Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1200 Zhu Xieyuan’s Judgment

"Yang Sichang was defeated?" Zuo Zhuguo and Zuo Governor Zhu Xieyuan, who were nearly seventy years old, felt a thump in their hearts when they heard this, and said to themselves: It's broken!

Zhu Xieyuan was indeed a famous general who managed the five southwestern provinces, and he immediately realized that something was wrong.

"What's the matter, Superintendent?" Yang Wenyue, the new governor of Shanxi, couldn't help but wonder when he saw Zhu Xieyuan's expression.

"Something is wrong!" Zhu Xieyuan couldn't help shaking his head and asserted.

"Although Yang Sichang is not a famous general, he has traveled through prefectures and counties and served as the central government. He has gained a lot of experience. Even if he cannot defeat ordinary thieves, he will not be defeated."

"And Zhu Dadian has been the governor of Shandong and the governor of water transportation for many years. He has experienced the Denglai Rebellion and the battle to recapture Fengyang. He is also a veteran in military affairs. How can he injure most of them in one battle?"

"It is said that Yang Sichang, Zhu Dadian and others were unable to attack Huaiqing Mansion. Suddenly they heard that the thieves had suddenly arrived, so they had no choice but to go their separate ways." Yang Wenyue couldn't help but explain after hearing this.

"Then Yang Sichang crossed the river and returned to Qinghua Town, while Zhu Dadian retreated along the Qinshui River towards Wuzhi."

"Unexpectedly, a bandit chief suddenly led his troops to cut off his return route. The bandits' army also arrived, and they were surrounded by the Qinshui bank."

"The officers and soldiers lined up with their backs against the water and fought until late, but the thieves could not break through."

"Unexpectedly, the thieves Hongyi's cannons have arrived. They hit them with cannons, and all of them were shattered. Some soldiers mutinied inside, and they attacked from both inside and outside, resulting in a great rout of the officers and soldiers."

"The thieves took the opportunity to cover up the massacre for thirty miles. The corpses of the officers and soldiers were scattered on the pillows, and the Qinshui was completely red. I have never suffered such a defeat since I lost Shaanxi."

"No, that's not what I'm talking about!" Zhu Xieyuan shook his head and reminded.

"Previously Yang Sichang said that the thieves led thousands of elite troops to cross the river and take a look at Shanxi. Now it seems that this is not true!"

"Oh? How do you say this?" Yang Wenyue was stunned when he heard this and couldn't help but wonder.

"No matter how ferocious the thief is, how can one be equal to ten?" Zhu Xieyuan frowned when he heard this. He had already said this, but Yang Wenyue still didn't understand the meaning?

"From what I can tell, the number of thieves is not more than ten thousand, but should be thirty or forty thousand!"

"This" Yang Wenyue's expression suddenly changed after hearing this, "Superintendent, you are what you are saying."

"Do the thieves intend to seize Shanxi, or even go north to the capital Shuntian Mansion?"

"This is why I care about the country!" Zhu Xieyuan couldn't help but sigh.

"In the past, I fought with Yang Sichang not for profit. I only considered obeying the thieves. According to the stronghold of Xiaohan, we supported the land of Yongzhou. The monarchs and ministers stood firm to have a glimpse of the Zhou Dynasty. They had the intention to sweep the world, encompass the whole world, and encompass the four seas, annexing eight Heart of Desolation'!"

"If this is the case, the battle will not be small, the soldiers will not be small, the plan will not be in Hanoi, and the ambition will not be in Jin and Henan!"

When Yang Wenyue heard this, he still didn't understand what Zhu Xieyuan meant?

"Are you saying that the thieves want to break through Shanxi, encircle the north, and take the capital directly?"

"That's right! If I save him, the thieves will use an army of 100,000 to compete with me for the land in Shanxi." Zhu Xieyuan frowned and said.

"What should we do now? But we need to support the right governor and others?"

"The thieves who are launching a large-scale attack now are just a sidestep. There should be an army of 60,000 to 70,000 men watching eagerly, waiting for an opportunity to attack our Shanxi!"

"This... what should I do?" Yang Wenyue couldn't help but become anxious after hearing this.

As the saying goes: A wise woman cannot make a meal without rice. How could the new Shanxi Governor Yang Wenyue not know the real situation in Shanxi Town when he took office?

Among the three towns in Xuanda, Xuanfu and Datong are the most important. Shanxi Town is just a second-tier border town.

However, this border town has just experienced the defection of the former governor of Shanxi and the surrender of the Shanxi general army, and it has become increasingly weak.

After counting and verification by the new governor Yang Wenyue, it was found that there were more than 10,000 people in Shanxi Town, and most of them were located in the three important places of Biantou, Ningwu and Yanmen.

Excluding the two to three thousand garrison troops stationed at Fenglingdu, Pubandu and Yumendu, there was not a single soldier under Yang Wenyue's command.

Even if we add Zhu Xieyuan's Biao Battalion and Luo Xiangqian's battalion, and Baoding General Liu Guozhu's battalion, the total number is only 20,000. How can we deal with 60,000 to 70,000 thieves?

"One needs to speed up the city repairs as soon as possible, and you are responsible for this; one needs to ask Xuanda Governor Zhang Fengyi to lead troops to support as soon as possible, and I am responsible for this; and the other needs to support Yang Sichang, Zhu Dadian and others to stabilize the situation, and I am going to send the Baoding General Soldier Liu Guozhu is going." Zhu Xieyuan had already made up his mind and couldn't help but give instructions one by one.

"Okay, that's very good!" Yang Wenyue, the governor of Shanxi, thought for a long time after hearing this, and found that he could not say a word. He couldn't help but admire Zhu Xieyuan.

Then just when Yang Wenyue admired Zhu Xieyuan very much, he didn't know that Zhu Xieyuan also admired "thief chief Zhang Shun" privately.

Still failed, the opportunity chosen by the thief was too good, and the officers and soldiers had no time to mobilize enough troops.

As a result, Hedong and Hanoi were empty, which made Zhu Xieyuan very uncomfortable.

"Zhang Fengyi, Zhang Fengyi, I'm afraid the Ming Dynasty is just a thought away from you!" Zhu Xieyuan pondered for a long time, but he was still short of resources and had to place his hope in Xuanda Governor Zhang Fengyi.

To be honest, if the rebels had not provoked disputes in Kaifeng Mansion and Huaiqing Mansion, the Ming court had created a new post of governor of Baoding just in case, and Xuanda Governor Zhang Fengyi would have been the natural commander of the troops in the three towns.

However, just when Zhu Xieyuan, the left governor, placed his hope in Zhang Fengyi, the governor of Xuanda, Zhang Fengyi himself was in a dilemma.


It turns out that although the two towns of Datong and Xuanfu had about 200,000 soldiers and horses, they actually only had 150,000 or 60,000 soldiers.

Among these 150,000 to 60,000 soldiers and horses, tens of thousands more were transferred to Liaodong to serve as guest troops. Most of them had to garrison fortresses and cities, and only 20,000 could actually be used.

With only 20,000 mobile troops, Xuanda Governor Zhang Fengyi also needed to guard against threats from the Tatars and the Northern Bandits, so he had more than enough to defend but not enough to attack.

Therefore, after receiving Zhu Xieyuan's letter requesting support, he was unable to reply for a long time. He was really in a dilemma and couldn't make a decision.

"Report~ The left governor Zhu Xieyuan has written again, claiming that the 'thieves' want to invade in a large scale and seize the entire town of Shanxi. He requests the military gate to lead the army and go south to support as soon as possible. The late one will regret it too late!" At this time, another staff member hurriedly rushed. Rushing in to report.

"I know!" Zhang Fengyi smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"He has his difficulties, and I also have my difficulties! More than 100,000 troops from the imperial court have gathered in Jiliao, and they are on guard against Hou Jin. How can there be any spare strength!"

Things are so ridiculous. The Ming Dynasty, apart from the troops stationed in various places, the actual field troops that can be mobilized are probably only a hundred thousand.

And these 100,000 people were scattered like pepper noodles in the three towns of Henan, Nanzhi, Baodi, Denglai, and Xuanda, as well as Jiliao and Changping.

Unable to gather together for a while, the Ming court wanted to compete with the thieves, but it was impossible to fight to the death.

"Reply to Superintendent Zhu Xieyuan and tell him that I have trained 20,000 elite troops and can go south at any time." Zhang Fengyi couldn't help but calmly said.

"The premise is that I have to see the people and see the thieves attacking in large numbers, and then I can use the troops, otherwise there is no need to discuss anything!"

Zhang Fengyi has been the Minister of the Ministry of War for many years. He has long been aware of the situation in the Ming Dynasty and the public.

At the same time as he was replying to Zhu Xieyuan, the left governor, he sent an early letter to the emperor, requesting Emperor Chongzhen Zhu Youjian: Be ready to mobilize the guest troops stationed in Jiliao and other places to guard against the Hou Jin Dynasty at any time to participate in the possible outbreak of Shanxi The great war was a decisive battle that ultimately decided the fate of the Ming Dynasty.

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