Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1493 Taking over

"Is this Chongzhen?" Zhang Shun looked at Zhu Youjian, who was hanging on the tree with his neck crooked in front of him, and was silent for a long time.

"Your Highness Qizou, that's right!" Gao Qiqian responded with a weak voice.

One was his old master, and the other was his new master. For a moment, he had mixed feelings in his heart, and he didn't know what expression to make.

"After all, he is the king of a country. Let's choose an auspicious day to give him a grand burial!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but sigh.

Not only did Gao Qiqian have mixed feelings, Zhang Shun also had mixed feelings.

A Hong Tai and a Zhu Youjian are both well-known figures in history books.

However, in just a few days, these two people ended their lives one after another.

History has been changed, but I have become a historical figure.

The original historical figure died like this, just like ordinary people.

This made him involuntarily think of a saying: Even if there is an iron threshold for a thousand years, there will eventually be a soiled bun!

"Let's go back!" Zhang Shun sighed, turned to Li Jiyu and ordered.

"Yes!" Li Jiyu glanced regretfully at Zhu Youjian who was being taken down by the soldiers, and thought to himself: You are dead, and you still refuse to give me a fortune, but what's the point?

It turned out that Li Jiyu didn't have the courage to "kill a corpse and take credit for it" like Geng Zhongming, so when he discovered Zhu Youjian's body, he immediately reported it to Zhang Shun.

Zhang Shun, who had just entered the city, rushed over after hearing the news, and this was the beginning of the scene.

Meishan, later known as Jingshan, is located to the north of the Forbidden City.

Therefore, after everyone left Meishan, they entered the Forbidden City through the North Gate Shenwu Gate.

This Forbidden City is the so-called palace, which is roughly divided into two parts.

One part is the famous harem, which is occupied by the emperor, queen mother, empress, concubines and princes.

The other part is the front palace, which is mainly composed of three main halls for holding ceremonies and court meetings, as well as Wuying Hall, Wenhua Hall and other palaces where cabinet ministers work.

Except for the three grand palaces, the other palace rooms are not much different from many royal palaces except in shape, so there is nothing surprising about them.

Li Jiyu had made preparations in advance and wanted to take the opportunity to show off, but when he saw that Zhang Shun turned a blind eye to this, he immediately stopped thinking.

It's just that he knew that with his current achievements, it would be difficult for him to achieve elegance under Zhang Shun.

Li Jiyu rolled his eyes and couldn't help but ask with a look that you understand: "The general also captured some prisoners. I wonder if Your Highness is interested in taking a look?"

"Prisoner?" Zhang Shun's mind changed and he understood what Li Jiyu was planning.

Nowadays, given his status, every move he makes will be deliberately interpreted.

If he says "not interested", a tragic end may be waiting for these people.

"Okay, let's lead the way!" Zhang Shun nodded.

He followed Li Ji around and came to a palace guarded by soldiers.

Zhang Shun looked up and saw three big characters "Cining Palace" written on the palace.

Cining Palace? Zhang Shun was a little confused.

Although he didn't know where the emperor's concubines lived, he still knew that the empress dowager or empress dowager, who was the emperor's grandmother or mother, usually lived here.

Chongzhen is now in his mid-twenties, and the Queen Mother must be at least fifty years old.

Although he was lustful, he never said that he was lustful. Zhang Shun simply couldn't complain.

"Your Highness, please go in and take a look. In order to prevent the beauty from being offended, the general only asked his soldiers to guard the outside, and then selected a dozen strong women to guard the inside!" Li Jiyu couldn't help but explain quickly.

"Oh? Then I'll go in and have a look!" Although he seriously doubted this guy's aesthetics, Zhang Shun decided to go in and have a look.

When Zhang Shun entered, he quickly saw the female family members imprisoned together under the guidance of two strong women.

He saw only seven or eight young women and three or five children, imprisoned together with an old lady who was nearly eighty years old.

When those people saw Zhang Shun, they were like a mouse seeing a cat, and they huddled together in fear.

It turned out that that day was the 80th birthday of Princess Xuanyi, the concubine of Emperor Wanli.

At that time, many Empress Taichang and concubines died, but Concubine Li Kang, Li Xuan's servant who raised Tianqi and Chongzhen, was the protagonist of the "Palace Relocation Case" and was hated by others.

Therefore, the two emperors of Tianqi and Chongzhen thought that he was a generous man and welcomed him into Cining Palace to hold the empress dowager's seal.

In contrast to Concubine Li Kang, who had a bad character, Concubine Xuan Yi, who was kind and generous, was more respected in the palace, and she was favored by Queen Zhou in choosing her. Therefore, on this day, all the ladies gathered together to celebrate her birthday.

It was just that Zhu Youjian was busy with state affairs and forgot all about it, so he was caught all in one fell swoop.

Zhang Shun couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed when he saw it. He didn't know what to say even when he opened his mouth.

"You are the 'submissive thief.'" At this moment, a clear girl's voice rang out from the crowd, which frightened a woman next to her almost to death and quickly covered her mouth.

When Zhang Shun heard the news, he saw a little girl about five or six years old. She was pink and jade-like and very cute.

Of course, humans are visual creatures.

Naughty and mischievous children like this are called cute babies if they look cute, and they are called naughty children if they look average.

This little girl was obviously the former, so Zhang Shun didn't make any fuss. Instead, he showed a kind smile and said: "Children's words are unbridled, children's words are unbridled..."

However, before he finished speaking, his eyes were involuntarily attracted to the appearance of the woman who was covering her mouth.

Nowadays, Zhang Shun can be regarded as a well-informed person. Li Xiang, Ma Yingniang, Hong Niangzi and others in his family are all national beauties. It stands to reason that they should have got rid of the level of being confused by beauty.

However, the fact slapped him in the face, and he was stunned for a moment.

Her complexion was as white as jade, like a bright spring, and her white clothes were dimmed by three points against his complexion.

If the little girl is still as beautiful as jade, the beauty in front of her is really a "jade beauty".

Looking at her face again, I can see that her eyes are like spring water, her eyebrows are as dark as the distant mountains, her face is as pink as peach blossoms, and her lips are as red as red roses. She alone makes the whole world spring.

Fortunately, Zhang Shun was well-informed and quickly woke up from his trance.

The pink skull, the white bones and flesh, is nothing but a stinky skin!

Zhang Shun shook his head and expelled the woman's appearance from his mind. He also looked at the other women and found that there were three or four outstanding-looking women among them.

Tsk tsk, this old boy Zhu Youjian has a very high level of aesthetics, he can almost surpass Hong Tai by eight steps!

However, just as Zhang Shun was looking at these women wantonly, the old lady who was nearly eighty years old suddenly stood up and blocked his gaze, scolding: "Discourteous!"

If ordinary people ate and drank this, they would either retreat in shame or become angry.

As a result, Zhang Shun ate and drank, but he looked away very naturally, and said with an apology: "I'm sorry, I was distracted for a moment, and I was rude. Everyone, I don't know what to call this old lady?"

"You know some etiquette!" After hearing this, the old lady looked Zhang Shun up and down, sneered, and didn't respond to him.

Zhang Shun was not sure for a moment whether he was praising him or sarcastic. He could only smile and talk to himself: "I am what you often call a 'Shun thief'. Coming here today is just a routine matter."

"You also know that the people under my command are a mixed bag, and I am afraid that I will offend you."

"Just tell me what you want to do with us!" Just as Zhang Shun was explaining incessantly, a woman with a somewhat heroic face and a somewhat stubborn face stopped in front of Zhang Shun and said.

"It's not that bad!" Zhang Shun wasn't upset after hearing this. He just smiled and assured them, "Everyone, just put your hearts in your stomach. With me here, no one dares to touch you!"

Beautiful, really beautiful!

However, Zhang Shun is not a lustful ghost. There is no need to sleep with each other and think about problems with a small head instead of a big head.

He now understood everything, and thought to himself: These people should be Chongzhen's family members.

These people may have queens, noble concubines, or other strange women.

However, these people do not necessarily belong to themselves.

Thinking of this, Zhang Shun suddenly felt that his baby hidden under his robe suddenly grew taller, and a sense of moral superiority emerged spontaneously.

So, Zhang politely bid farewell to everyone and quietly withdrew.

"Your Highness, how are you?" Li Jiyu couldn't help but ask with expectation.

Villain, villain, no wonder Confucius said, "The villain hides his chirp"!

Zhang Shun despised Li Jiyu in his heart, and then seriously gave the order: "You have to take good care of these people. No one is allowed to be rude, and no one is allowed to seek an opportunity to hang himself. Violators will be subject to military law!"

Zhang Shun made it clear to him, and Li Jiyu also made it clear to him.

As soon as Zhang Shun left, he quickly called out the strong women and asked, "Who are they?"

The healthy women looked at each other and quickly informed Li Jiyu of the women who caught Zhang Shun's gaze the most.

Not to mention Li Jiyu's calculations, let's say that after Zhang Shun left Cining Palace, he came to Qianqing Palace and sat on the dragon chair where Zhu Youjian often sat.

While he directed a few selected young eunuchs and palace maids to collect documents and memorials in the palace and store them in categories for later use, he also issued orders to deal with the aftermath based on reports from various places.

When the work was almost over, he was still thinking about Hou Gongji who opened the city gate and Ding Kuichu who was hiding outside the capital city, and dealt with them separately.

By the time everything was settled, it was already dark inside the Qianqing Palace.

Exhausted both physically and mentally, Zhang Shun couldn't help but pat the dragon chair he sat on, and sighed: "I really don't know how difficult it is to sit in this position!"

Since most of the eunuchs and maids were under control, no one came forward to serve.

Only when Li Jiyu brought him food did Zhang Shun fill his stomach.

"Your Highness, where are you going to sleep soon?" Li Jiyu couldn't help but ask.

"Let's go to the Yangxin Palace!" Zhang Shun said casually.

This Yangxin Hall is located on the west side of Qianqing Palace and was mainly used as a resting place for the emperor.

Now that the country has changed hands, Zhang Shun naturally accepted it with a smile.

After a rough wash, Zhang Shun, who had not been able to sleep well for several days, was already exhausted both physically and mentally.

He didn't ask anyone to wait on him. He groped his way into the Nourishing Heart Hall, found the bed, and got in.


As soon as Zhang Shung entered the bed, he touched a soft body.


It happened that he had just accumulated a ball of evil fire during the day, so he imagined the face of the woman during the day, held her in his arms, and thought to himself:

This Li Jiyu is really sensible!

Today is the winter solstice, so it makes sense for Zhang Shun to have a meal of dumplings, right?

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