Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1434 The art of hating victory

"Kill, kill." Teams of cavalry were walking in circles, fighting back and forth.

From time to time, a weak person was hit by an arrow and fell off his horse, not knowing whether to live or die.

Even the knight who shot his opponent couldn't help but raise his bow and sword to show off his power.

It turned out that where the rebel infantry was advancing, Zhang Shun had already sent a battalion of Fatty Zhang to protect the right wing of the rebel army.

Therefore, when Hou Jin Piangu's cavalry tried to cross the Banquan River and attack the rebel infantry, they were entangled by Zhang Fatty's cavalry.

And just when Hou Jin's cavalry could not get rid of the entanglement of Fatty Zhang's cavalry and could only look at the ocean and sigh, unable to cross the narrow Banquan water, the rebel infantry also calmed down and began to shoot at the approaching gunmen from the opposite side.

"Bang bang bang!" The sound sounded like fried beans, and for a while smoke enveloped the front lines of both sides.

"Fire, fire!" Following the order from Xu Quan, the commander of the Fire Gun Battalion, the rebel artillery sounded loudly again.

It stands to reason that the gunmen under Kong Youde are also elite, but the gunmen of the rebel army have no martial ethics at all.

You said shooting at each other is shooting at each other, but who said shooting at each other is limited to fire cannons?

It turned out that Xu Quan's fire gun battalion was very ungrateful and pulled out "field artillery" and "golden cannon" and fired a large number of cannonballs into the rear golden fire gunners' formation.

The densely packed shotguns were comparable to several volleys fired by a gunman, and suddenly a large area of ​​the "God Blessed Soldiers" gunman fell down instantly.

"Cannon, cannon, fight back against the 'submissive thieves'!" Kong Youde, the traitor, shouted with fear and hatred when he saw this.

Following his order, dozens of "Western artillery pieces" and "median artillery pieces" were pulled out from the "God Blessing Soldiers" array and began to fire back at the rebels.

But compared with the performance of the rebel artillery, it seems that Hou Jin's artillery is like paper, with loud thunder and light rain.

It turns out that although Kong Youde thought of "middle-door sniper confrontation", the caliber and quantity were not as good as others, so how could he survive?

With the blessing of more is better, bigger is beauty, caliber is justice, and within range is truth, Kong Youde's "God Blessed Soldiers" did not receive any blessing from God at all. Instead, they suffered heavy casualties under the attack of the rebels and returned in defeat. .

In fact, the battle between the two sides reached this point, and Xu Quan's Fire Gun Battalion also suffered one or two hundred casualties, and for a while it lost the ability to attack the city.

Therefore, under the aggressive threat of Hou Jin's cavalry, he had no choice but to return to the rebel camp under the cover of Fatty Zhang's cavalry battalion.

Mrs. Hong stood on the turret of the tall Fanshan Castle and watched for a long time. She had already seen it clearly.

He couldn't help but frowned and said: "The 'submissive thief' relies on nothing more than the river water. If I have nothing to do and can only passively be beaten, I wonder how you, sir, can teach me?"

After hearing this, Fan Wencheng observed for a long time, and couldn't help but see something bright and said: "The Zhuo River is strong, while the Banquan water is small; the Zhuo River is wide, and the Banquan water is narrow."

"Therefore, it is better to cover the river channel with soil as if it were a flat bottom, and then ride through it!"

"Cover the river?" Mrs. Hong couldn't help but smile slightly when she heard this, "Why bother?"

"In my opinion, it is better to destroy the ancestral temple and exterminate its descendants!"

"Your Majesty?" Fan Wencheng was startled when he heard this.

What does it mean to destroy its ancestral temple and exterminate its descendants?

There is only one place nearby that can be called an "ancestral temple", which is the Huangdi Temple in Banquan.

There is only one person who can be called a "Miao descendant", and that is "King Shun" who came from Chendi.

Just as "Guoyu" says: There is the Yu family who lived with the Yellow Emperor and their ancestor Zhuan Xu, and the Jiao Yao who was the ancestor of Shun;

Since ancient times, the Yu family and the Xiahou family are descendants of the Yellow Emperor, and they are known as authentic. The destruction of the Huangdi Temple naturally has the symbolic meaning of "destroying his ancestral temple".

Of course, Mrs. Hong wants to destroy more than just a Huangdi Temple?

He even wants to destroy the Hanquan Spring, which "does not freeze in winter and has sweet water quality", and destroys the entire root of China!

"Your is too much?" Fan Wencheng hesitated for a moment and couldn't help but remind him.

"No matter how beautiful the thing is, if it's not mine, what does it have to do with me?" Mrs. Hong couldn't help but sneered, and then ordered.

"Tomorrow at Yin Shi, we will bury the pots to make rice. We will set out at Mao Shi. We must destroy the Huangdi Temple and fill up Banquan at Chen Shi to curb the trend of 'successful thieves'!"

How did Zhang Shun know that Mrs. Hong was so cruel that he wanted to destroy the Huangdi Temple and destroy the water of Banquan Spring?

Let's talk about Xu Quan's great victory. After defeating Kong Youde's "God Blessed Soldiers", he returned to the rebel camp with great power.

Zhang Shun personally welcomed him to the suspension bridge, and selected brave warriors, dressed in red and colorful clothes, and went around the camp to show off their military prowess. For a while, the soldiers were only encouraged to fight and vowed to destroy the Tartars.

"Good guy, he's so ruthless, he's a man!" During the shooting exchange between the two sides, Hou Jin saw it clearly at Fanshan Fort, and the rebels also saw it clearly on the mound.

Originally, the rough guys in the rebel camp always looked down on him when they saw that Xu Quan was a scholar and led the Fire Gun Battalion, which was not good at close combat.

Now I saw him leading three thousand elite fire gunmen and the fire gunmen from the opposite side, firing fiercely at the gongs and drums for a long time, and I was already in awe of him.

"What God Blessed the Soldiers? Such a great reputation, but now it seems like they are just commonplace!" Xu Quan couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

"If a few brothers fight against each other, they might kill me more happily than my little brother!"

"Hey, you are a scholar, but your words are different. Hahaha!" Others couldn't help but cheered after hearing this.

Everyone was busy for a while, and after everyone arranged things in the camp, they left one after another.

Early the next morning, at dawn, Zhang was called by Zhang Fengyi.

"What's wrong, Fengyi?" Zhang Shun asked a little confused.

"Your Highness, Jianlu has sent out troops!" Zhang Fengyi reported to Zhang Shunhui seriously while wearing armor.

"I heard the report from the soldiers. The Houjin cavalry blockade was very tight. I couldn't detect many people at that time. They were probably the heavy troops led by the 'Sanshun King' and some of the elite cavalry of the captives."

"Looking from the camp, it seems that they are carrying more than ten Hongyi cannons!"

"Oh?" Zhang Shun suddenly woke up a lot after hearing this, and couldn't help but quickly stood up and said, "Okay, I finally can give it up, I want to see what tricks Jianlu wants to play!"

Not long after, Zhang Shun dressed neatly and braved the cool breeze in the morning. He climbed up to the observation tower and looked east. He saw Hou Jin soldiers meandering along the south bank of Banquan Spring.

There seemed to be more than ten red barbarian cannons among them, and one or two battalions of cavalry were wandering on the left wing, which looked menacing.

"Take the south gate of Banquanshui instead of the north of Zhuoshui?" Zhang Shun frowned and couldn't help but secretly thought, "What is Mrs. Hong's plan?"

According to the location of Zhang Shun's camp, it was obviously advantageous for the Hou Jin side to go north of the Zhuo River, but unfavorable to go south of the Zhuo River.

Although this time, the main force of Houjin advanced along the south bank of the Banquan River, avoiding the narrow strip between the two rivers, but still faced the obstruction of the Zhuo River.

"No, Your Highness, what does Jianlu want to do?" At this moment, Zhang Fengyi couldn't help but wonder when she saw that the Houjin Pioneer had resisted the Banquan area and stopped advancing, instead staying nearby.

"Banquan?" Zhang Shun looked puzzled for a moment and couldn't figure it out for a while.

"No, Your Highness, Jianlu is tired of winning!" Unexpectedly, Song Xiance suddenly screamed.

The so-called aversion to victory is an ancient curse technique, which is similar to methods such as stabbing villains and drawing circles.

In the original history, Ding Qirui dug up Li Zicheng's ancestral grave, dug out a snake and chopped it into pieces.

Zhang Shun also knew something about this, and couldn't help but wonder: "Jianlu went to Banquan, what are you prepared to win?"

"Of course I will destroy the Huangdi Temple, destroy the spring water in Banshan, and hate His Highness!" Song Xiance couldn't help but said anxiously.

"What?" Zhang Shun couldn't help being shocked when he heard this. I am a descendant of the Yan and Huang Dynasties, but how can I let those Xingshan people destroy the country of my ancestors?

"Where are Li Zicheng, Yang Chengzu, Li Guoliang, Jiang Xiang, Zhang Rujing, and Li Shi'an?"

"Immediately prepare to leave the camp to fight and prevent them from destroying our country and destroying our dragon veins!"

Of course, Zhang Shun does not believe in the "art of hating victory", but if the Banquan water is damaged by it, it will not only damage the four-thousand-year-old monument, but also destroy the favorable terrain between Zhuo Shui and Banquan water. How can he Tolerate?

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