly bowed to the ground and shouted loudly: "Your Majesty has been as kind as a mountain to me, how dare you not repay me with death?"

"Okay, okay, if it succeeds, I will not hesitate to give you a generous reward. Please listen to the details!" Zhu Yizhong saw that his morale was usable and couldn't help but encourage him.

After that, he ordered people to slaughter cattle and sheep, and let all the diners and servants eat a lot of good wine and food, and then went to bed early.

By the time of Haishi, most of the people had already rested, and then they called out the crowd, distributed swords, guns and weapons, and prepared to cooperate inside and outside to seize the north gate of Huaiqing Mansion.

But I didn't expect that after counting the number of people, three people were missing and their whereabouts were unknown.

The thirteen backbones of the "Three Fierce and Ten Evils" suddenly broke out in cold sweat: "Your Majesty, should... Could it be that they betrayed us?"

"Look for me, I want to see people when I am alive, and I want to see the body when I die!" Zhu Yizhong said with a gloomy expression.

As a vassal of the imperial court, he was deeply jealous of the imperial court.

It took a lot of effort to gather these more than a hundred dead soldiers. If it turns out to be an opportunity, I can do something great. If I fail, I am afraid that today will be my death anniversary next year.

Everyone heard this and knew that this matter was related to their family and life. Who dared not to search desperately?

I don’t know how long they struggled, but they finally discovered that these three people had drunk too much and were actually hungover, so they missed the task.

"Kill Ji Qi!" Zhu Yizhong said angrily.

They dare to be so slack on such a big thing, they must have been lazy and slippery in the past.

"Oh, what are you doing? What are you doing? Ah~" Before the poor three drunkards understood what was going on, they were escorted out and stabbed one by one before they met Yama Luo.

"Release the signal and prepare to seize the north gate!" Zhu Yizhong shouted sternly with a gloomy face.

"Yes!" Following Zhu Yizhong's order, three flares soared into the sky, piercing the quiet night.

"Let's go!" Upon seeing this, the "Three Evils and Ten Evils" couldn't help but take the lead and opened the door of the other courtyard and went out.

As a result, when I looked at the door, I saw a dark crowd of people and horses in front of me, silent and silent, like rows of sculptures.

Seeing the door open, one of the "sculptures" moved.

The "sculpture" not only moved, but also said: "You are so talented when you rebel and still work so hard!"

"You...who are you?" Everyone was shocked and broke out in cold sweat.

"Who am I?" The man chuckled upon hearing this, "I am Jiang Yaozu, a descendant of the Jiang family of Yulin General!"

“Now that I am the director of ‘Yulinying’, I am about to take your heads and make great achievements!”

"How dare you, thief!" Everyone was shocked when they heard this, and then they were sure that they were enemies rather than friends, and they drew their swords and guns on guard.

However, just as everyone was drawing out their swords and guns, the "sculptures" on the opposite side all took out their long bows, attached their long arrows, and drew them like a full moon.

"Misunderstanding, misunderstanding!" Prince Zheng secretly thought something was wrong, and quickly greeted him, "I am Prince Zheng. If the Yulin Jiang family is willing to change their ways..."

"Prince Zheng? Zhu Yizhong?" Jiang Yaozu couldn't help but confirm when he saw that his clothes were indeed extraordinary.

"Yes, it's me!" Zhu Yizhong couldn't help but said proudly.

"Okay, okay, you really can't find anything after wearing iron shoes. It doesn't take any effort to get it. Shoot the arrow for me!" Jiang Yaozu sneered and gave the order.

Suddenly thousands of arrows were fired, only Zhu Yizhong, the crown prince of Prince Zheng who was showing off his power, was shot like a hedgehog.

"" Zhu Yizhong's eyes widened and he couldn't believe his ending.

"How could it be?"

I haven't had enough fun with beauties, I haven't eaten enough delicious food, I haven't gathered enough wealth, and I haven't had time to display my ambitions. Why? Why is this happening!

Zhu Yizhong had too much dissatisfaction and unwillingness in his heart, but his heavy eyelids finally overwhelmed everything. As his eyesight went dark, he finally knew nothing!

"Ah! Killing! Prince Zheng is dead!" Seeing the death of their backbone, the mob gathered by Zhu Yizhong suddenly became confused.

"Kill, kill them all!" Jiang Yaozu ordered, and finally sentenced them all to death!

"Director, isn't this...isn't this good?" The close relatives around him couldn't help but comforted him after hearing this.

"What's wrong? Move quickly, otherwise the North Gate will be over in a while, and we won't even be able to drink the soup!" Jiang Yaozu couldn't help but sneered.

Just do it right. Now that the Jiang family is no longer a minister of the Ming Dynasty, how can they care about their old relationship?

And just when Jiang Yaozu mentioned the North Gate, the fierce battle at the North Gate was coming to an end.

"The door is open, the door is open, follow me into the city!" The Liaodong elite who had been fighting fiercely with the rebels for a long time couldn't help but said with great joy when they saw the north gate opened as promised.

"Kill!" Many people held torches and lanterns and rushed in, hoping to seize the opportunity to seize the door and get in first.

"Bang!" Not long after everyone rushed in, they heard a loud noise, and three or five soldiers screamed miserably on the spot.

Everyone turned around and saw that at some point, the thousand-pound gate of the north gate had already fallen, smashing the few soldiers who could not dodge into a pulp, leaving only some arms and legs twitching outside.

"No, I've fallen into a trap!" The Liaodong elite had never seen anything like this before, and they immediately reacted.

"Well, as expected of the Liaodong Army!" At this moment, a voice rang from Wengcheng, "Death is imminent, and the judgment is still so accurate!"

"Who are you, you can't be considered a hero by shrinking your head and tail!" Liaodong elite couldn't help but yelled.

"I, Du Hongyu, a descendant of the Du family of Yulin General, now hold the position of director of King Shun's Yulin Camp." Only one person appeared on Wengcheng and said with a smile.

"Thank you for traveling so many miles to send me your head. Please accept it... ah!"

Just when Du Hongyu was showing off his power, unexpectedly, the elite of the Liaodong Army suddenly fired several arrows, hitting Du Hongyu himself, a descendant of the Du family, on the city wall.

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