Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1415 Bombing and Killing

"Boom boom boom!"

On a small mound not far from the east side of the rebel camp, there were two large, three small and five red cannons arranged there.

With a loud and uneven sound, the five Hongyi cannons suddenly retreated seven or eight feet under the powerful recoil.

"Did you get hit? Did you get hit?" Gushan Beizi Bolo couldn't help but ask.

"I don't know." An older Han stared at the bright lights in the rebel camp for a long time, then shook his head helplessly.

"It was so dark that I couldn't see where the shells went."

Although nightfall affected the rebels' artillery investment, it also seriously affected Houjin's side.

This time, although there was guidance from the fire of Zhang Shun's camp, the impact point of the cannonball could not be seen at all. Even if the gunner wanted to calibrate the cannon, he could not calibrate it.

"Isn't it said that everything is indestructible? Isn't it said that everything is invincible? How many rounds have you fought, how come you can't even hit a target one or two miles away?" Bolo couldn't help but angrily yelled.

"I never said that!" The older gunner quickly retorted, "You asked me to fight anyway, so I didn't guarantee anything."

"If you think my level is not good enough, you can replace me at any time. I won't say anything."

It turned out that Houjin's "Wuzhen Chaoha" and "Sanshun King" never arrived, and there were no qualified gunners in the camp.

In desperation, Hou Jin spent a lot of money to recruit Ming army gunners to operate these Hongyi cannons.

It turned out that the Ming army gunner was also a "two-handed sword". The cannon fired upside down and made a loud noise, but once the cannon was fired, it was unclear where the shells went.

"Damn it!" Bolo was furious after hearing this, but in the end he had no choice but to do anything.

Why do you think Mrs. Hong came up with such a plan?

It turns out that this guy believed in the bullshit of "Wuzhen Chaoha" Zuo Gushan Shitingzhu, Ma Guangyuan and "Three Shun Kings" Kong Youde, Geng Zhongming, and Shang Kexi, and thought that the red barbarian cannon was extremely powerful.

Of course, based on the results of everyone's audition, Na Hongtai was convinced of this.

Therefore, in the original history, Hong Taihui led this group of men and forty Hongyi cannons to besiege Songshan next year.

As a result, after being taught a lesson by Jin Guofeng, the deputy commander-in-chief of the Ming Army, he realized that these birdmen were exaggerating.

Although this thing is powerful, it is not that powerful yet.

However, in the current world line, Hong Tai has not suffered this loss yet, and was hit hard by the rebel artillery. Naturally, he unintentionally overestimated the power of the Hongyi cannon.

In fact, the Hongyi cannons cast in this era had large play and no rifling, so they were quite useful if used to attack cities.

But if it is used to attack point targets, the accuracy is really worrying.

Not to mention now, even in the Napoleonic era of later generations, if you want to use it to bombard other artillery positions, you will often waste many shells, and the opponent will remain unscathed.

It was dark now, and it was impossible to observe the impact point of the cannonball and make corrections. If the cannonball hit, there would be something wrong.

"General, as far as I can see, the two big ones are okay, but the three small ones only make a sound and can't reach there at all." The older gunner hesitated and couldn't help but suggest. .

"Instead of doing this, it is better to use two large cannons to avoid wasting gunpowder and shells."

It turns out that the three-sided, 500-pound Hongyi cannon is an early imitation of the field cannon of the Ming Dynasty. It is also called a "Western cannon" and is roughly copied from European artillery such as the "Little Falcon Cannon".

This artillery weighs five hundred kilograms, has a caliber between 54mm and 70mm, and can fire three kilograms of iron bullets.

The effective range of this kind of artillery is only about 140 or 50 steps. Any further and the shells will fly nowhere.

"Can't reach it? If it can't be reached, add gunpowder!" Bolo didn't care.

He only knew that if he allowed the "submissive thief" to live until dawn, when "Your Majesty" asked him, he would not tell him any truth about whether he could reach or not.

"Then...okay!" The Ming Army always liked to use double charges, or even triple charges. The Ming Army gunners were already accustomed to this, so after hearing this, they took three portions of charges and added them to the gun barrel one by one.

"Fire!" The old gunner waited until his aim was almost ready before giving the order.

"呲呲呲..." The sparks flickered in the night and soon disappeared.

Bolo was already quite familiar with this. It was the fuse burning into the barrel of the gun, and he quickly blocked both ears with his fingers.


The deafening sound of artillery came as promised, and it was completely different from what Gushan Beizibo Luo had imagined. At the same time as the sound of the cannon, there was also a scream.

"The chamber is exploding, the chamber is exploding!" The surviving gunner was frightened to death and couldn't help shouting.

Yes, it exploded!

Compared with the Ming army, which prefers double charges, European gunners are more accustomed to half charges or full charges.

This time, the gunner added three times the charge in one breath. This imitating European-style artillery would be crazy if it didn't explode the chamber.

"Where's the old master? Where's the old master?" Bolo was stunned when he heard this, and couldn't help but asked angrily, "How can you do this!"

"Old Fu...Old Fu has been blown up to death!" Bolo shouted for a long time but no one answered, and finally someone muttered.

"What!" Bolo's whole body went cold when he heard this. He had a gunner who knew how to observe and aim - in fact, his aim was not accurate.

How can we still fight this battle if the old master is gone?

"Actually...actually, it's all about blindness and blindness. Instead of doing this, why not...why not be blind again?" Some people were afraid that this guy would get angry out of humiliation, so they couldn't help but suggest.

"Ah? Okay, okay, then you keep firing!" Bolo was stunned when he heard this, and suddenly realized something.

The "Emperor of the Qing Dynasty" Hong Tai personally named him and asked him to command the sniper kill of "Chief Shun". Now "Chief Shun" was unharmed, but he injured several gunners and lost a Hongyi cannon. What is this?

For these cannons, Hong Tai almost used 20,000 to 30,000 troops under his command.

Now he wants to run back and tell Mrs. Hong, "Your Majesty, this can't happen. The Hongyi cannon exploded and the gunner died. Why don't you let the army retreat and let's just pretend that this never happened!" "I guarantee that Mrs. Hong will skin him alive on the spot.

what to do?


Now that the matter has come to this, extending one's head is a sword, and shrinking one's head is also a sword. Simply let "Your Majesty" listen, which can be regarded as worthy of "Your Majesty's" "Long".

Thinking of this, Nagushan Beizi Boluo couldn't help but quickly ordered: "Continue, continue shooting. I swear to kill the 'shun thief' tonight to relieve the hatred in my heart!"

The gunners didn't know that this guy was trying to deceive others, and they said that he didn't understand what he meant. They were still waiting to say something, but they saw that he looked like he should stay away from strangers, so they had to give up.

Not long after, three or five gunners pushed the Hongyi cannon back again, loaded and fired one after another.

It's just that this time, everyone no longer dared to pretend to be so many medicines, they only dared to pretend half of it to fool themselves.

Since then, the shells have become increasingly unable to reach the tent of Zhang Shun's army. Where can they hit?

Unfortunately, at this time, Prince Su Hauge and Gushan Erzhen Turg were leading 20,000 to 30,000 troops to fight desperately with the rebels, hoping that their red cannons could kill the "shun thieves".

Who would have thought that the red cannon had already lost its chain, and it was impossible to "kill" Zhang Shun, and even the last one-ten thousandth chance was gone.

I'm not feeling well today. I only have one chapter. Please forgive me.

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