Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1431 Chiyou Village

"Shun thieves" set up camp in the ancient city? "After listening to the scout's report, Mrs. Hong couldn't help but frowned.

"Yes, it is located on the hill east of the ancient city!" The scout nodded.

"Tsk!" Hong Taiba smacked his lips and said a little sadly, "This thief is so vicious, he didn't even set up the camp on the other side of Fanshan Fort!"

It turns out that the direction of the Zhuo River was first north-south, then turned eastward at Zhulu Ancient City, and then turned northeastward at Fanshan Fort.

In other words, although Zhulu Ancient City and Fanshan Fort are located to the east and west, and are located on both sides of the Zhuoshui River, one is on this side of the Zhuoshui River and the other is on the other side of the Zhuoshui River. The two sides face each other in a lonely confrontation.

If the two sides want to fight, only one side can cross the Zhuo River first and then move towards the other side along the river bank.

This seems to be good news for Houjin, who has many cavalry.

However, the mound where the rebels camped happened to stretch for two or three miles along the north bank of Zhuo River, and the rebel camp was stationed here.

As a result, Hou Jin's cavalry could not sneak across the Zhuoshui River and threaten the rebel left flank from the east.

The terrain opposite Zhuolu Ancient City is relatively flat, which is just suitable for fighting between the two sides.

But since then, the Zhuoshui River has become a natural moat for the rebel camp, which made Hou Jin feel a little uncomfortable.

Of course, this alone is nothing. After all, the gentle terrain is conducive to cavalry galloping.

For Hou Jin, the most uncomfortable thing was that he occupied Fanshan Fort first and built relatively complete fortifications.

But he never thought that Zhang Shun's failure to set up camp according to his own ideas directly led to flaws in the original defense.

How come Mrs. Hong is such a tyrannical figure and can't figure out the secret behind it?

Since Zhang Shun was not led by him, he had to plug this flaw quickly.

Thinking of this, Mrs. Hong couldn't help but order: "Where is Turg? Immediately lead three elites to Longwangtang Village to be stationed, beware of 'shun thieves' cutting off my retreat!"

It turns out that Longwangtang Village is located four or five miles south of Fanshan Fort. It is a strategic military location between Fanshan Fort and Mashui Kou.

Since the Hou Jin soldiers went south, they have abandoned the Baoan New City area.

Now Bao'an Old City is threatening the passage between the two. Once the rebels are defeated in the battle, Hong Tai himself may not have the confidence to retake the city. Therefore, Ma Shui Kou south of Fanshan Fort has become the connection between the Hou Jin side and the outside. channel.

Not only that, even the logistical equipment in charge of the new Xiangbai Banner Gushan'er Zhenying Erdai also needs to be transported continuously from here, so there is no reason for Mrs. Hong to worry.

"What a 'submissive thief', what a ruthless method!" Mrs. Hong couldn't help but grinned with toothache and cursed.

"Your Highness, do you want...should our main force also move to Longwangtang Village?" Fan Wencheng pondered for a moment after hearing the words, and couldn't help but suggest.

"This... let's do it. It's said that Baya Lajia Lazhangjing Yildeng will take my Baya La camp, and I will go to Longwangtang Village with Turge to check the terrain!" Hong Tai hesitated for a moment, and couldn't help but finally gave the order. road.

"By the way, continue to increase the harassment of the 'shun thieves' and let them build their camp with peace of mind!"

In fact, the rebel camp had already been built by this time, and now they were busy building fortifications.

However, in this era, camps and fortifications were often integrated, so they were often collectively referred to as "camps".

When everyone responded, Mrs. Hong dragged her heavy body onto two horses and rushed all the way to Longwangtang Village.

Due to the lack of cavalry in the rebel army and being busy building fortifications, Hong Tai did not encounter any threats along the way and quickly arrived near Longwangtang Village.

Na Hongtai looked up and couldn't help but said with great joy: "What a place to go!"


It turns out that Longwangtang Village is located on the mountainside, surrounded by three old castles that have mostly collapsed, which is very convenient for defense.

Na Hongtai quickly ordered people to arrest the nearby people and drag them over for interrogation.

"Why are there three ruined castles here?" Na Hongtai asked casually while observing the nearby terrain.

"Reporting back to your Majesty, I really don't know the origin of this castle. I just heard word of mouth from the old people in the village that it is the Chiyou Village. It is the ruined castle left behind by the ancient sage king Huangdi when he fought against Chiyou." The little old man responded tremblingly when he heard the words.

"Chi You Village?" Hong Tai suspected that he was secretly cursing himself, but he had no evidence.

"So, is there a Huangdi Village nearby?"

" to your Majesty, there is no Huangdi Village nearby." The little old man shook his head and replied with a confused look on his face.

"It's's just Zhuolu City!"

"Zhuolu City? How come I haven't seen it before?" Mrs. Hong sneered when she heard this, "Old man, don't make fun of me, or I will punish you for the serious crime of deceiving the emperor!"

"Ah? Your Majesty, please forgive me. Please forgive me on behalf of the King. I don't know anything. Please forgive me..." The old man was immediately frightened and quickly begged Mrs. Hong for mercy.

"Tell me, where is Zhulu City?" As the leader of a party, Hong Tai's thoughts were naturally beyond the reach of this foolish man and woman.

In fact, when he heard the words "Zhuolu City", his heart couldn't help but jump, and an idea immediately came to his mind: Why don't I set up camp in Zhuolu City?

The battle of chasing deer is known to all women and children.

If I occupy Zhuolu City, the symbolic meaning can be imagined.

"Zhuolu City is on the other side of Zhuo River. From there, only seven miles to the northwest, your Majesty can see the remaining city..." The little old man couldn't help but trembled.

"How many miles?"


"Is it where the Zhuo River turns eastward?" Mrs. Hong had a bad premonition.

"Ah? Your Majesty, do you know?"

"Drag him out and chop him!"

"Ah? Your Majesty, spare your life, Your Majesty, please spare your life, ah..."


"Your Highness?" After a long while, Fan Wencheng couldn't help shouting.

"Why? Why!" It didn't matter if Fan Wencheng shouted, Mrs. Hong couldn't help but said angrily.

"Why did that 'shun thief' occupy the Yellow Emperor's City, and I can only occupy this Chiyou Village?"


Mrs. Hong felt like she was almost going crazy. She set up camp for no reason, and you were trying to crush me. How could there be such a thing in the world!

"Your Highness, please calm down. Your Highness, please calm down." Fan Wencheng couldn't help but quickly advised him.

""Wei Liaozi" says: Punishment is used to cut it down, virtue is used to defend it, it is not the so-called heaven official, time, yin and yang, and back. The Yellow Emperor is just a matter of personnel!"

The king of a country should conquer his enemies with force and govern the world with benevolence.

These so-called "Heavenly Officials, Time, Yin and Yang, and Xiangbei" are of no use. Even the real Yellow Emperor is just doing "human affairs".

"What you said is true, I'm just impatient!" Mrs. Hong couldn't help but nodded after listening to Fan Wencheng's words.

However, although he said he didn't believe it, it was unclear what he was actually thinking in his heart.

After all, there are two generations of father and son, one is named Tianming, and the other is named Tiancong, their intentions are clear!

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