Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 12 Surprise Attack on Mengjin City

Before the flood was over, Zhang Shunzheng took this opportunity to recruit young and strong according to Zhao Yutou's strategy. Yun said: "The flood has not yet passed, but now we have a little food, but it is not enough to eat for a month. I heard that those who can't live forever can't live for a while. There are countless people who have destroyed their homes and fields. How can you do it?" Isn't it a long-term plan to sit and eat like this?"

"If you want to live, the young and strong can follow me to attack Mengjin County and open the Mengjin granary to survive the disaster year. Only by grabbing food can the whole family survive! Sitting here means dying, and doing big things Death is also death, why not fight hard, just to survive?"

Among the victims, there were either travelers or singles. Zhang Shun didn't subdivide them, and led all his subordinates to choose and train young and strong, and those who didn't follow would be cut off from their food and sacrificed to the river god. Fearing its force and greedy for its food, the victims had no choice but to follow.

Zhang Shun couldn't bear to do this kind of thing at first, Zhao Yutou persuaded him, "How innocent is old man Qian? He guarded his wealth and suffered such a calamity? Why don't people say that the lord is cruel, but praise the lord for his benevolence and righteousness?" Kill a selfish thief, and live thousands of people."

"The whole world is full of hustle and bustle, there is no one hole. Human life is not high or low, but money is small. There are many and we are widowed, and I am many and we are widowed. The reason why the sages and sages ruled the world in the past was that they gathered the crowd to beat the widows. This is the way of the sages and wise kings. Husband Those who dominate the crowd with the few, the rich with fields connected to the rice fields, and the poor with no land to stand on, one person will live and the others will die, this is the generation of the lone husband and the people, the thief of the people, and the generation of tyrants and tyrants.”

"My lord is benevolent and righteous. I can't bear to see the dead. This is Xiaoren. Those who have not been seen by the lord, their bones are piled up in the Tao, and the world is full of hunger and death. How many scenes are there? The lord should abandon the little benevolence and promote the great benevolence. Gather the masses and attack the lone husband and the people's thieves." This is the way of the sages, if the lord can't bear it, the little old man can do it for him."

"Grandpa Jiang is nothing more than that, Mr. Zhao is really a great talent!" Zhang Shun sighed, the comfortable life in his previous life had corrupted him, and it was unimaginable that such remarks about class struggle came from a young old man. How could he be willing to attribute the bad name to this person, so he said: "I have been blind and deaf for a long time, I hope Mr. Zhao will always police me. I will take care of this matter myself, Mr. Zhao will see what I can do!"

"It's overrated, my lord." Zhao Yutou said with a sneer, "I'm illiterate, but since I was a child, I like to listen to the old people around me talk about ancient times. The old people often say that the sage is a wise king, and the solitary husband is a traitor. I asked what is a sage, a wise lord? Thieves?"

"The old people in the village say that the sages, the wise kings, the lone husbands and the common people are all born in the sky, and they are destined to die in the sky. But I still have doubts. Until I got older, I saw the rich people in the village eat and eat. It’s endless, and the poor can’t get enough to eat. When I sold the fish and went to Luoyang, people told me that the fertile fields along the road were all owned by King Fu, and there were a little ten thousand hectares. And beggars often fell on the road, and no one cared about it.”

"I share a piece of cake with a beggar, and the beggar will live, and call me good! So I thought, if I could share a piece of cake with everyone in the world, wouldn't everyone in the world call me good? Fools worry about a lot, but sometimes they get something, and I think The ancient sages should be no more than this, right?"

"But I'm just a boatman. How can there be thousands of cakes and ten thousand cakes for the people of the world to eat? Later, when I got old, I gradually realized that these thousand cakes and ten thousand cakes are free in the world, and only virtuous people can take them and share them. Only the world is called a sage and wise king. Now the way to get food and disaster relief from the lord is the way of a sage and wise king, so my grandfather and grandson follow the lord to take the world!"

Zhang Shun was silent after hearing this. He bowed deeply to Zhao Yutou three times, and said: "Although I am not a wise king, I am a sage! If you have the assistant of the Duke, why worry about the uncertainty of the world!"

Zhang Shunnai chose young and strong men, and ordered his subordinates to lead them:

Zhang Shun chose two hundred of the most elite, and gave Zhang Sanbai and Zhang Wuhao, the former Xiaoqi official, to lead them. Ma Daochang, Chen Jindou, and Zhao Yutou each lead two hundred people. Liu Yinggui led a hundred people himself as a military judge, and Zhao Yutou's grandson Zhao Lizi led a hundred people as scouts. He also chose dozens of clever young men as messengers, and Wukong led them.

After the selection and compilation, the strong ones are selected, and each is the head of the corps. The three elders are led by many people, and each chooses two deputies to assist them. In fact, most of them are former small banner officials.

In this way, after the meal, there was nothing left and right, and Zhang led the practice formation by the way. The formation used by Zhang Shun is also the method of "Roman Total War" in the previous life.

Formed in a row, the left army is Ma Daochang, the right army is Chen Jindou, and the middle army is Zhao Yutou. After Zhang Shun led two hundred soldiers into custody, he ordered Zhao Lizi to send out scouts to observe the left and right sides; he ordered Liu Yinggui to lead the military judges to walk around the formation, and if he saw anyone in disorder, he would serve him with sticks.

After several days of practice, the array cannot be formed, and the pawns cannot be lined up. Except for the knives and guns carried by the soldiers in the original guard, the rest of the weapons cannot be a wooden stick or a stone. Although viewed from a distance, it is quite imposing, but it is actually vulnerable.

Zhang Shun secretly complained, thinking: "I thought I was a genius, a great talent. Who knows that just a simple army of thousands of people can make a mess, and I don't know if it can be used to attack the county seat? If it is attacked by others Cutting, is a joke through the ages."

And a few days later, the flood receded slightly. From Guangwuling to Beimang Mountain, the water gradually becomes shallower. Therefore, Zhang Shun ordered Wukong to use the "dog planing style" to avoid water to explore it, and found that he could cross people.

So, by the way, Zhang ordered Zhao Lizi to take his men who were good at water to swim to Beimang Mountain, and then went north along the mountain to investigate Mengjin City.

This Mengjin city was originally near the ferry, but because of the invasion of the river, it was moved to twenty miles west of the old city in the thirteenth year of Jiajing. The territory of Henan has not heard of military incidents for a long time, and the defense is lax. Zhao Lizi and others went to investigate the city, and saw that the city was filled with hungry people, and no one could be rescued, everyone was waiting to be fed.

Two days later, when the flood receded slightly, Zhang left Ma Daochang to guard the food and young and strong family members by the way, and led two hundred soldiers, Wukong, Zhao Yutou, Chen Jindou, Liu Yinggui and others to steal the city.

It's the end of the ugly era, when people and horses are exhausted. Zhao Lizi led the scouts who had ambushed in the city ahead of time, killed the guards, opened the city and let Zhang Shun and others enter the city.

At the beginning, the matter went very smoothly, but when the crowd broke into the Yamen, the county magistrate sneaked away. While Zhang Shun sent Chen Jindou to hunt down the county magistrate, he asked Zhao Lizi to lead them to the granary to seize Mengjincang.

Who would have thought that due to the flood in Mengjin, the county magistrate was afraid that the hungry people would grab the grain, so he had arranged manpower to guard the granary. At this time, there were more than 20 people in Kuli, and the forty or fifty archers who had been withdrawn from the inspection department were all in Kuli.

Zhang Shun attached great importance to Zhao Yutou's talent and wanted to promote him, so he ordered him to lead the army to fight. However, Zhao Yutou's men lacked weapons, most of them were sticks, so they couldn't resist. He was killed by Kuzi's archers, and Zhao Yutou was almost killed by the archers. But Zhao Yutou's subordinates, young and strong, had no fighting spirit at all, so they dispersed immediately.

In desperation, Zhang Shun had no choice but to order Wukong to clear the way, and led Zhang Sanbai and Zhang Wuhao to fight. Wukong is very cruel, these miscellaneous generals are no opponents, they are beaten by Wukong one by one, they are frightened and frightened, and they can't stay behind closed doors.

Just at this time, Zhang Shunben was waiting to go all out and break into the treasury. I heard the noise behind and left, and my men were young and strong. Zhang Shun looked back, but the county magistrate rushed over with twenty or thirty yamen servants.

Zhang Shun was not afraid of him, so he brought Zhang Sanbai and Zhang Wuhao to resist. Who would have thought that this fight was wrong, the opponent's twenty or thirty yamen servants actually killed them so that they retreated steadily.

It turns out that Henan produces four kinds of characteristic elite soldiers, namely Henan wool gourd and miners, Shaolin monk soldiers, and Kaifeng government government conscripts. The county magistrate used to work in Kaifeng Prefecture, and later moved to Meng County, so he casually hired the elite soldiers he used to use. This is the legendary "Ya Conscript" of Kaifeng Mansion,

These "yamen conscripts" went to the battlefield and risked their lives, not something that Zhang Shun's improvised young men could resist. Zhang Shun hurriedly shouted: "Zhang Sanbai, when will you wait if you don't send out at this time? Quickly shoot this thief county magistrate with me!"

Zhang Sanbai listened, took down his bow and arrow, put on the bow and shot. The heavy bow of three hundred catties was bent like a full moon by him with a creak, and there was only a loud buzzing sound, and one person in the opposite crowd fell down in response. Zhang Shun saw that he was just an ordinary yamen servant, and said angrily, "If you were told to shoot that county magistrate, why would you shoot someone else?"

"I was originally a circus performer, but I only drew a strong bow, but I never shot an arrow!" Zhang Sanbai replied helplessly.

Hearing this, Zhang Shun almost vomited blood and died: Don't let me lose the chain at this critical moment! I thought you were a good-looking marksman with a longbow on your back. That's it? Is a god "shooter"? Can't help shouting: "The matter has come to this, you can't sit and wait for death, what else can you do?"

"I think they are quite afraid, how about I shoot a few more arrows?" Zhang Sanbai asked cautiously.

"What are you talking nonsense? Who told you to stop? Quickly shoot!" Zhang Shun said angrily.

In fact, they didn't know that this strong bow of three hundred catties was rare in the world. Although the yamen soldiers in Kaifeng Mansion were capable, they had never seen such sharp arrows. Zhang Sanbai's arrow just now pierced through two people, but the scene was chaotic and they didn't know it.

Zhang Sanbai fired a few more arrows, although some were hit and some were missed, the Yamen soldiers were too frightened to move forward. Just at this time, Wukong and others occupied the warehouse and rushed to help. Wukong was born with supernatural power and high martial arts skills. When he swung the big iron stick, those who blocked him were either killed or injured or had their tendons broken and fractured. How can the county magistrate and government soldiers resist? Immediately wanted to escape.

Zhang Shun refused to let the tiger go back to the mountain, fearing that the county magistrate would turn around and organize an attack, so he chased after him closely while ordering Zhang Sanbai to shoot him with an arrow. But Zhang Sanbai's head was too stinky, he shot more than a dozen arrows, but his arms were sore and he couldn't hit it. Fortunately, Chen Jindou chased the county magistrate here at this time, and just stopped the county magistrate's way back.

Just as the so-called trapped beasts are still fighting, the county magistrate led the government servants to make a desperate assault. Only Chen Jindou and his followers were beaten up, screaming and screaming. Seeing that there were not enough stops, the county magistrate Mengjin was about to escape.

It's too late, but it's fast. A stone flew from nowhere, hit the county magistrate on the back and knocked him to the ground. The county magistrate struggled and was about to run, but he was surrounded by several young and strong men, and they captured Zhang Shun with a heavy punch. It turned out that Wukong picked up a stone from nowhere and threw it. Zhang Shun couldn't help but patted Wukong happily and said: You are really my lucky general.

Besides, this guy looks quite heroic. He was good at charging into the battle just now, but he didn't expect that he was a coward. When he saw Zhang Shun, he just shed tears in pain and grabbed the land with his head, hoping to survive. Zhang Shun didn't pay any attention to him, but ordered each of them to gather their followers and go to the granary.

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